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Hal's Prefab Editor


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Hi peoples just started into this and thought finally a way to lay out a nice area of buildings etc One issue I started working with it and before update "World" and "Helper" were active in that they were not greyed out. What is usually the cause for this? Not sure what else I could have changed other than the game had to re validate as well. Figured why not re run the editor as new use (like first time set up) to see if that would clear it up with manual update etc and same issue. Thanx in advance for any help
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[QUOTE=AlluCash;166511]Hi peoples just started into this and thought finally a way to lay out a nice area of buildings etc One issue I started working with it and before update "World" and "Helper" were active in that they were not greyed out. What is usually the cause for this? Not sure what else I could have changed other than the game had to re validate as well. Figured why not re run the editor as new use (like first time set up) to see if that would clear it up with manual update etc and same issue. Thanx in advance for any help[/QUOTE] A lot of the functionality of the editor has been disabled due to the changes in A10. Rather than having buttons that didn't do anything I've disabled access to them to help prevent confusion. As more of the code gets updated I'll re-enable things as I go although some of the less used functionality probably won't be coming back any time soon. Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;166944]A lot of the functionality of the editor has been disabled due to the changes in A10. Rather than having buttons that didn't do anything I've disabled access to them to help prevent confusion. As more of the code gets updated I'll re-enable things as I go although some of the less used functionality probably won't be coming back any time soon. Hal[/QUOTE] Right on was just going by the video from your first post. So just check back when you have a new video? Thnx
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[QUOTE=AlluCash;167210]Right on was just going by the video from your first post. So just check back when you have a new video? Thnx[/QUOTE] Yes. When the world editor comes in it will be a large change that will require new videos. It may be a while before that happens though.
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[QUOTE=Girafmad;167321]Is the original link in the first post still to the newest version?[/QUOTE] No, but the editor will auto-update when you open it if you have an internet connection. You can also grab a copy [URL="www.vendocode.com/SDTD/SDTD.asmx/GetEditor"]here[/URL]
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HAL thanks for the great work! One question: can someone please provide with a working download link for the A9 version? Im working on a gigantic castle with a friend but we have not preserved it yet. I cannot seem to find the A9 version of the mod anywhere. Or maybe someone still has the Assembly-CSharp.dll file from the A9 version? The link on the previous page does not work for me. Any help in this is will be greatly appreciated.
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[QUOTE=Mellow;167373]HAL thanks for the great work! One question: can someone please provide with a working download link for the A9 version? Im working on a gigantic castle with a friend but we have not preserved it yet. I cannot seem to find the A9 version of the mod anywhere. Or maybe someone still has the Assembly-CSharp.dll file from the A9 version? The link on the previous page does not work for me. Any help in this is will be greatly appreciated.[/QUOTE] You're in luck. I don't usually keep old files around once the new one is out but I had [URL="http://www.vendocode.com/SDTD9.3x.zip"]this [/URL] in my downloads folder from testing
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;167430]You're in luck. I don't usually keep old files around once the new one is out but I had [URL="http://www.vendocode.com/SDTD9.3x.zip"]this [/URL] in my downloads folder from testing[/QUOTE] Thank you kindly. Is very much appreciated
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;167308]Yes. When the world editor comes in it will be a large change that will require new videos. It may be a while before that happens though.[/QUOTE] Awesome so at the moment how do we go about placing converted to A10 prefabs using your editor if that option is now greyed out?
