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Need help modding fall damage and speed


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I have been reading and looking through posts for an hour and maybe it's me (fully aware of that...haha) but I cannot find any help on how to mod not receiving or mitigating the damage I receive when I fall and also trying to mod how fast I can run. Could some please provide some guidance? Thank you in advance!!!

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I have been reading and looking through posts for an hour and maybe it's me (fully aware of that...haha) but I cannot find any help on how to mod not receiving or mitigating the damage I receive when I fall and also trying to mod how fast I can run. Could some please provide some guidance? Thank you in advance!!!


I'm not much of a modder, but I saw your posts in the starvation mod thread about changing exosuit armor speed bonus so I did a bit of looking around and found something out here:




In that thread Gazz show a way to change movement speed, after seeing that, in my starvation mod install, I tried to add in the buffs.xml at the exospeed I wrote:

<modify id="0" stat="speedmodifier" modifyMaxValue="10"/>

<modify id="1" stat="speedmodifier" modifyValue="7"/>


so it look like that now:

<buff id="exoSpeed" duration="0" name_key="exoSpeed">

<modify id="0" stat="stamina" amount="15" rate="1" />

<modify id="0" stat="speedmodifier" modifyMaxValue="10"/>

<modify id="1" stat="speedmodifier" modifyValue="7"/>


After doing the modification I tried to use the exosuit and I was very fast so it worked.

I have no idea if this is going to cause other problems somewhere in the mod, but it work.


For the fall damage I have no idea what you need to do since I didn't look into that.

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Wow thank you so much! It worked great. Really appreciate the time you took to help.

I found it amazing with all the modding going on we could only find that same 1 post.

I think my problem was I didn't have this line in the buff at all <modify id="0" stat="speedmodifier" modifyMaxValue="10"/>

Which makes sense because I went over my movement many times with and without the suit and it was identical speed.

Last point for anyone else that tries this I had to take a piece of the exosuit off (I did the chest armor) and put it back on for it to work and secondly I found that this value was a more realistic speed <modify id="1" stat="speedmodifier" modifyValue="2"/> 7 was crazy fast


Totally surprised no one is trying to mod fall damage with the suit on. I liked that in Fallout so I wanted to replicate it. If I find it I will re-post to this one.

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I'm happy I was able to help you, but maybe alpha 17 will make it easier to do more I don't know.


I know what I wrote work, but i'm wondering if it would still work with "mulValue="XX"" instead of "modifyValue="XX"" but still keeping the



XX just mean whatever number I decide to use.


other edit:I used the modifyValue=7 simply because I wanted to make it very obvious that my speed was faster for my past test.


Edit: I just tried it and yes using "mulValue="XX"" instead of "modifyValue="XX" also work as long as you have the "modifyMaxValue" line.

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Gazz gets all the credits =)





I wanted to see your utube would luv to see the holy grail. I am interested in what you have done. I will try it manually but if that was supposed to be a link it doesn't work. Not complaining just letting you know.

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