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Hal's Prefab Editor


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Does this work with the latest version yet? Last time I tried the modded dll broke the "bbb" commands, ima just trying to use insert prefab comman.
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[QUOTE=icoblue;241460]Alright, having trouble adding a prefab to a dedi server. I haven't tried any fancy stuff yet, haven't even made a prefab using the editor. All I'm trying to do so far is add an existing prefab ("barn_01") to an XYZ location in a random gen MP dedicated server. The prefab already exists in the folder on the server (stock, plus I FTP browsed it to make sure it was there). I have editor installed on my PC, with access to my game install, files are modded, clicked "yes" to install the modified file on first run of the editor. When I go into my server, find a location, get the coords, and type "bbb insertprefab barn_01 X, Y, Z" OR "bbb ip barn_01 X, Y, Z" into the CHAT WINDOW (not the command window), the chat window closes like I had said something in game, but the command doesn't appear in the window as a "say", and the command doesn't do anything. I have waited 10 minutes (twice), I have logged off and back on, nothing appears to do anything. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'll admit I haven't read all 100 pages of this thread, but I have been reading the thread and trying stuff for three hours now, and I don't think I skipped over anything important. Is there something (besides the prefab itself) that needs to be installed on or run from the server? I'm lost.[/QUOTE] You need the dedicated server modified DLL running on the server. 1) Find the file called "Assembly-CSharp Dedicated.DLL" file in the prefab editor folder. 2) Copy the file to to the dedicated server. Directory: %InstallLocation%\7DaysToDie_Data\Managed 3) Rename the file called "Assembly-CSharp.DLL" to "Assembly-CSharp Backup.DLL" 4) Rename the file called "Assembly-CSharp Dedicated.DLL" to "Assembly-CSharp.DLL" 5) Turn off EAC in your serverconfig file 6) Reboot the server. [QUOTE=xxnamxx;241637]Does this work with the latest version yet? Last time I tried the modded dll broke the "bbb" commands, ima just trying to use insert prefab comman.[/QUOTE] The current version is running A11.2 b3. The latest version of the game is b4 so it's not the latest code but should be compatible. I will release an update for the latest version when I get some free time.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;241641]You need the dedicated server modified DLL running on the server. 1) Find the file called "Assembly-CSharp Dedicated.DLL" file in the prefab editor folder. 2) Copy the file to to the dedicated server. Directory: %InstallLocation%\7DaysToDie_Data\Managed 3) Rename the file called "Assembly-CSharp.DLL" to "Assembly-CSharp Backup.DLL" 4) Rename the file called "Assembly-CSharp Dedicated.DLL" to "Assembly-CSharp.DLL" 5) Turn off EAC in your serverconfig file 6) Reboot the server. The current version is running A11.2 b3. The latest version of the game is b4 so it's not the latest code but should be compatible. I will release an update for the latest version when I get some free time.[/QUOTE] Oh mine just says Loading BBB, so i wait 5 mins and still no commands work. I will try again later when back from work.
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Yeah doesn't look like any bbb commands work for me, just sits saying "bbb Reloading". Any ideas? I have re-downloaded my 7 Days to Die just in case and also tried reverting to A11.1 but no joy.
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Thanks for the reply, Mag. I tried replacing the AssemblyCsharp.dll on the dedi with the one that the prefab editor installed on my local install. The server started, but it never appeared in the server browser. Couldn't find it anywhere, and yes, I launched the client with the EAC off. Otherwise you get the creepy Bear Screen of Death. lol. I'll try again, but not holding much hope for round two. Hopefully HAL chimes in on this. [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] lol. Apparently I didn't reload the thread. I have a lot of replies to read. Sorry for the odd post.
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OK, I have another question already. In the prefab editor folder, I have "Assembly-CSharp Dedicated.DLL" and "Assembly-CSharpDedicated.DLL" [note the lack of a space in the second one] . Are these the same file? One is around 2MB, the other is around 3MB. Which one should I install to the dedi server?
