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Two upgrade tiers of wood frame


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Hey, I've bounced around I ideas for nerfing nerd poles before, and a new idea I had was to split the wood frame tier into two seperate upgrades. The first tier, the one that is placed, will break if creatures walk on it. It can be upgraded for (around) two wood, which makes it walkable, but removes the "press e to pick up" ability. As


There are a lot of interesting things other than the nerd pole nerf I think this would do to the game balance, but all I'll say right now is that from my experience building bridges out of loose floorboard traps, building with scaffolding that breaks under your feet is actually quite fun.

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Well yeah, this does make building harder. I don't see this as an unequivocally bad thing though. If ease of building meant more fun, then everyone would probably be playing in creative mode. There are a lot of ways to compensate for this anyway, like decreased building costs, increased upgrade speeds, or reduced zombie damage.


if you wanna fight, you fight, if you wanna hide, you hide.

Heavy underbrush could serve to do this just fine.

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With the small, single block system, I don't see this being anything but annoying, sorry. I get it and it'd be nice -- sure -- but I challenge you to build something higher than 3 blocks with a ceiling without boosting with frames and not get salty.I would literally never build a base again if this were the case, aside from small temp-shacks. Now if we had the option to, say, build (somehow) a 4x4 wall a time I would say that's fair.

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Funny you should mention the 4x4 block, that happens to be another feature of the loose floorboards block.


I'd be cool with multi-block placements: after all we already have doors, which take up multiple blocks.


Sinz came up with another solution in Sols "Pimp Dream" Mega Thread, which was to allow the player to place block on surfaces that are above eye level.


Also, hay bales.

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Actually, if you open CM up and check out the dev blocks, there's a... 3x3? iron wall thing that's a test. Has no repair value and etc and only has 1000-1500 hit points. I ment, by 4x4, one block 4 high and 4 wide. Maybe sorta like a press and hold left click to "draw" or "fill in" a holo-section of blocks and select it and you pay the costs and/or use 16 frames.

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