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Games still buggy and glitcy

SubOhm VA

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Why is the console version even allowed to be so junky. I k I k TellTales involved and tthat doesnt help. A. Games still buggy and glitcy, constant role back bugs. B. Our servers cant even stay open if were not on, resulting in No Co Op game play. Ihonestly dont understand why console version isnt taken care of. We've paid plenty for our game to and have put in hundreds of hours, only to own a much inferior copy compared to p.c. Please put some thought into us too. Sincerely~ J Angus

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I'm sure that if you did a little bit of research, you would understand perfectly.


You might want to start with at least reading sticky threads in this section, and in the multiplayer section.

Here, I'll even do half the work for you. You don't even have to look, just click these links and then do some reading.





I do caution you though. It will require reading, paying attention to words on a screen for an extended period of time, and possibly using your brain to comprehend the text.

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