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Hal's Prefab Editor


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Great work HAL9000. I've been using your editor a few days now and it runs fine so far. Keep on going. I realy appriciate your work! There is a little issue with color change of blocks. When I select a block (right click) and move the course to the color changing panel, the last block during mouse hover gets into selection. So I always have the block selected which on of the left row (in the color changing panel). Its not a big deal. I just want to mention it.
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[QUOTE=Hampelmann;90846]Great work HAL9000. I've been using your editor a few days now and it runs fine so far. Keep on going. I realy appriciate your work! There is a little issue with color change of blocks. When I select a block (right click) and move the course to the color changing panel, the last block during mouse hover gets into selection. So I always have the block selected which on of the left row (in the color changing panel). Its not a big deal. I just want to mention it.[/QUOTE] To change color you have to select info mode and Left click the block you want to change colors on... this give you access to the info panel on the lower left side of the screen, Then you can click on the color and change it. But you have to be in info mode. That is how you also edit meta tags like lights and decals. When you change anything there in info mode it is immediate. [URL="http://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?10186-Tutorial-Hal-s-Prefab-Editor-Tips-and-tricks"]See this post[/URL]
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[QUOTE=sudo;90826]I crash as soon as I start the game. I've uninstalled and reinstalled the entire C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\7 Days To Die directory as well as the editor and .dll files. Tried 32 and 64 bit with no luck. Compatibility mode does not help. Once I revert back to the original .dll files I can run the game without an issue. Here's my error log [URL="https://www.dropbox.com/sh/aw0pfso804bcsok/AABNHBFsP6daBGNv4jowOKRDa"]Error Log[/URL][/QUOTE] Thanks. I've tried re-creating the error but no joy. Can you try running the 7DTD.exe as administrator? I'm wondering if the mod is trying to write to a folder it doesn't have access too without admin priviliedges. Are your save folders kept in your My Documents folder? Cheers, Hal [QUOTE=Hampelmann;90846]Great work HAL9000. I've been using your editor a few days now and it runs fine so far. Keep on going. I realy appriciate your work! [/QUOTE] Thanks Hampelmann, glad you're enjoying the editor. I look forward to you showing your work off.
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[QUOTE=Myzaar;90955]I've ran it as administrator and still got the error. Both exe's[/QUOTE] Ok thanks, I've no idea what's happening with the mod and your version of the game. The weird thing is you say it's right at the program launch and none of my code should get executed until a world has been created. I have changed by de-obfuscation which obviously effects the entire DLL so that's where I'm going to start looking. But for now - random questions time! Where is the game installed? Can you post the full path? Also the same for your save directory? What language is your computer set to? Can you open process explorer and look for the 7DTD.exe when it opens. Does anything strange happen? Memory jumps maybe? If you don't want to post anything here feel free to PM me.
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I appreciate your help HAL. I'm stumped at this point. This happens immediately after copying the contents of \7DTD_Editor).zip to the D:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\7DaysToDie_Data\Managed directory. Here's the info you've requested. Game installation directory D:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die (Also tried in C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\7 Days To Die) Saves directory C:\Users\user_name\Documents\7 Days To Die\Saves\Navezgane Language is english On crash in process explorer 7daystodie.exe is using 30% cpu and 64 MB or RAM.
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Aha! That might be the problem. Don't put the editor in the Managed folder. You can put it anywhere on the computer except there lol. The editor has some DLL files that help it understand the unity code but they're not compatible with the game. If you're overwriting those files (and they live in the managed folder) it could cause the issue you're having. So to solve (hopefully): 1) do another steam file integrity check to reset all the files. 2) Extract the editor to D:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\HalsEditor or something other than the managed folder 3) Run the editor 4) if asked to replace the DLL click "Yes" - if not asked then click on "Manual Update" and do the update 5) ??? 6) Profit! If that's not the answer let me know. Cheers, Hal
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Hey Hal, No crashes here, just the mods don't work anymore, I tried the bbb jet command and that works fine; on the game loading screen it doesn't say "Mods on ....." just the default version number. I'm on the latest game build, I tried a couple times the check game integrity and it 'fixed' the usual changed files, then did the editor manual-update with overwrite the csharp file, and also went into the Backup manager and saved world settings and player stuff (don't think that would make a difference re mods, but just in case), but no joy. Game directories are all the default ones, running Win7-64 with no other 7d2d mods, and your editor is tucked away nowhere near the game files, well... it is on the same hdd :) Cheers.
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I'm going to move the editor from the managed folder when I'm home as my details are almost identical to Sudos with specs, storing games on a seperate D drive, and my save in my documents. I have the editor in the managed folder so if sudo gets it to work by moving it that should solve my issue too. I'll report back when I check it.
