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Start/Stop Quest for all Players (possible?)


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Hello Community,


I am planning a new and funny mod for 7d2d, and thanks to Alphado my concept is already very nice - I dont want to spoil it but I need 1 final "function" to make my mod working:


"I need a quest that starts for everyone on the server, and if one player finish it ALL get a new one"


Alphado mention it is maybe possible with "hooks".

I dont know about it - but if its works it would make my idea 1000% better.

(I have a "emergency plan" if its not possible)


Have you any ideas - if and how this could work?

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i dont know if i can do this.

my idea works in singleplayer but not multiplayer (because all ppl need the same quest stage).

... maybe i make a alpha first for singleplayer only with dummy models/icons and hope that someone helps me if he like my idea ^^

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If 7d2d were made with Java I know how to start, but here i have no clue.

I need something like this, or?

Is this possible with ScriptingMod?



queststage: 0 start / 1-7 mainquest / 8 mainquest / 9 final
queque: if queststage was 0 at shutdown, time save
defaultRestart: serverticks until quest restart
latestFounds: who complete queststage

server start
check if queststage = 0
   if 0
   queque +1 until = defaultRestart
       latestFounds 1-7 set none
       execute command: remove quests player (to be sure no one bug)
       execute command: give quest1 all

player join
execute command: remove quests player
check queststage
   if queststage = 1
   execute command: give quest1 player
   (and so on)

event handling
if player finish quest[1-7]
   save playerName @ latestFounds 1-7
   queststage +1
   execute command: remove quests all
   execute command: give quest[queststage] all
else if player finish quest8
   queststage +1
   execute command: remove quests all
   execute command: give quest[queststage] all
else if player finish quest9
   execute command: remove quests
   start respawn loop
       ticks until defaultRestart
           execute command: give quest1 all

server shutdown
if queststage = 0
save time @ queque

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