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Too much random at 7 day hordes


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On insane difficulty I've seen only 2 cops at 28 night before day 49 and nothing else. No radiated mobs, no wights.

It was just insulting. I'm playing on insane difficulty and only looting corpses at blood moons or even being afk. It makes me loose interest.

Then at night 49 suddenly 6 cops, 2+ wights, 1 radiated wight, radiated spider decided to finally show me some respect and attend to my blood moon party. Finally I've got some destruction from exploding cops and got some reasons to play further.

I've added some more fortifications, prepared myself to have some fun at night 56(gamestage 720) and got not a single mob above feral spider. For whole night my base lost about 10-15 not even upgraded iron spikes.

I don't think such nights is what player on max difficulty expects from the game.

Random is a good thing, it makes something somewhat unique, but in many cases it has to be controlled.

A blood moon hordes should have a guaranteed amount of hard zombies(radiated, wights, cops e.t.c.) based on gamestage. Random gen could decide which hard mobs exactly will be present at the nights, but the gamestage should decide a minimum amount of them.

Without some control over the horde the player cannot feel the raising difficulty of it.

I know it possible to raise gamestage in xml, but in that case game type changes from survival to sandbox, I may play creative or with cheats as well. Also it still not solves the problem. At gamestage 3k I can get 20 radiated zombies or only 2.

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I would have to wonder about your progress/wellness/deaths/leveling/construction that may or may not have influenced your horde. On insane, I imagine progression is that much harder.


Did you have a tough initial run, and then really hit your stride for a couple weeks before that mega mob? That is my first thought based on your description of horde nights.

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I would have to wonder about your progress/wellness/deaths/leveling/construction that may or may not have influenced your horde. On insane, I imagine progression is that much harder.


Did you have a tough initial run, and then really hit your stride for a couple weeks before that mega mob? That is my first thought based on your description of horde nights.


The only difference in progression on insane is wellness gained from food. After getting better weapons you can clear the buildings almost as fast as on any other difficulty and the horde nights are not much different from survivalist as well.

Last time I died at night 14 or 21 and the next horde had 2 or 3 cops. Weeks before day 49 or 56 had not that much difference in amount of gathered resources or zombies killed. Wellness is around 175 and it had raised after night 49. Also, as I said, after day 49 I've decided to fortify my base so the construction should also positively affect the horde as well as gathering resources as I hit the max level of miner69r.

By all reasons I've deserved a decent 56 night horde, not a bunch of solders and tourists. They are the only zombies able to reach the place I build for killing zombies in melee.

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That's weird! I play with Mods - War of the Walkers, Valmod and almost as sure as clockwork on the 3rd horde night (Day 21) I'll get Irradiated zeds and usually at least 2 Irradiated Cops from the start... Sometimes I'll get them on day 14, but usually they are not irradiated cops but irradiated zeds. This is in "SP" (game set to MP but password protected so 'no one can join'), or MP on our dedi. But after that I'll get them every horde night.


Hmm... Day 56 and GS @ 720... To me it seems low but with Insane Difficulty it maybe right. "We've" only played insane a couple of times where as I play just one below that.


You don't mention any dedi nor other players so is this SP?


I've noticed that things seem to get a bit messed up when one of the zeds in a wave get 'stuck' - notice that? I've seen a few times that other waves of zeds wont spawn till the last one in a wave is put out of its misery... Did that happen? To me when this happens it seems that the next waves afterwards are 'weaker' than what proceeded it.


AH HA!!! Gazz got a gamestage thing... Don't have time to totally check it out but here is his posting:


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That's weird! I play with Mods - War of the Walkers, Valmod and almost as sure as clockwork on the 3rd horde night (Day 21) I'll get Irradiated zeds and usually at least 2 Irradiated Cops from the start... Sometimes I'll get them on day 14, but usually they are not irradiated cops but irradiated zeds. This is in "SP" (game set to MP but password protected so 'no one can join'), or MP on our dedi. But after that I'll get them every horde night.


Hmm... Day 56 and GS @ 720... To me it seems low but with Insane Difficulty it maybe right. "We've" only played insane a couple of times where as I play just one below that.


You don't mention any dedi nor other players so is this SP?


I've noticed that things seem to get a bit messed up when one of the zeds in a wave get 'stuck' - notice that? I've seen a few times that other waves of zeds wont spawn till the last one in a wave is put out of its misery... Did that happen? To me when this happens it seems that the next waves afterwards are 'weaker' than what proceeded it.


AH HA!!! Gazz got a gamestage thing... Don't have time to totally check it out but here is his posting:



Playing SP, no mods, so loot respawn, no airdrops, 24zombies at night, 16h day.

Idk if it's low gs or not, but I can say what almost always I'm spending my time as effective as possible. Even at nights I'm mining stones or clearing/looting buildings if nothing else it worth spending time right now.


Wotw could have some modifications for hordes.


Haven't encountered any bugs in zombies spawning. Always a constant flow at blood moons. It can be because my first floor is free to enter from any side of the building.


If I get the data in excel file right, then the horde is still can be considered random.

I had a lot of solders or bikers at night 56. But I just can't consider them strong zombies. They are the only ones who survived the spikes between the entrance and the killzone, but even ten of those guys cannot cause the destruction a single regular cop or wight can. They just don't grab my attention so after the night you don't really feel like something unusual happened. Just a big roaming horde left some bodies on your spikes.

I'm talking about guaranteed quantity of cops/wights/radiated zombies based on gamestage value, not just the chance of them.

It just not feels right when at the same gamestage you can have a few cops and get half of your base blown up or just a bunch of soldiers who will destroy some of your spikes by their broken legs.

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