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A Clockwork Project

Clockwork Orange

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Update (9/2/17)



-Slightly reduced spawn chance of wheat and blueberries



-Changed wheat texture to be more noticeable


-Removed Silencer from junk lootgroup

-Added junkParts loot group which consists of parts for all basic weapons pistol / shotguns / hunting rifle, compound bow parts, nailgun parts and motor tool parts

-Added junkParts loot group to junk loot group with a low spawn chance

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Update (9/3/17)



-Added handZombieElectricWorker with 100% chance to cast a shocking buff on you

-Added handZombieWorkerFeral with 100% chance to cast a shocking buff on you



-Added electrified zombie buff

-Added type armordown to electricity buffs



-Added Electrified Utility Worker

-Added Electrified Feral Utility Worker

-Added immunity to electric buffs to Electrified Utility Worker and Electrified Feral Utility Worker



-Added Electrified Utility Worker

-Added Electrified Feral Utility Worker


These two new zombies will show up in sleeper spawners and in gamestage hordes

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Update (9/4/17)



-Added Venom Gland



-Added handSnake snakes no longer stun and now have a Venomous Poison buff they have a 30% chance to poison you and you can only be poisoned 3 times before dying from the 4th

-Added Venom Gland (Can be harvested from snakes)



-Added several venom buffs (You can be poisoned with venom from a snake bite, there is no cure, however you can build up immunity to it and once you are immune that immunity lasts indefinitely until you die, you can eat poison glands to slowly become immune or simply let a snake poison you once, any further poisoning will only make you sick)

-Being poisoned from snake venom will slowly reduce your stamina a small amount and slowly deal damage to you but dont let the minor health loss be something to be ignored the poison buff lasts for 24 hours and any further poisoning during this time can become extremely fatal very fast)



-Snakes are faster and more deadly and now use the new snake hand item

-Added immunity to venom poison to zombies and minibike

-Added venom gland to harvest event for snakes



-Added snakes to some animal groups (Snakes will now show up more often and are a fairly large threat)

-Added snakes horde group



-Reworked wandering hordes to now include all kinds of different horde groups including the new snake horde group



-Added name and description for Venom Gland



This update adds a fairly complex mechanic so I will go over it in a bit more detail:


Snakes can bite you and have a 30% chance to poison you with venom.


There is no cure for the venomous poison however you can build up a permanent immunity to it by enduring the poison for up to 5 days


One bite or eating one venom gland will poison you for 24 hours during that time you will slowly build up immunity to the poison, you can eat a poison gland once a day for 5 days to become immune to its effects, this immunity will last forever or until you die.


After you are poisoned by either a snake or by eating one venom gland you can easily become sick from poison by being bitten by a snake or by eating another poison gland, eating 4 poison glands in a row will kill you instantly, and being poisoned by a snake four times in a row will instantly kill you as well.


Venomous poison has 4 stages the 4 stage is death the other 3 stages are as follows:


Stage 1 Venomous Poison: You will have a small stamina loss of 1 every 3 seconds and a small dehydration of 1 every 60 seconds and be damaged for 1 health every in game half hour and this lasts for 24 hours so it will do a total of 48 damage over its duration


Stage 2 Venom Sickness: You will lose stamina slightly faster of 2 every 3 seconds and have dehydration of 1 every 30 seconds and will only move at 90% speed and will do 5 damage to you every in game half hour but this poison effect gets metabolized over 5 in game hours so it will only do a total of 50 damage to you


Stage 3 Venom Extreme Sickness: You will lose stamina slightly faster of 1 every 3 seconds from base poisoning plus 1 every 2 seconds form sickness poisoning and have dehydration of 2 every 30 seconds and will only move at 60% speed and will do 10 damage to you every in game half hour but this poison effect gets metabolized over 5 in game hours so it will only do a total of 100 damage to you over the course of those 5 hours, after it is metabolized for 5 hours it will regress into the stage 2 where it will take another 5 hours to metabolize that buff and it will do its 50 damage to you as well.


Stage 4 is death


You can also poison others with venom glands as well.

