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[Mod] Neon Signs


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The signs lights up when powered. You can set them to flash and set their colors in xml


Updated for alpha 17


Update Notes v1.0.4

  • Updated models for alpha 17
  • Removed remote power options
  • Not yet tested on MP


Included Signs

  • Open x 3
  • Gun
  • Pizza
  • Bowling
  • Chinese Food


Adding your own models

  1. You need 2 sets of meshes, 1 for lit and 1 for unlit.
  2. Make a empty gameObject to hold your lit meshes and set its transform to zero, rename it to "LitObjects"
  3. Make another empty gameObject for each of the parts or groups of part that you want to have its own color option, the empty gameObjects must have "color" in the name (case sensitive)
  4. Set your empty color gameObjects transform to zero and put your parts or groups into them
  5. Put all your color gameObjects that now contain the lit meshes into the "LitObjects" empty gameObject you made before
  6. Every mesh in the color objects need a material and its shader must have an emissive color
  7. Add the names of the color gameObjects as a xml property set the value using RGB color codes
  8. For now you need to add a property named "LightObject" with value "LitObjects" to the xml, later this will be default and you wont need to do this step unless you change the object name in step 2


Download Link v1.0.4







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nice work! like it


like the hollowed one (2) little bit more.


Could you do a Day/Night Indicator, for us bedrock moles? Simple version: a day and a night sign block manually powered. Advanced version: 1 block extension of the BlockTimerRelay w/ ui to set day night switch time. :smile-new:


*Off Topic On*

Also thanks for Pioneering BlockPowered mods, had a hard time to understand just a little of it. But this release just came to the right time. Can you also give some more insight on why direct connection does not work on mp atm? *edit* i sent you a pm */edit*

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I just grab a picture of a real neon and set it as a background in blender then trace it with a path, use a circle as the bevel object to get the thickness. I'll have a update to this soon with more signs. The update will allow you to change the colors in xml and make it flash if you want it to. Here's a preview of what I've done so far.



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