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Get sucked into the time sucking video site known as Youtube...


I just (from my perspective) watched a video on here someone posted and now 6 hours have past.


I made the mistake of clicking on a side video and that was it.


For the record the one I watched was a Kids React To video. It show kids stuff from my youth (old computers, rotary phones, camera that take film, etc). Some of their comments are hilarious and some are surprisingly right on the money.


The I found out there is also College Kids React To, Elderly React To, etc.


There are what could be hundreds of them so if someone could let me know when A17 comes out that would be great

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  • 3 weeks later...
Get sucked into the time sucking video site known as Youtube...


I just (from my perspective) watched a video on here someone posted and now 6 hours have past.


I made the mistake of clicking on a side video and that was it.


For the record the one I watched was a Kids React To video. It show kids stuff from my youth (old computers, rotary phones, camera that take film, etc). Some of their comments are hilarious and some are surprisingly right on the money.


The I found out there is also College Kids React To, Elderly React To, etc.


There are what could be hundreds of them so if someone could let me know when A17 comes out that would be great



Thankfully, this doesn't happen as often to me nowadays as it used to. Sometimes it's better to just not go onto Youtube in the first place. Takes a whole lot of discipline but would save you a whole lot of time as well.

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