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Well, I tried replacing "Assembly-CSharp.dll" with both "Assembly-CSharp Dedicated.DLL" and "Assembly-CSharpDedicated.DLL" from the prefab editor folder, renaming each to "Assembly-CSharp.dll" one at a time. With either file, the server 'starts', but must not be running correctly, because it never appears in the server browser. I wonder if Alloc's server fixes mods the same file? Could be messing with that mod when I replace the file? That's the only other mod I have installed on the server or my client.
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Got it. Alloc's Server Fixes must have been broken by installing HAL's Prefab Editor Assembly-CSharp.dll . I validated the server files to remove Alloc's Server Fixes, then reinstalled per HAL's instructions, and the server starts properly. Now I'm getting --bbb--this command can only be run by admins. More reading, I guess.
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@icoblu Allocs AC.dll isn't the same file like Hal's AC.dll !!! (both contains the maincode from TFP and their own addictions - or changes!!! ) Before Alpha11 i was able to install both of them - and game was working !!! But in these days - it does not work yet !!! So forget Allocs fixes at first ! As far as i know Allocs server fixes r only needed for the Admintool (from FRT) !!! Do u run this on ur PC too ??? (Cause i don't even get the admin-tool working probably too - since A11!) The "Assembly-CSharp Dedicated.DLL" has to be renamed to "Assembly-CSharp.DLL" !!! And then replace it with the original "Assembly-CSharp.DLL" in the /7DaysToDie_Data\Managed\ !!! Do this on your PC and on your server too. My Ac.dll is 3.158 KB big. Use this one !!! IMPORTANT NOTE: The editor is not fully up-to-date. In these days it runs for A11.2(b3) - But the game is already (b4) now !!! There r some Issues known. (Hal try to fix them, when he finds free time !) I was able to use the editor in offline-mode - and it worked (solala) THIS MEANS: Iam not sure if the editor is running 100% fine on online-servers yet !!! U should wait with server-works yet. (Or u import ur server-dates to a singleplayer-game manually - edit them - and export them to server again. This may be a little work - but works also !!!) Mag out
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[QUOTE=icoblue;242187]Got it. Alloc's Server Fixes must have been broken by installing HAL's Prefab Editor Assembly-CSharp.dll . I validated the server files to remove Alloc's Server Fixes, then reinstalled per HAL's instructions, and the server starts properly. Now I'm getting --bbb--this command can only be run by admins. More reading, I guess.[/QUOTE] Ahh, you must be a long time user of the editor. I thought I'd gotten rid of the dll without a space a long time ago. I'll add in a check to the next version and delete it if present. Just to be clear, it's the one WITH the space you want. Yes, Allocs fixes and my mod aren't compatible. Domonix is building a mod manager but I think it's SP only at the moment. Alloc's a dev so hopefully the fixes will become part of the vanilla game at some point. And once modding is officially supported we should have a mechanism to run multiple mods.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;241969]Post your log files. The game one and the one found in the BlockBackup folder[/QUOTE] Thank you, I didn't know there was a log file in the BlockBackup. Read it and fixed my issue by changing my steam name as it kept saying could not find steam name, if you interested my steam name WAS: |S.T.A.R.S| Lonewolf. Thanks.
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[QUOTE=drdead;244157]@Hal9000 Could you please supply me with the Prefab Converter A8-A9 (if exists). Can't find any source.[/QUOTE] There isn't a converter for A8-A9. [QUOTE=icoblue;244208]Any news on A11.3? I'm going to try it because none of my players can get on the server until I update it.[/QUOTE] Soon™ I decided to move away from modding the IL by hand and have written some code that will inject the mod into the new DLLs. Things are going well so far, I've one more method to sort out and then the A11.3 version will be ready for release. Hopefully this will also speed up the time needed to work on the world editor as a lot of the changes I've had to re-implement over the versions will be added to the automated process. And the adding in the change log of the code modding support for dedicated servers looks promising...
