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Duplication Bug ?


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Guess thats a yes for goreblock duping. Cause there will be no more gore blocks.




As far as I am aware the one where player #1 opens a chest and takes everything out, player #2 destroys the chest while player #1 still is in the loot window and there is now a bag on the ground with all the items player #1 already looted. Doubling the loot.


Not fixed unless it has been in this next patch. Extremely crappy if said group gets a hold of 1 expensive trader item and start duping it.

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As far as I am aware the one where player #1 opens a chest and takes everything out, player #2 destroys the chest while player #1 still is in the loot window and there is now a bag on the ground with all the items player #1 already looted. Doubling the loot.


Not fixed unless it has been in this next patch. Extremely crappy if said group gets a hold of 1 expensive trader item and start duping it.

The good server managers are able to prevent this.

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The good server managers are able to prevent this.




Perhaps but after-the-fact. This was on a botman hosted server around 9 months ago so unless something was changed that auto-bans on duping then it's the admins/owners nightmare of catching after possibly after a full night of people dupe raiding...this of course only has a REAL impact in pvp, pve'ers would just have to be upset about being griefed by skyscrapers collapsing etc...

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