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Hal's Prefab Editor


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I've found that if I click a prefab in more than once, the red box stays, but because the marker in the w/e gets removed there isn't another one to remove the first red box. This is not consistent, so I think it's some sort of lag issue. I didn't have any luck waiting, but @hal, the monitor is one of those weird extended ones (25xx by 1980 or something), but both the game and w/e are windowed to keep them on the same screen. Ill try full screen and see if it works.
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Damn, lag is one of the hardest things to debug unless it's happening on my system too. I'll have a play around with it. @sorrowthief, restarting the server will remove the red box but I'll see if I can add something to remove all the boxes.
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I got OBS and made a quick video of the prefab insert issue I'm having. I had to choose a large prefab (diersville city block) because I'm pretty sure the smaller ones are off screen (and I can never find them - maybe if they don't show up on the initial screen, the prefab marker doesn't update when I drag to it?). This is at full screen. I've no other monitor to test it on, so maybe it IS an "extra wide" monitor thing? [url]https://youtu.be/ur5n4lExj0E[/url]
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Maybe this'll help explain it better: [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0HROrw3jDo8&feature=youtu.be[/url] ...I don't really understand what's going on. Note, when I go to the player to insert a prefab, I don't even see the prefab marker until I zoom in, and then the issue starts. In fact, it seems to do this if I go anywhere else on the map other than the "start" position the W/E puts me in. 2nd video for purposes of showing it. I'm in the default start area, can place prefab correctly. I go offscreen, I can't. I go back to default start area, I can. I go offscreen, I can't, and I then demonstrate that it's necessary to zoom in to see the marker. [url]https://youtu.be/1Svbb-9Iqns[/url]
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Haha wow, what a difference a key's width makes. In the code I'd typed PositionX instead of PositionZ and I was testing in the one place on the map that didn't produce the bug. Do a manual update and have a play with the new version. You should see some of your list in there too. Not all of it's implemented yet though. Thanks for the vids Gup, that helped a lot.
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;473879]I got OBS and made a quick video of the prefab insert issue I'm having. I had to choose a large prefab (diersville city block) because I'm pretty sure the smaller ones are off screen (and I can never find them - maybe if they don't show up on the initial screen, the prefab marker doesn't update when I drag to it?). This is at full screen. I've no other monitor to test it on, so maybe it IS an "extra wide" monitor thing? [url]https://youtu.be/ur5n4lExj0E[/url][/QUOTE] Is that your secret navz map project? I was t to see :)
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Awesome Hal, I love the search bar and the disconnect button. I see you have remove all map icons but its still greyed out; a work in progress still? Reason I ask is cause even a server restart isnt getting rid of it for me. No rush, just wondering and thanks for the hard work and updates, I love this tool.
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[QUOTE=Sorrowthief;473948]Is that your secret navz map project? I was t to see :)[/QUOTE] Well finishing your building is still first on the list. Now that I've confirmed they're not extending nav any further, I can /start/ the project... I've got my todo list, so it shouldn't take too terribly long... by the time A15 drops I'll be able to update the prefabs and go. My only concern right now is they're going to open up the rad zones, but I'll just include them as is and update the region files later... that way I can get started. [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] Oh crap... the mountains. Well, I can at least work on the inner section. Hm. I hope the mountains are only on the border. Crap, I'ma have to wait. (sigh)
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;473978]Well finishing your building is still first on the list. Now that I've confirmed they're not extending nav any further, I can /start/ the project... I've got my todo list, so it shouldn't take too terribly long... by the time A15 drops I'll be able to update the prefabs and go. My only concern right now is they're going to open up the rad zones, but I'll just include them as is and update the region files later... that way I can get started. [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] Oh crap... the mountains. Well, I can at least work on the inner section. Hm. I hope the mountains are only on the border. Crap, I'ma have to wait. (sigh)[/QUOTE] Dont worry about my building dude. I can decorate it. Im half building half learning and awaiting the a15 changes as well. Although I think for my world I welcome the mountains.
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I have a mountain prefab, I was going to do a few on my own anyway, but now I wanna check out how the pimps mountains are first. Back on topic: Thanks for the disconnect! It saves me time, for sure. In the Loading process, all those things that come up with "Done" afterwards, could you add a "Completed" as well, so I know when ALL of the processes are done? Thanks!
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Since we are on request and if its not already possible I would like to be able to drag a box on map and have it use air to flatten ground. Coppi mod has a pblock p1 where u set the first possition and then pblock p2 air, it will then flatten the whole area down to the players level or you can specify the coords. Would be a nice feature on the world editor to just drag a square and have it flatten and fill with air at the players lvl or let you set the height with the red box
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I use a 1 block high flat prefab for that, fyi. It's 25x25. [url]https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?38742-Ground-Flattener&highlight=prefab[/url] Stand at the SW corner, look NE, insert at -1 to your y-offset, boom. Flat ground. But yeh, it would be cool in the W/E. How would you determine it's y-offset? THAT BEING SAID, if the W/E did have terraforming tools (flatten, raise, lower, the standard stuff) I would fly to England and marry you, Hal.
