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What Should I Do If She Won't Talk To Me? Advice?


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Looking for a bit of input here if anyone could be so kind. My partner recently ended things with me after being together for 2 years, and that's partially why I've been here too (distraction), but it doesn't really seem to be helping because certain things have been bugging me that I needed to get off my chest. Our breakup happened really suddenly after an argument we had last week, and she claimed she couldn't take it anymore and felt that we were on too different frequencies to continue this relationship.


The thing is, we don't argue frequently and this was one of the rare occasions. If anything, we've actually shared a pretty good relationship all this while (or so I thought). Since then, I've tried reaching out to her but she won't talk to me or respond. I'm not quite sure how I should proceed next because I don't really know what's up either and she won't exactly be straight up with me, but I can definitely rule out cheating because she's the sort that would get too guilty and can't exactly lie with a straight face.


Any inputs or advice on this?

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How ya goin, mate? I'm very sorry to hear that you're going through a difficult time at the moment. Having said that, just know that everything is going to be ok and you will make it through this, I guarantee.


Step back, take a deep breath or three, and try to take it one day at a time.


Big electronic hugs coming at you from somewhere out in woop woop.


TormentedEmu <3

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  • 4 weeks later...

I will be brutal here sorry, she has someone else. No one just cuts ties if they don't have somewhere else to go. Advice, you crying and begging her to come back (not saying you are, just example) will not work, that will simply give her an even bigger ego. Whats going to piss her off is you being happy, and living your life. Now you have even more time to play 7d2d

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I will be brutal here sorry, she has someone else. No one just cuts ties if they don't have somewhere else to go. Advice, you crying and begging her to come back (not saying you are, just example) will not work, that will simply give her an even bigger ego. Whats going to piss her off is you being happy, and living your life. Now you have even more time to play 7d2d


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Amen brother! Leave that chick behind & get your gaming on bro. There's someone else out there for ya.

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