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Help Needed on Exporting prefabs ?


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When using SDTD Editor to use the BBB commands to save & export my prefab ive noticed the max size it saves is approx 33 blocks out, I would like to be able to export a larger prefab but setting the starting claim size to say 99 doesnt export 99 blocks, I assume im being a DERP ? any help thanks

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When you run the program you click your save game then your save then your name in game which brings up the starting claim size, default 33, Ive changed this to 99 as a test & then saved but when I use bbb exportsw myname it always saves exactly 33 blocks...

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The only other place to add numbers is default max claims ? which is set at 10 pressing backup manager you can set starting claim size to any number but it always saves at 33 blocks squared... middle block 15 out NESW.....


Anyone else have any ideas how to extend the default 33 blocks ?


I see what you mean now lol.... Was totally missing the 2nd line of info once you click on it.... Thanks

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