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[QUOTE=Last-I;91017]Hey Hal, No crashes here, just the mods don't work anymore, I tried the bbb jet command and that works fine; on the game loading screen it doesn't say "Mods on ....." just the default version number. I'm on the latest game build, I tried a couple times the check game integrity and it 'fixed' the usual changed files, then did the editor manual-update with overwrite the csharp file, and also went into the Backup manager and saved world settings and player stuff (don't think that would make a difference re mods, but just in case), but no joy. Game directories are all the default ones, running Win7-64 with no other 7d2d mods, and your editor is tucked away nowhere near the game files, well... it is on the same hdd :) Cheers.[/QUOTE] Do you mean the weapon unload mod and others? They're not in yet. DNC is resting up after surgery so his mod hasn't been re-written for 8.5. He also does the Red Eagle mod so that comes with DNC's mod. The light flicker and zombies on map mods aren't implemented yet as I'm still working on them for 8.5. The code is there I just need to re-write my variable maps. As they come back online I'll release updates. Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=Lonestarcanuck;91075]can I use this against a private server? if so how do I use/associate with the private server? thanks[/QUOTE] Replace the Assembly-CSharp.DLL file found at %7DTD%\7DaysToDie_Data\Managed\ with the one found in the editor folder. You need to replace the one on the server and your local machine.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;90788]Report your bugs people! I can't fix em if I don't know about them! What was the exception? Am I right in thinking the game is stored in your Program Files directory? Cheers, Hal[/QUOTE] Unfortunately i cannot remember what the exception was because when i ran the program as administrator it worked and updated, now i cant throw the exception until next update, but i will try and throw the exception again on next update. I remember when the exception happened it created a new exe file with the word update in it. I am on Windows 7 x64 and my 7DTD Game location is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\7 Days To Die I keep your prefab editor in my custom downloads folder: C:\Downloads\7DTD_Editor If i get any more exceptions i will note them down for you and if i can debug it i will do that too. Thanks for your time.
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I completely uninstalled the game and reinstalled it. Directory in D:\Games\ and save is in Documents on C:\ drive. Running windows 7x64, ran both the 7DTD.exe and the Editor as administrator, have the editor in a seperate directory but it still crashes and gives the same error. I also had to manually update the AssemblyCSharp.dll from the zip as the auto update as the auto and manual updates wouldn't update it to the 8.5 by itself. No luck. Any more suggestions?
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Hi HAL9000, Found a bug in the latest version. Maybe noone took note until now, but adding a lower layer does not update the positions of enities in the layers above correctly, as it does with blocks. Follow these steps to reproduce: - Start a new prefab - Draw some blocks of any material on layer 2 - Also draw some entities on layer 2 - Add a new layer 0 (or 1) - Check the content of the layers as the entities are still on layer 2 while the blocks have moved correctly. Btw... should the copy tool work for entities? Because it does not for me. When I try to draw a rectangle for copy selection while switched to entities, it wont let me finish the selection like it does with blocks. Anyway, thought you might be glad to hear that I'm already using the editor on a daily basis. Love it, but I hope you can improve the usability a little further. I've seen theres a Helper coming...thats good. But maybe theres an easy way for you to group materials from the list into categories, making them more easy to find and use. Or how for example, can you add quickly, 20 rows and 40 colums on different sides to a prefab? The only way I know is to add them one by one from the prefab menu... is there another? Sure its best to write down a list of things or thoughts that come to my mind while using the editor and share it with you later. Besides these rather small issues, that might pop up some more, it runs great for me. Thanks for all your effort you put into this until now.
