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Zombie Pathing


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Hi All


Quick question.


I was screwing around with some different base designs last night and I found in general whenever I built a larger base the zombies would no longer look for a door and rather just bust down what ever side they were facing.


how do you guys as a base designer deal with this esp when building larger size bases?

is there a way to make them path to where you want, certain blocks they won't attack or even way to make them run to a specific section of wall?


Would love to see some designs, more aiming at the early to mid game.

or even some suggestions on how to get the Zombies to path the way I want.


In the late Game personally I usually make a wall of concrete on the outside of that is a barbwire floor and before that rows of spikes, however wanting to expand my base earlier in the game without having resources for that feel very hard.


Thanks all

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They don't go for the door on horde night? Because wandering hordes are different and will just tear through whatever is in their path.

Larger bases are more likely to get in the way, and are therefore more likely to get wrecked.


Also if you are on a ledge outside the base, they will be more likely to go where you are, rather than where the door is. Size of the base doesn't really matter in that case.

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My impression is that zombies go for the door, if it's close by. They won't path to it from long distances, which is probably how it should be. If anything, zombies might even be going for doors even if it doesn't make sense, which is a gameplay problem if it allows players to create elaborate kill-corridors just because doors draw their attention.


Either way, mid-late game most players seem to avoid doors as they just attract too much zombie attention, a draw bridge or even a jump-able gap provides better security. A bit of a pity, as I like the vault doors :D Maybe doors need a bit more attack resistance, as having 5-10 zombies clump right outside bashing the door brings it down real fast.


Personally I try not making the zombies path in my base designs too much. Maybe some gentle funneling into choke points through usage of walls (which do get damaged), but nothing excessive. It's far too easy to outwit the AI to the point where zombies are little or no threat at all. Ie, spinning underneath the player or walking back and forth over spike traps. I prefer making walls in layers and fighting from behind the pillar walls/arrow slits when they get that close, to give them a fair chance to focus on beating down the walls to get to me.


/Vedui -

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Zombies don't target doors from what I understand. In an earlier post someone, can't recall who, explained that zombie pathing doesn't "see" doors, they are treated as an open space in a wall. So the zombie pathing will try to avoid the walls as obstacles and go for the "open"path. And when they run into the door they do the usual thing of hitting the obstacle. I don't know this is true but it seems valid from what I've seen.


I suppose you could test this by setting up a door with no walls sround it and see if zombies head for it or not.


I would bet zombies slso don't see spikes or barb wire either, otherwise they would treat them as obstacles and path around them rather than running onto them mindlessly... like good mindless zombies should.

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Hi All


Quick question.


I was screwing around with some different base designs last night and I found in general whenever I built a larger base the zombies would no longer look for a door and rather just bust down what ever side they were facing.


how do you guys as a base designer deal with this esp when building larger size bases?

is there a way to make them path to where you want, certain blocks they won't attack or even way to make them run to a specific section of wall?


Would love to see some designs, more aiming at the early to mid game.

or even some suggestions on how to get the Zombies to path the way I want.


In the late Game personally I usually make a wall of concrete on the outside of that is a barbwire floor and before that rows of spikes, however wanting to expand my base earlier in the game without having resources for that feel very hard.


Thanks all




If the door is over 15 blocks from an "outer wall" then the zombies dont path to it.


You could maybe use trap doors to make them path. Zombies will path in an direct line to you.



What type of base are you looking to make?


If you want them on a "certain wall". then maybe try lining the inside of the wall with doors or trap doors. See if they path to that wall.

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I've literally built a maze and they path just fine through it to get to the gooey center (me). They have an ai task that has them attacking doors, but I suppose the door has to be in a certain range. Best way is to "herd" them through hallways and pick them off from murder holes.

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Using certain blocks as walls and design combinations also nullifies zombie melee attacks completely, yet allowing unhindered access for minibikes.


Was hoping that the breadcrumbs would eventually patch away this loophole in their pathfinding.

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