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Want less lag and increased performance?


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not to mention less frustration clearing and traveling.



have them drastically reduce the amount of dead trees; resource rocks, small rocks, plains trees, and those huge rock formations.


I would at least halve them.


It's absolutely ridiculous how many of them there are it's almost something every other block.


And bird nests.... yeesh


Yes I do this in the biomes.xml but it is crazy how many there are unmodified let alone modified...

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I feel like that would hurt the quality of the early game progression. You kind of need those things to get by before POI looting is established.


Why would those things be annoying for traveling? Its not like there are enough to block your path or anything.


Yes they are annoying to clear out of the way if you chose to build your base in certain places, but I'd say that annoyance is a feature of the game, just like hunger, temperature, or structural integrity, and wholly justified to include on the game for realism.


I run a fairly old computer that can barely run 7dtd, so any lag reductions would be welcome. Since you have experience with the modded version, how much did it actually reduce performance needs? I would guess not that much, 10% at most, because TFP would have probably done it already otherwise.

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It seems that the new map generation method should drastically cut down on generation lag when traveling to unexplored areas. It will be interesting to see how this helps with previously explored areas as well. I've read bits and pieces throughout the main thread for A17, and it sounds like it's very CPU and HD intensive so at the very least, installing the game on a SSD sounds like a cheap way to up performance in the short term as well :)

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thats why alpha 17 is taking so long, they updated the game engine , that will help so much with the performance.


and about decreasing the block ammonts , there are other ways to optimize that , which it seems like tfp did that , but they should also care about how the game looks , so they cant take out blocks just like that

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  • 3 months later...

For playing on A17 now for a few weeks, the new engine is working well but there's still an over abundance of material everywhere. I agree with less dead trees, rocks and bird nests where you can gather up to 250 in the first hour of playing just by running to a town... that's way too easy and too much. Cut back about 30% on the nests, rocks and dead trees and I bet that'll improve the lag issues. Love what you do, Fun Pimps!

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