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Player Spawn Points


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Everyone has done it at least once, you go on a looting trip far away from your base and place down a bedroll so you don't have to walk back from your base to get your stuff if you die. Then you finish looting and you have a bed at your base, one of the kinds that you make with springs and metal(expensive) and since you placed that bedroll you have ruined your spawn point on that bed. There is no way to put your spawn point back without placing another bed. You should be able to hold down Y (I'm on Xbox) on any bed and it would give you options just like many other objects. These options could consist of pick up bedroll and set spawn point on this bed or lock this bed and put a code on it so other players that know the code can set there spawn point on that same bed. If any one has something to add to this please do so.

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Are the beds spawn points now? I haven't made one in a very long time, but I remember only the bed rolls doing that.


I’m pretty sure all the beds are, at least the craftable ones. I use the fancy one for my spawn as a good night’s sleep is valuable in the apocalypse. Except once every 7 days damn zombies make too much noise. Hard to get that shut eye.

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I’m pretty sure all the beds are, at least the craftable ones. I use the fancy one for my spawn as a good night’s sleep is valuable in the apocalypse. Except once every 7 days damn zombies make too much noise. Hard to get that shut eye.


Damn, I wish I found that out sooner. Damn bed rolls kill my back :)

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............ You should be able to hold down Y (I'm on Xbox) on any bed and it would give you options just like many other objects. These options could consist of pick up bedroll and set spawn point on this bed or lock this bed and put a code on it so other players that know the code can set there spawn point on that same bed. If any one has something to add to this please do so.


This is an awesome idea MuscleSpider. You should put in console pimp dreams so Clare is sure to see it & possibly pass it on to IG.

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.... You should be able to hold down Y (I'm on Xbox) on any bed and it would give you options just like many other objects. These options could consist of pick up bedroll and set spawn point on this bed or lock this bed and put a code on it so other players that know the code can set there spawn point on that same bed...


I wonder if this would have some negative consequences.

I can't think of any at the moment but it just smells of something exploitable.



If they were going to add it, I'd prefer there be another step.


Maybe a Land Claim Block?





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I wonder if this would have some negative consequences.

I can't think of any at the moment but it just smells of something exploitable.



If they were going to add it, I'd prefer there be another step.


Maybe a Land Claim Block?







Kinda see where you are going with this. I would say bedrolls have no options. Those are easy to make anyway. But actually beds if placed have the option. If you have one active and place a bedroll down it over rides any beds just like it does now. But when you get back to base you can go and activate the regular bed back to active. If done right you wouldn't need a land claim block.


If land claim block is part of it then I see no point into having the option to activate. They could code it like work stations and if you have a land claim block down you can pick up the bed like you can those. That is when the next update comes and console will be like PC most likely and will no longer be able to pick the stations up anymore unless you placed land claim block down first before the stations was added.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

You could add a primary and secondary spawn point option to beds. But limit it to just two, a primary and a secondary. But then again, don't beds and bedrolls act as protective areas? I was under the impression that the beds and bedrolls actually prevent Zombie spawn within a 16 or 32 block area of the bed or bedroll. So not sure how that would work out.

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