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[QUOTE=Sythius;91121]Unfortunately i cannot remember what the exception was because when i ran the program as administrator it worked and updated, now i cant throw the exception until next update, but i will try and throw the exception again on next update. I remember when the exception happened it created a new exe file with the word update in it. I am on Windows 7 x64 and my 7DTD Game location is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\7 Days To Die I keep your prefab editor in my custom downloads folder: C:\Downloads\7DTD_Editor If i get any more exceptions i will note them down for you and if i can debug it i will do that too. Thanks for your time.[/QUOTE] Ok Sythius, thanks for the update. [QUOTE=Myzaar;91172]I completely uninstalled the game and reinstalled it. Directory in D:\Games\ and save is in Documents on C:\ drive. Running windows 7x64, ran both the 7DTD.exe and the Editor as administrator, have the editor in a seperate directory but it still crashes and gives the same error. I also had to manually update the AssemblyCSharp.dll from the zip as the auto update as the auto and manual updates wouldn't update it to the 8.5 by itself. No luck. Any more suggestions?[/QUOTE] With you mentioning that it couldn't auto-update the Assembly-CSharp.dll file it's sounding like a permissions issue. Did it display an error when it failed to auto-update? Do you have custom permissions on your game folders? Is the user you're running as an administrator? And just to clarify, when you're manually updating the Assembly-CSharp.dll file that is the only file you're moving? Don't replace the UnityEngine.dll or any of the other files. Can you verify the permissions on the Assembly-CSharp.dll file? If you're not sure how to do this here is a [URL="http://www.wikihow.com/Change-File-Permissions-on-Windows-7"]link[/URL]. Can you verify that the username you're using has read and write permissions on the file? Or send me a screenshot of what's in the security tab? [QUOTE=Tohuwabohu;91268]Hi HAL9000, Found a bug in the latest version. Maybe noone took note until now, but adding a lower layer does not update the positions of enities in the layers above correctly, as it does with blocks. [/QUOTE] Thanks, I'll look into the entity bug when I get back from work. No, the copy function is for blocks only at the moment. I may extend it to entities but I'd have to look at the code first. Expanding by multiple rows and columns is on my to-do list. An alternative for now is to copy your entire prefab, then create a new prefab of the size you want and paste the prefab in. Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;91334] Thanks, I'll look into the entity bug when I get back from work. [/QUOTE] Great, I think it's a rather bad one. Users have to be aware not add any enitities to their prefabs before they are sure that there won't be any lower layers additionally needed later on. I found out the hard way and had to redo quite a lot enities when adding layers for a map with all entities already set. [QUOTE=HAL9000;91334] No, the copy function is for blocks only at the moment. I may extend it to entities but I'd have to look at the code first. [/QUOTE] The entities and the blocks mode are programmed quite differently. It could be not so easy, or -even worse- create new problems trying to implement that. I personally think its not so important, though sometimes I miss the "right-left-button-copy-paste-function" of the blocks tool, or even accidentally try to use it on enitities because I simply forget for a second the fact that entities can't be copied at the moment. :dispirited: [QUOTE=HAL9000;91334] Expanding by multiple rows and columns is on my to-do list. An alternative for now is to copy your entire prefab, then create a new prefab of the size you want and paste the prefab in. [/QUOTE] Yeah thats also a workaround for this issue... so it's really not much of a big thing. Usability can always improve later on. Speaking of: Are there plans to add keyboard shortcuts for some of the main tools? Is that maybe on your todo list? I imagine, something like the Ctrl-key and a direction on the Numpad to add a row or column, and lets say the Alt-key plus direction to remove them again after a second confirmation popup, would be totally perfect for me. No fancy interface needed(but sure welcome). :nevreness:
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Hot keys would be nice.. I like to start with an area larger than I need for a prefab, then when I am finished ( or at least have the size configured. ) I then remove all the excess rows, columns and layers. having a shortcut key would be handy.
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[QUOTE=Wsiegel;91430]Hot keys would be nice.. I like to start with an area larger than I need for a prefab, then when I am finished ( or at least have the size configured. ) I then remove all the excess rows, columns and layers. having a shortcut key would be handy.[/QUOTE] Keyboard shortcuts are on my to-do list but way waaaayyyyy down the list. It's just not much fun to write and will quadruple the amount of ways bugs get in. Maybe when I've decided there's no more features to add I can look at implementing something. Which to be fair may be sometime soon as I don't think there's much more to add in the way of functions / features. Unless there are suggestions from you guys?
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;91448]...Which to be fair may be sometime soon as I don't think there's much more to add in the way of functions / features. Unless there are suggestions from you guys?[/QUOTE] Heh, let me finish at work and I'll draft up something at home. =)
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Okay... you asked for it...lol, Not sure if these are easy or hard to do.. so I will list some and you can comment. 1. A handy feature would be to have the "blocks in layer" list on the lower right side of the screen selectable. not just showing me the blocks by double clicking on it.. but to be able to select that block for my brush by right clicking on it. 2. A mirror function left to right, right to left, top to bottom, bottom to top. ( single layer - all layers ) This could mirror from the center 1/2. If odd number mirror from/to the center odd row/column 3. Possibly a multi-thread search with a comma or something so we can search for like item that are called out differently.. IE slope and wedge .. search by "slope, wedge" or "light, lamp" Not sure if there is an easier way to get the list of the similar shape blocks that are called out differently, but at least i can search them by multiple names. 4 Display an image with tag numbers of the decals on the right side of the screen, ( this can be turned on and off with a check box ) Then when placing decals you don't need to switch back and forth to pick and choose decals from a cheat sheet. I do love it that you can copy and paste blocks with decals. :) Well that's enough for now. Cheers mate
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Oh and one I really could use is an image viewer.. when you select a block, display the flat image, similar to the way Blood's recipe editor has the view blocks tab taken from the Atlas file.. There is that enough... lol
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