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Ok, so did I miss a simple step somewhere or is backup manager broke? I am new to the editor, but when I try to start my claim I see the worlds I my game saves. I get an error "Could not find the command folder. Can not auto refresh. Leave the game and re-enter to apply changes." I have my 7DTD location as F:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\7 Days To Die\
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[QUOTE=Plottski;167809]Ok, so did I miss a simple step somewhere or is backup manager broke? I am new to the editor, but when I try to start my claim I see the worlds I my game saves. I get an error "Could not find the command folder. Can not auto refresh. Leave the game and re-enter to apply changes." I have my 7DTD location as F:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\7 Days To Die\[/QUOTE] The same thing happened to me, and it's likely because it's not hooking into the game (or at least that's what I'm assuming), as I'm assuming that, like me, you are trying to do this in A10. I would have confused myself witless trying to do my prefab layer by layer, so I said eh. I'll just redownload A9.3, and then convert the prefab to A10 compatible. You can redownload A9.3, make a copy and name it whatever you want, then switch back to A10. That way, you can build in game, then export, convert, and away you go for Alpha 10! (Note: I haven't actually gotten around to putting my prefab into an Alpha 10 map. I'm just coming to that point, haha)
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[QUOTE=AlluCash;167597]Awesome so at the moment how do we go about placing converted to A10 prefabs using your editor if that option is now greyed out?[/QUOTE] You've got to go old school ^^ You can manually edit the Prefabs.xml file found in the Data\Worlds\ to add it into the mix. For Navezgane you need to specify a position or for Random Gen you just need to add it into the mix. [QUOTE=Plottski;167809]Ok, so did I miss a simple step somewhere or is backup manager broke? I am new to the editor, but when I try to start my claim I see the worlds I my game saves. I get an error "Could not find the command folder. Can not auto refresh. Leave the game and re-enter to apply changes." I have my 7DTD location as F:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\7 Days To Die\[/QUOTE] Yes, the Backup Manager is broken. There's been lots of changes in A10 and it's going to take some time to sort out the differences. [QUOTE=xtended2l;168287]Hey HAL, any news on a stable version (With fixed damage editing and Info mode working)?[/QUOTE] I've not had time to look at it again yet. Hopefully tonight or tomorrow I'll get the blocks disappearing on layer change sorted then I'll release the update. Hal
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[QUOTE=Kraudi;168331]Can anyone tell me if the Walking Dead Prison Prefab converted for A10 will work or do I have to wait? -Kraudi-[/QUOTE] I used Laz Man's WD prison in some of my tests for the converter. I didn't go in every room and just did a god-mode zoom through but it looked good to me. Though the converter isn't perfect and is just meant to get prefabbers most of the way there. Manual corrections will still be needed.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;168336]I used Laz Man's WD prison in some of my tests for the converter. I didn't go in every room and just did a god-mode zoom through but it looked good to me. Though the converter isn't perfect and is just meant to get prefabbers most of the way there. Manual corrections will still be needed.[/QUOTE] Alright thanks :) Just wanted know if it's "usable" just not get any server crashes or anything else when I use this :D I will test it in Creative Mode first:)
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;168327]You've got to go old school You can manually edit the Prefabs.xml file found in the Data\Worlds\ to add it into the mix. For Navezgane you need to specify a position or for Random Gen you just need to add it into the mix. Hal[/QUOTE] Did what you said, but after placing converted prefabs in with existing prefabs, and adding them into the prefab.xml none are generating. Double checked everything, and i think Im missing a step to old school these in because for me this is new schooling. Unfortunately I got here late to messing with prefabs... (Didn't test with navezgane world only random) Any idea why they would not generate?
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;168797]The functionality to clear region files is no longer accessible, which threw me for a loop because I kept deleting them from my 7days folder but not the ones from my documents folder. Hal's Editor is a crippler and made me forget how to do things the old way. :)[/QUOTE] Ha yes, sometimes it's easy to forget how time consuming things were before a click of a button sorts stuff out. But don't worry, I've just added it back into the editor. Update shouldn't be long now. [QUOTE=AlluCash;168869]Did what you said, but after placing converted prefabs in with existing prefabs, and adding them into the prefab.xml none are generating. Double checked everything, and i think Im missing a step to old school these in because for me this is new schooling. Unfortunately I got here late to messing with prefabs... (Didn't test with navezgane world only random) Any idea why they would not generate?[/QUOTE] You need to delete the region files that have already been generated in the area of your prefab. Or start a new game. But as mentioned, the functionality should be back in soon.
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[QUOTE=AlluCash;168869]Did what you said, but after placing converted prefabs in with existing prefabs, and adding them into the prefab.xml none are generating. Double checked everything, and i think Im missing a step to old school these in because for me this is new schooling. Unfortunately I got here late to messing with prefabs... (Didn't test with navezgane world only random) Any idea why they would not generate?[/QUOTE] Oh and for Random Gen you have to set up the XML information for the prefab. In the editor go to the Prefab Menu and choose Show Random World XML I thin [URL="https://www.youtube.com/user/bigc90210"]BigC's Videos[/URL] on youtube show you what you need to be filling out. Definitely worth a watch.
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