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Add an easy option 2 change random map size from small to medium to large at any time


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Everytime a new update happens the servers get whipped and we have to start all over after we made a beautiful town. A good idea I thought off to fix this is make it so everytime the medium and large range is regenerated it's always regenerated as the new Alpha while the areas in the middle or small range always stays the same. This way we can generate the new Alpha without having to always completely start over. Oh and you should like restore the option to have a 0 zone hub city I mean make a check box to have one or to not too.

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Everytime a new update happens the servers get whipped and we have to start all over after we made a beautiful town. A good idea I thought off to fix this is make it so everytime the medium and large range is regenerated it's always regenerated as the new Alpha while the areas in the middle or small range always stays the same. This way we can generate the new Alpha without having to always completely start over. Oh and you should like restore the option to have a 0 zone hub city I mean make a check box to have one or to not too.


No, will never work because its far more then just the map that makes people require a restart.

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What the game needs is an easy to use way to export and import areas of the map. Mark an area, export as a prefab, then allow it to be imported again, with an "undo"-option if you messed placement up. An improved version of that editor, lemme find it... Here:




Have a key ingame to activate this thing, add the undo function. Allow to disable the key on a server, so people can't export other people's prefabs; might be an issue for PVP. Or allow only to export what's within your own claimblock.

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What the game needs is an easy to use way to export and import areas of the map. Mark an area, export as a prefab, then allow it to be imported again, with an "undo"-option if you messed placement up. An improved version of that editor, lemme find it... Here:




Have a key ingame to activate this thing, add the undo function. Allow to disable the key on a server, so people can't export other people's prefabs; might be an issue for PVP. Or allow only to export what's within your own claimblock.


There are multiple pieces of software for importing/exporting. Once the game is released and out of alpha we can expect even more robust tools once they aren't doing sweeping changes to the code.

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so in another words each new alpha is detected as a completely different game meaning it cannot load a save as it's now a different came according to it's main coding? so in that case there should be an import save where it just imports all the stuff that's in it. peoples items, peoples levels, and all the world buildings. peoples levels and data may be the hardest part so maybe just an option that imports all the world changes and additions and stuff in the chests and inventory into a new map that builds off a former save. as that one guy said when it goes Alpha there probably will be an option but the question is how can we help Fun Pimps get this feature a lot quicker and out even before it goes Alpha?

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so in another words each new alpha is detected as a completely different game meaning it cannot load a save as it's now a different came according to it's main coding? so in that case there should be an import save where it just imports all the stuff that's in it. peoples items, peoples levels, and all the world buildings. peoples levels and data may be the hardest part so maybe just an option that imports all the world changes and additions and stuff in the chests and inventory into a new map that builds off a former save. as that one guy said when it goes Alpha there probably will be an option but the question is how can we help Fun Pimps get this feature a lot quicker and out even before it goes Alpha?


They won't and there is no reason too. Wipes are normal in Alpha. Once the game is released and all the systems finalized wipes won't occur anymore as a result of updates.


- - - Updated - - -


when moving from A15 to A16 the old saves produced a funny twisted world. But when I returned to A16.4 everything was fine again.

Guess we will see what A17 will do. Look at the bright side. Big changes mean an almost new experience.


Usually if the main number hasnt changed it doesnt require a reset. Aka going from 16.1 to 16.4, but going from A16 to A17 has been confirmed as 100% needing a restart

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They won't and there is no reason too. Wipes are normal in Alpha. Once the game is released and all the systems finalized wipes won't occur anymore as a result of updates.


- - - Updated - - -




Usually if the main number hasnt changed it doesnt require a reset. Aka going from 16.1 to 16.4, but going from A16 to A17 has been confirmed as 100% needing a restart


Well I guess I won't be touching the game until it's released as I cannot stand the constant server wipes.

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