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Sleepers, sleepers and even more sleepers...


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I would like to revive a very big and controversial topic which is about sleepers.


Reading through the forums and coming up with various ideas led me to think about the possibility of altering the time sleepers spawn. As much as people are fed up with sleepers spawning and respawning, i would like to tackle the second notion for the purpose of making POIs "cleanable". This would open up so many different possibilities (new modes of playing), but also change the game itself. As sleepers are only a part of the game, whereas still a smaller one (with 7 day hordes and walking hordes taking more attention) i think this would be beneficial.


I'm sure more experienced modders and players could add some input here, but i have checked the XML files (config files for overall settings, but checked some prefabs also) and there is no option to alter in any way respawning (or the timer for it). Perhaps i am missing something, but i guess this mechanic is hardcoded into the game itself and cannot be changed.


It would be great to know if such a feature can be added to tweak the sleeper respawn times, even if only in XML files or if we can already expect it in A17.

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Yeah it would be great if this were an in-game option, similar to loot respawning, or at least moddable.


I like the idea of "cleaning" poi's, and as you said it opens up possibilities gameplay wise. (Perhaps require the players to "unlock" traders by cleaning out x number of surrounding POIs, stuff like that.)

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I would like to revive a very big and controversial topic which is about sleepers.


Reading through the forums and coming up with various ideas led me to think about the possibility of altering the time sleepers spawn. As much as people are fed up with sleepers spawning and respawning, i would like to tackle the second notion for the purpose of making POIs "cleanable". This would open up so many different possibilities (new modes of playing), but also change the game itself. As sleepers are only a part of the game, whereas still a smaller one (with 7 day hordes and walking hordes taking more attention) i think this would be beneficial.


I'm sure more experienced modders and players could add some input here, but i have checked the XML files (config files for overall settings, but checked some prefabs also) and there is no option to alter in any way respawning (or the timer for it). Perhaps i am missing something, but i guess this mechanic is hardcoded into the game itself and cannot be changed.


It would be great to know if such a feature can be added to tweak the sleeper respawn times, even if only in XML files or if we can already expect it in A17.


So when you say "cleanable"... do you mean permanently?

After you kill all mobs ina building they never come back, kinda thing?

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If you tweak it properly yeah. I mean some form of changing the settings, so that when you kill all the sleepers and the count falls to 0 for a specific POI, no more sleepers will ever spawn there (the counter never resets). Of course you could handle it similarly like loot respawn - set to never, 5 days (default), 15 days, 30 days, etc. whatever you want, but it could be moddable.

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If you tweak it properly yeah. I mean some form of changing the settings, so that when you kill all the sleepers and the count falls to 0 for a specific POI, no more sleepers will ever spawn there (the counter never resets). Of course you could handle it similarly like loot respawn - set to never, 5 days (default), 15 days, 30 days, etc. whatever you want, but it could be moddable.


I wouldn't mind seeing this is a game mode where you're cleaning towns.

The eventual goal, clear the map of zeds.

That would be really great!

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I wouldn't mind seeing this is a game mode where you're cleaning towns.

The eventual goal, clear the map of zeds.

That would be really great!


I like the idea. I could also see horde nights and wandering hordes giving pois a chans to fill again. Simulating zombies getting stuck in a building they passed.

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I'm sure TFP have some great ideas how they want the game to evolve and many things of what people make up will never exist in 7DTD, just how every author of the idea think it's the new best thing that would revolutionize the game.


Still, i think this would change the game in so many ways... Like in a reply from another topic: Implementing a purpose behind cleaning POIs/towns with additional zombie counts added. You don't have to create their entities (and use up lots of memory), simply work the numbers, occasionally shifting it all around.


Still, this would need to be hardcoded foremost, along with events on how these numbers migrate def (if not defined in an xml).

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