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[QUOTE=Donewell;245067]Cool got the tool working finally. Thanks for this awesome thing![/QUOTE] Glad you got it sorted Donewell. Have fun [QUOTE=Skier;246540]Are there various updated links to download this tool throughout the 102 pages of this thread, or does the download link on Page 1 always link to the latest version? -Skier[/QUOTE] The original download points to an old version but when you open the editor it will do a check for an update. It will display a message if it finds one and you can download it through the editor. You need an internet connection for this to work. Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;246586] The original download points to an old version but when you open the editor it will do a check for an update. It will display a message if it finds one and you can download it through the editor. You need an internet connection for this to work. Hal[/QUOTE] Perfect, thanks. I've seen it auto-update, but just wanted to make sure that was all I needed. Thanks again. :-) I tried to use it on my dedicated server last night, but no luck... But then again, it was 2-3AM, and I noticed this morning that I forgot to disabled EAC on the server side (I ran the non-EAC on the client side, but not the server), so I'll try again today. :-) Cool tool. BTW, On alpha 10, we briefly ran Navezgane on my server, then moved to a random gen map, and ran that until alpha 11 came out, but then decided to try fully exploring Navezgane on the new version before going back to a random gen map. Well, some of the guys didn't realize that that Navezgane is fairly small and we probably won't be playing it long term, and they started a big construction project, having just dug out an area in the desert that's like 50x50 and probably 12 deep (just the first layer needs over 2000 concrete and over 200 reinforced concrete, plus some wood crates, according to their plan), so I'm hoping to save their foundation as a pre-fab and move it to the random gen map when we make the switch. :-) -Skier
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[QUOTE=Magoli;242248]@icoblu Allocs AC.dll isn't the same file like Hal's AC.dll !!! (both contains the maincode from TFP and their own addictions - or changes!!! ) Before Alpha11 i was able to install both of them - and game was working !!! But in these days - it does not work yet !!! So forget Allocs fixes at first ! As far as i know Allocs server fixes r only needed for the Admintool (from FRT) !!! Do u run this on ur PC too ??? (Cause i don't even get the admin-tool working probably too - since A11!) The "Assembly-CSharp Dedicated.DLL" has to be renamed to "Assembly-CSharp.DLL" !!! And then replace it with the original "Assembly-CSharp.DLL" in the /7DaysToDie_Data\Managed\ !!! Do this on your PC and on your server too. My Ac.dll is 3.158 KB big. Use this one !!! IMPORTANT NOTE: The editor is not fully up-to-date. In these days it runs for A11.2(b3) - But the game is already (b4) now !!! There r some Issues known. (Hal try to fix them, when he finds free time !) I was able to use the editor in offline-mode - and it worked (solala) THIS MEANS: Iam not sure if the editor is running 100% fine on online-servers yet !!! U should wait with server-works yet. (Or u import ur server-dates to a singleplayer-game manually - edit them - and export them to server again. This may be a little work - but works also !!!) Mag out[/QUOTE] Mag you crack me up. You are super smart and helpful but everything is OMG !!!! it's doesnt' work????? Hehe it stresses me out reading your posts, all those exclamations!!!!!
