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Computer Specs?


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Let me save you the trouble by saying no matter what you buy, it'll likely not run as smooth as you're hoping for. There's a number of different stutter issues which is caused by the engine itself and has nothing to do with PC hardware. There's also an unusually high demand on CPU, but unfortunately, it doesn't matter too much which CPU you go with since the game mostly only benefits from 2 cores. So ya, in the end... just get what you think is good for games in general and don't worry too much on how it'll perform for this game... at least until the devs and Unity optimize and fix the engine.


My old rig:

AMD Phenom II X4 965 BE @ 3.4GHz (CM Hyper N520 cooler), 8GB ddr3 ram, Samsung Evo 850 SSD, EVGA GTX 660 S3 3GB, CM Storm Sniper BE case. I run a dedicated server on an AMD based laptop as well. With the current version of the game, FPS bounces all over the place depending on what's going on, but it usually stays above 45fps on high graphics settings. With Alpha 10.4 or older, I used to get a solid 60fps on max graphics settings and no stutter issues. Something to keep in mind... this game can heat up computers... so if you don't build it correctly, it will likely overheat.

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This game also basically runs on anything.


My 2011 Acer Aspire can run the game on lowest at 20~fps.


And my oldish PC can run it on medium/high at 1080p, at 45+FPS.


My PC specs are AMD FX 8320


7200rpm WD blue 1TB HDD

And AMD HD 6870 1GB.

On Windows 10.


In all likelihood, your new rig will run better than mine. :)

What's the specs on your new rig?

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CPU: i7 2600

GPU: Radeon 5870 1 gig vram

RAM: 8 Gig

HD: Nothing special 7400rpm drive

Windows 10


I am using a 32" HDTV with a max resolution of 720p. With settings ranging from medium to high, I am getting mostly 60+ FPS in normal traveling around. That said, depending on what is going on, it can dip down to 45 FPS and there are periodic stuttering.


Basically, you want a well cooled CPU (it will get hot), plenty of system ram and a pretty beefy GPU for this game. In theory, as they move out of Alpha eventually, they will enter the beta phase which will include optimizations that should improve performance. But, don't count on it any time soon.

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This game also basically runs on anything.


My 2011 Acer Aspire can run the game on lowest at 20~fps.


And my oldish PC can run it on medium/high at 1080p, at 45+FPS.


My PC specs are AMD FX 8320


7200rpm WD blue 1TB HDD

And AMD HD 6870 1GB.

On Windows 10.


In all likelihood, your new rig will run better than mine. :)

What's the specs on your new rig?


I don't know exactly what I'm going to put in my new rig but I might just go simple and get a Gtx 1060 and a i5 6600k or maybe i7 6700k, and 8gb ram for now.

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I don't know exactly what I'm going to put in my new rig but I might just go simple and get a Gtx 1060 and a i5 6600k or maybe i7 6700k, and 8gb ram for now.

Oh god. You'll be fine. :)


If my 5-6 year old AMD HD 6870 can manage 45-60fps on medium/high, you'll be running max settings at the same or higher FPS. :)


Though, you'll still need to have UMA set to low unless you get more than 8GB of ram.


I'd stick with the i5 though, you won't get much, if any, performance increase with the i7, not for games anyway.

I7s are basically bragging rights, or for professional use. Lol

The money saved can be used for either a better graphics card, more ram, or (larger) SSD. All of which will give you noticable improvements.

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Oh god. You'll be fine. :)


If my 5-6 year old AMD HD 6870 can manage 45-60fps on medium/high, you'll be running max settings at the same or higher FPS. :)


Though, you'll still need to have UMA set to low unless you get more than 8GB of ram.


I'd stick with the i5 though, you won't get much, if any, performance increase with the i7, not for games anyway.

I7s are basically bragging rights, or for professional use. Lol

The money saved can be used for either a better graphics card, more ram, or (larger) SSD. All of which will give you noticable improvements.

Alright! thanks for the help!

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I have an i5 4670 3.4GHz (boost 3,8) with 16 gigs of RAM, a gtx760 OC and a Samsung Evo SSD. Game runs absolutely beautiful with the settings below, which I am fine with. Haven't spent much time finetuning - maybe it can do better ;) :



Awesome! I should be able to handle the game just fine! :)

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I have an i5 4670 3.4GHz (boost 3,8) with 16 gigs of RAM, a gtx760 OC and a Samsung Evo SSD. Game runs absolutely beautiful with the settings below, which I am fine with. Haven't spent much time finetuning - maybe it can do better ;) :



You should be fine with Sunshafts on!

They're awesome. Lol

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I7 4770

16BG ram

250GB SSD (7days installed only)

Asus 1060 Strix OC


On all high settings the game runs around 60. If you go all Low-Mid it will push out 120-180fps.

Similar results with an I5 2400 and the same video card except the rates. At max I was getting about 35 and Low-Mid was about 120-140.

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i7 3930k overclocked to 4.5 GHz (6-core, 12-thread)


Radeon R9 270x (2GB) - I want to upgrade this to a 470 soon.

OS on SSD. 7DTD on different SSD.

Windows 7 Pro


Running a dedicated server at the same time, typically hosting 1-2 players, occasionally 3.


Settings are as follows:




Maintains 60 FPS most of the time, occasionally dropping into the 50-60 range.

Drops somewhat (40-60 FPS) while fighting hordes. I'm considering turning down UMA quality.

Significant drops when looking out over water (30-40 FPS).

Significant drops with a lot of light sources (20 FPS).

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i7 3930k overclocked to 4.5 GHz (6-core, 12-thread)


Radeon R9 270x (2GB) - I want to upgrade this to a 470 soon.

OS on SSD. 7DTD on different SSD.

Windows 7 Pro





Maintains 60 FPS most of the time.

Nice! I cant wait to play this game!! :smug:

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