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Fix/Clean Glitched Block


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Last horde night a cop exploded right next to a blade trap and blew it. Afterwards, I found that the exact place the blade trap was placed (not the 3x3 area, just the center) is glitched. Blocks (such as the blade trap) overlapping it cannot be placed. A wood frame can be placed _over_ it, but is then immediately destroyed.


Is there any way I can fix it? Through debug mode, or editing tools? I haven't used either, but it is annoying me greatly to have a perfectly good based flawed due to a bug. :(

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There is one workaround for those invisible blocks that are created when a block is destroyed or is 'falling' due to the structural integrity


Build a 'harness' around the area with wood frames.

Place multiple wood frames above the area

let the wood frames fall so they create rubble

create rubble till the rubble fills up the 'invisible blocks'

then you can clean up the rubble and the blocks should once again be 'free' for any other block to be placed there.

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There is one workaround for those invisible blocks that are created when a block is destroyed or is 'falling' due to the structural integrity


Build a 'harness' around the area with wood frames.

Place multiple wood frames above the area

let the wood frames fall so they create rubble

create rubble till the rubble fills up the 'invisible blocks'

then you can clean up the rubble and the blocks should once again be 'free' for any other block to be placed there.


That's an interesting solution. :) Some effort, but at least worth doing if it's at a critical place.


Wish there was just a way to "check the chunk and fix all the crap" command. Would help when the blocks glitch out and say give you a view down to hell as if the ground was never there, and so on.


/Vedui -

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