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Claimed land turns into POI


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There are a lot of potential problems with this with regards to theme and balancing that would need to be worked out, but I thought I'd throw this idea out there.


Basically, as of 16.4, pretty much all abandoned buildings in the game are filled with zombies. All the abandoned buildings except player-placed ones. I was thinking, what if in multiplayer, sleepers spawned in land-claimed bases when the player who claimed has been offline for a while?


Here are some solutions to the issues that would create:

- They instantly despawn when the player logs back in.

- They despawn when a friendly player approaches the base.

- The zombie spawn rate is oppositely proportional to the claim strength. What I mean is that for the first 24 hours, no zombies spawn, and that rate increases until the claim expires, at which the spawn rate is max.


The idea behind this is that raiding people's bases would be not only more difficult, but also more interesting. It's free user-generated content, like the Clash of Clans and it's knockoffs. It provides a counter for levels where everything is designed for the sake of a dungeon crawl.


I'll admit I've only player multiplayer for like an hour, so maybe this sounds a little out of touch. This idea needs more feedback if it's going to work.

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wont work. at least not with HUGE!!! HUGE!!! effort and time.

because every poi has "zombiespawn-blocks" so if you break the blocks around that block, they wont spawn anymore.

To put them down via algorythm is insanely hard.

"can they get to it?" would be the first problem. It makes no sense having zombies in a fortified bunker.

and there are a lot of issues with this...

what i would like would be to randomly place some sleepers all around the world... next to trees (sitting leaning on them) or boulders... und laying down in high gras...


but not in player created buildings... thats just too much work with too little payoff.

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because every poi has "zombiespawn-blocks" so if you break the blocks around that block, they wont spawn anymore.

To put them down via algorythm is insanely hard.


You wouldn't need to have them placed by the algorithm. You could have them placed by the player automatically. Every once in a while, the land claim block places a special kind of "zombiespawn-block" and removes one somewhere else, which makes sure that the sleepers will be in valid positions.



"can they get to it?" would be the first problem. It makes no sense having zombies in a fortified bunker.

and there are a lot of issues with this...


It's true that it is absurd, but this is already done with a lot of POIs in the game already. Zombies in locked rooms, zombies in heavily fortified military bases, zombies that spawn right behind you in a room you sealed off. I thought this would be consistent with that.

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