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A question to the DEVS on UNITY 2018.2


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What made you finally agree to convert over to UNITY engine build 2018.2 ? What new features made you excited about switching over, I'm actually curious.


I have watched the Unity 2018.2 presentation, they added a new pipeline for graphics, shaders and other features that would improve performance, outside that the rest got a little confusing. :)


P.S. Keep up the good work, this still my favourite game - with zombies.

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I decided to switch to the beta of unity 2018 and I normally steer well clear of using the beta build of anything.


The feature I needed was the c# job system. I had some code that could either be done through the old co-routine system or the new job system, since the job system is far better all around I decided not to write the same code twice in different systems and upgrade.


In the case of TFP I think the deciding factor was the new rendering engine with all of its fancy vulkan stuff and performance improvements. They might have found some simple uses for the job system and I have little doubt more features will be changed to use it but whether it was the right decision to change over when they did is a very debatable subject.

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