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;241641]You need the dedicated server modified DLL running on the server. 1) Find the file called "Assembly-CSharp Dedicated.DLL" file in the prefab editor folder. 2) Copy the file to to the dedicated server. Directory: %InstallLocation%\7DaysToDie_Data\Managed 3) Rename the file called "Assembly-CSharp.DLL" to "Assembly-CSharp Backup.DLL" 4) Rename the file called "Assembly-CSharp Dedicated.DLL" to "Assembly-CSharp.DLL" 5) Turn off EAC in your serverconfig file 6) Reboot the server. The current version is running A11.2 b3. The latest version of the game is b4 so it's not the latest code but should be compatible. I will release an update for the latest version when I get some free time.[/QUOTE] I tried this process on my dedicated server, but no luck. Here's what I did: Shutdown server and client. Replaced client dll with your client dll Replaced server dll on the server with your dedicated dll (also tried the client dll on the server, but no luck there either) Disabled EAC in the server config file Started Server Started client via Steam and told it to run without EAC Results: In one case, the server dies after a minute or so, and in the other case it runs, but can't connect to it with with client or telnet. Unfortunately, I forget whether the server died when using the client dll or the dedicated dll on the server, but I can try it again, if you want more info. Either way, no luck for me this time. Also, FYI, I not using any other mods (e.g. server fixes). -Skier
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[QUOTE=Skier;247783]I tried this process on my dedicated server, but no luck. Here's what I did: Shutdown server and client. Replaced client dll with your client dll Replaced server dll on the server with your dedicated dll (also tried the client dll on the server, but no luck there either) Disabled EAC in the server config file Started Server Started client via Steam and told it to run without EAC Results: In one case, the server dies after a minute or so, and in the other case it runs, but can't connect to it with with client or telnet. Unfortunately, I forget whether the server died when using the client dll or the dedicated dll on the server, but I can try it again, if you want more info. Either way, no luck for me this time. Also, FYI, I not using any other mods (e.g. server fixes). -Skier[/QUOTE] If you've followed the steps completely then it should work. The editor is still using an old version of the code so that may be causing an issue. I should have the update for the editor done this weekend. Wait for the update and try again. If you're still having trouble after that post back with what you tried. Hal
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Hi Hal U wrote u work on an update for the editor. Here is a list of current Issues: -the backupmanager don't work on dedi-servers (cause of the steam-client-update !?) -the editor don't save the prefabs .xml probably. No entry for Zoning. Prefabs with set value Age don't work in game. -Is there a difference between "Wilderness" and "wilderness" ??? I believe the editor uses "Wilderness". But the game needs it spellt "wilderness" -In the xml-section of the editor stands Wilderness 2 times !!! Should one of them named: "suburb" or so ??? -Allthrough there is something different now with the Wilderness-spawning. It makes console-errors. Could u check that part too ??? This has nothing to do with the editor itself - but its important for prefabs !! Do u noticed this: [URL="https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?26122-A11-1-RWG-Pack-Tester&p=245497&viewfull=1#post245497"]https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?26122-A11-1-RWG-Pack-Tester&p=245497&viewfull=1#post245497[/URL] I hope it helped a little bit - to get the code up to date. I look forward to the new version. I got to insert a bunch of new Prefabs in my already running servers. Mag out
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Thanks Magoli, I'll have a look at those issues before releasing the update. I hadn't noticed the rotation problem in game but I'm not playing much at the moment (not enough hours in the day). But if you can replicate it in a vanilla DLL game then submit a bug report so the devs can squish it. Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;247794]If you've followed the steps completely then it should work. The editor is still using an old version of the code so that may be causing an issue. I should have the update for the editor done this weekend. Wait for the update and try again. If you're still having trouble after that post back with what you tried. Hal[/QUOTE] I'll watch for the update. BTW, I did get it working on a local game, so I know it can work on my system, but I'm just not having luck with the current version on my dedicated server. BTW, curiosity question... When I first setup my dedicated server, I was that my local client had a batch file to start a dedicated server, so I copied my game directory over to my server in the garage, modified the config file to set passwords, server name, etc, and started up it. We've been playing on it this way for months, and when a new updates come up, I just did a diff on the directories/files, and update the changes that need to be updated (quick and easy, when I first decided to try running a server, and I didn't realize it was available via SteamCmd)... So, that's the context of the question... Here's the question. Since I can run all this client code as a dedicated server and all works just fine, why are there separate client and dedicated server dlls for your tool? I'll probably switch over to using SteamCmd at some point (maybe the next time we start our world over), but I was just curious, where there's a difference. Is there a difference between the server version of the dll that I would get from SteamCmd? -Skier P.S. That's the reason I tried both your client and dedicated server version on my server.
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