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Death By Darkness - Small World, Deadly Nights, Loot Crates, Tough Radiated Zeds


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Death By Darkness

Version 1.0 for Alpha 16.4


About the Mod

Greetings everybody and welcome to Death By Darkness! So, what does this mod do exactly? Well, let's get into this!


Small but Deadly Map

Death By Darkness changes the randomly generated map a very good deal. The map is a small circle of roughly 800 blocks, which has a wasteland-forest hybrid at its center, and about 500 blocks out from that, a wasteland biome about 300 blocks to the radiation zone.


The map has many broken down buildings tightly packed together in the central part which makes visibility long range a problem. Trees and grass galore along with green mist make it almost impossible to see far. But visuals are the least of your worries...


Towns do not generate as they do in Vanilla. Instead, POIs are tightly packed together in amongst the broken down rubble. However looting them is no easy task and you will have to get geared up and ready to fight feral and radiated zombies from day 1. Waking up sleepers will be a big mistake early on especially if you get unlucky!


Animals & Zombies: Tough Buggers!

All animals and zombies have a huge sight range and they will aggressively pursue you until you kill them or get far enough away from them so that they lose sight of you - which is not easy when the map is so small!


During the day in the forest areas, normal walking zombies will spawn. But you also have to watch for the odd feral now and then, and definitely keep an eye out for wolves and bears. They roam the overgrown waste in large numbers. If you have ventured too far towards the wasteland that surrounds your one and only patch of green, you're going to have a bad time as all zombies during the day are feral!


During the night, you will want to stay well well out of sight. Zombies can sense you very well even in the dark, and making too much noise will start to attract hordes of them to your location. If you happen to be out in the wasteland at night, you're going to have a bad time as all zombies will be radiated!


Looting: Take a Chance!

Although you are able to loot buildings in this mod just like in the vanilla game, looting has been changed a little bit so that you can get loot by exploring the land. As you walk around you may notice crates with different coloured tops. Each crate contains a different type and amount of loot depending on the crate and the colour of the top.


Crates come in 3 tiers - Tier 1 are blue topped and have the worst loot, tier 2 crates are orange topped and have pretty good loot, and tier 3 crates are red topped and have amazing loot. But there's a catch! Tier 3 crates only spawn out in the wasteland areas. So you're going to have to gear up to go out there and get the crates for the best loot, whilst avoiding feral zombies!


Crates come in 9 different varieties: Medical, Guns & Ammo, Electrical, Food, Building, Tools, Explosives, Melee & Ranged Weapons, Traps. You will want to acquire as much loot as possible during the day to prepare your defenses for the night. It will be rough!


Recommended Settings

This mod is good to play solo or in a group for either PvE or PvP settings. The primary focus of this mod was PvP but PvE works just as well due to how tough the environment can be.


Recommended game settings:

- Day Length: 40 Minutes (Easy) or 30 Minutes (Challenging)

- Day Cycle: 18 Hours of daylight

- Air Drops: Daily

- Drop on Death: Backpack Only (PvP), Everything (Easy) or Delete All (PvP/Challenging)

- Loot Respawn: Every 3 Days

- Difficulty: Warrior (Easy) or Survivalist (Challenging)



You can get this mod by going to the 7 Days to Die Mod Launcher, and look under MaxFoxGaming > Death By Darkness.


If you want to download the source, you can find it here (Direct Download).

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Anyone had issues with 'Orangegrown' not found?


I think maybe you have installed this over a different modded copy - there's no orange plants or anything added. Maybe a Starvation thing?


- - - Updated - - -


Probably one of my favorite mods at the moment. Thank you.


I am really glad you're enjoying it :D

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I have given your mod a try in sigleplayer (recommended settings) and I was having a blast. Or several. It's great fun and fast-paced. The name is a bit generic though. May I suggest something more fitting? How about "corpserun simulator 2018" XD

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I have given your mod a try in sigleplayer (recommended settings) and I was having a blast. Or several. It's great fun and fast-paced. The name is a bit generic though. May I suggest something more fitting? How about "corpserun simulator 2018" XD


I'm really glad you're liking the pace of the mod :D Excellent stuff :)


The name was pretty much a placeholder :) Name ideas welcome :D Corpserun Simulator 2018 is a funny one haha :D

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hey mdf grats on the nice idea for a mod, been playing for a few hours and i already like the challenge!


i would rename it : you think you can survive a week? lol


i love the idea of hiding on a building (kinda) on the first night while you see a mass of zombos+animals and you litteraly cant do anything about it (i didnt even had arrows to shoot the bastards lol)


i dont know if the skills are broken but i raised weapon smithing to lvl 3 and im still making lvl25 shivs and wooden bows, your comments on this please?


thanks for the funtimes mate!

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hey mdf grats on the nice idea for a mod, been playing for a few hours and i already like the challenge!


i would rename it : you think you can survive a week? lol


i love the idea of hiding on a building (kinda) on the first night while you see a mass of zombos+animals and you litteraly cant do anything about it (i didnt even had arrows to shoot the bastards lol)


i dont know if the skills are broken but i raised weapon smithing to lvl 3 and im still making lvl25 shivs and wooden bows, your comments on this please?


thanks for the funtimes mate!


Greetings! :D Glad you're having fun with this mod. I'll have a look at skills could be that I broke something whilst opening up the levelling :)

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