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7D2D PART II Ideas


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I wanted to put an idea down on "paper".


"Project Phoenix":

You awake in a cryogenic pod in a space station orbiting earth! You are part of the 13 member command crew, the best of the best. 10,000 farmers, soldiers, builders and craftsmen sleep frozen, awaiting the time when the zombie apocalypse has past.


The station has been severely damaged. By whom or what you do not know.


There are six junior crew still frozen in the command pods. The six senior crew members fate are unknown. Player can chose what crew member they awaken as each character has different starting skills.


You don't know how much time has elapsed or what is the current status of earth. So, after fixing all the systems you can, you set the next person in command's pod to open in 6 months... or if you die... Then you launch an escape pod to the location with the least amount of radiation.


Once 3 years pass (or the player dies six times) the space station will be completely fixed and launches all the 10,000 pods to earth. What the player has done will reflect their fate.


Best case: A tough, but doable rebuilding of earth with a future that can be saved.

Worst case: 10,000 new zombies join the undying hordes...


Most likely case: Grim fighting with bandits, zombies and beasts with many losses. Can humanity survive??




*** Anyone else want to help TFP with some ideas? :)

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