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;474005]I use a 1 block high flat prefab for that, fyi. It's 25x25. [url]https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?38742-Ground-Flattener&highlight=prefab[/url] Stand at the SW corner, look NE, insert at -1 to your y-offset, boom. Flat ground. But yeh, it would be cool in the W/E.[/QUOTE] That will work just fine thanks Guppy
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;473938]Now that I have OBS installed and a decent video editor, I'm sure to be "helping" you a lot more. Mwahahahahaha![/QUOTE] More feedback = more updates so keep em coming [QUOTE=Sorrowthief;473964]Awesome Hal, I love the search bar and the disconnect button. I see you have remove all map icons but its still greyed out; a work in progress still? Reason I ask is cause even a server restart isnt getting rid of it for me. No rush, just wondering and thanks for the hard work and updates, I love this tool.[/QUOTE] Yeah still a work in progress, I didn't update the DLLs for the manual update so you can't run that code yet. Next version will have it. Restarting the server would get rid of the boxes, they are only ever held in memory so once the server exits they disappear. [QUOTE=Guppycur;473990]I have a mountain prefab, I was going to do a few on my own anyway, but now I wanna check out how the pimps mountains are first. Back on topic: Thanks for the disconnect! It saves me time, for sure. In the Loading process, all those things that come up with "Done" afterwards, could you add a "Completed" as well, so I know when ALL of the processes are done? Thanks![/QUOTE] There technically isn't an end, the editor uses a message queue so things just keep getting dumped on there. There's lots of messages you don't see happening in the background like getting the chunks. [QUOTE=Guppycur;474005]I use a 1 block high flat prefab for that, fyi. It's 25x25. [url]https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?38742-Ground-Flattener&highlight=prefab[/url] Stand at the SW corner, look NE, insert at -1 to your y-offset, boom. Flat ground. But yeh, it would be cool in the W/E. How would you determine it's y-offset? THAT BEING SAID, if the W/E did have terraforming tools (flatten, raise, lower, the standard stuff) I would fly to England and marry you, Hal.[/QUOTE] Yeah the way I've done it in the past is just have a prefab make of air with the air blocks ticked and use that in the world editor to flatten areas. Terraforming is on my todo list (or at least looking at the feasibility of implementing it) but it's something that would probably need to be done in the game rather than the editor which means heading in more of an SDX route than how it is now.
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Yea that flat prefab works well Guppy thanks. I would love to see see terraforming tools in the editor. So much you can do with this already. I took a rocket launcher and tnt to a big prefab, made some holes and and then stuck half of that plane prefab into it. Really looks like it crashed into it. I love this thing and im building my post apocalyptic world. I always thought the world didnt look beat up enough for a world like this. Now, with this tool Im changing all that a lot easier.
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Hey Hal is there anyway you can merge this in with the world editor DLL?[url]https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?47459-Unlocking-In-Game-World-Editor-(Terrain-Tools)-dll-mod[/url] Be cool if could all be done by adding this to the same DLL somehow. I like the terrain tool part and since you was talking about adding terrain tools perhaps there is some useful info in here to get you started.
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[QUOTE=Sorrowthief;475164]Hey Hal is there anyway you can merge this in with the world editor DLL?[url]https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?47459-Unlocking-In-Game-World-Editor-(Terrain-Tools)-dll-mod[/url] Be cool if could all be done by adding this to the same DLL somehow. I like the terrain tool part and since you was talking about adding terrain tools perhaps there is some useful info in here to get you started.[/QUOTE] Ah yeah, I've enabled that game mode in private builds I mess around with. It's very cool and definitely worth checking out. I doubt it'll end up in the editor though as I try not to activate stuff TFP have got hidden in the code (and there's been some gems in there!). It's not mine to share and they must do it for a reason. [QUOTE=Guppycur;475219]@hal I may cheat on you a bit, but you're still gonna be my man. ;)[/QUOTE] Haha, don't feel too betrothed Gup ^^ if that does what you need it means more time for mods!
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;475342]Ah yeah, I've enabled that game mode in private builds I mess around with. It's very cool and definitely worth checking out. I doubt it'll end up in the editor though as I try not to activate stuff TFP have got hidden in the code (and there's been some gems in there!). It's not mine to share and they must do it for a reason. Haha, don't feel too betrothed Gup ^^ if that does what you need it means more time for mods![/QUOTE] Definitely understand that but wouldn't hurt to give the codes a peak and transform it into your own stuff would it? :)
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[QUOTE=Sorrowthief;475354]Definitely understand that but wouldn't hurt to give the codes a peak and transform it into your own stuff would it? :)[/QUOTE] Yes that's what's planned. If I can build something that can do the job it'll be added to the editor. The problem is getting a good GUI sorted out for the tools which is why it may take SDX to achieve.
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I was looking at the heightmap for nav and thought maybe you could build a tool around it... it's greyscale, but I've no clue how they attribute blocks to it... I assume that's in a file somewhere else. [url]http://i.imgur.com/zG81Qbh.jpg[/url] for reference
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