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Update (9/4/17)


After playing for extended periods of time I have come to dislike my Nutrition System due ot the fact that it did not promote eating more prepared food, rather it promoted the opposite. I have also come to dislike the complexity and feel of that complexity, the game itself is a lot more fun when you have less to focus on and simply focus on pure survival.


I am sorry if there are some of you who liked it but I have decided to remove it entirely. But I have made other balance changes that I feel make the food game much more geared towards what I wanted to achieve with the nutrition system in the first place however not fully it still feels better this way.



-Removed Nutrition System

-Added wellness loss with venom poisoning and venom sickness



-Changed all foods to no longer increment nutrition and now only certain foods give wellness

-Charred food does not give any wellness

-Grilled foods give 0.1 wellness

-Boiled foods give 0.15 wellness

-Stews give 0.25 wellness

-Canned foods reduce wellness by -0.15

-Raw foods reduce wellness by -0.5 along with food poisoning reducing it further

-Rotten Flesh reduces wellness by 5 along with food poisoning reducing it further

-Murky Water reduces wellness by -0.15 along with dysentery reducing it further

-Removed Pepperoni because it felt redundant along side having sliced ham


-Removed Pepperoni

-Change pizza now requires sliced ham

-Changed Blueberry Jam is now made at the wood table using a mortar and pestle

-Changed Cornbread and Jam is now made at the wood table using a hunting knife



-Removed Pepperoni



-Reduced spawn chance of bird nests in forest biomes

-Reduced spawn chance of blueberries and wheat in forest biomes


Food in general is now a bit harder to find due to the removal of the nutrition system, you may actually find yourself needing to eat things that lower your wellness just to survive.


You can now focus on finding food to survive without worrying about its beneficial factors since the food items themselves will have it listed.

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Update (9/4/17)


Rebalanced wellness for each food item based on how much food each item gives and based on how the food was prepared


Formula used: Boiled / Soup foods are baseline 10 food = 0.05 wellness, grilled food is half of baseline, stews / pie is double baseline


This promotes making foods that require water. And promotes the more complex foods that require more ingredients.



-Changed all foods to now be based off of the tiered formula for food / wellness gained

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well, this was a fantastic mod, my whole crew absolutely loved it. then you updated to the 16.3 and put gore blocks back in. its an unnecessary mechanic that makes your mod a tad on the ridiculous side. my whole crew walked away from it when they saw you put the gore block system back in. too bad, we have been playing it since you updated to 16.2. im not sure what possessed you to think it was a good idea to put something back in that had proven to be disliked by a majority of the community when the pimps tried the system out. that being said, we appreciate the work you did and enjoyed your mod immensely and cant thank you enough for the effort you put in. we will keep an eye to see if you rethink that strategy but until that point, my crew wants to move to different mod. peace out.

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well, this was a fantastic mod, my whole crew absolutely loved it. then you updated to the 16.3 and put gore blocks back in. its an unnecessary mechanic that makes your mod a tad on the ridiculous side. my whole crew walked away from it when they saw you put the gore block system back in. too bad, we have been playing it since you updated to 16.2. im not sure what possessed you to think it was a good idea to put something back in that had proven to be disliked by a majority of the community when the pimps tried the system out. that being said, we appreciate the work you did and enjoyed your mod immensely and cant thank you enough for the effort you put in. we will keep an eye to see if you rethink that strategy but until that point, my crew wants to move to different mod. peace out.


I reverted the gore blocks a long time ago, the only difference between my gore blocks and the ones in vanilla is the texture and the fact that they can support each other now. You cant have them support each other with the body shaped gore blocks because they look like they are floating so they are just terrain shaped and can stack on each other without destroying thus preserving more loot.


But by all means try out some other mods.

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I reverted the gore blocks a long time ago, the only difference between my gore blocks and the ones in vanilla is the texture and the fact that they can support each other now. You cant have them support each other with the body shaped gore blocks because they look like they are floating so they are just terrain shaped and can stack on each other without destroying thus preserving more loot.


But by all means try out some other mods.


we had not seen the gore blocks until just recently, when they built up on top of our spikes (unknown to us) and a herd just climbed up the blocks and over our wall down into our base. so not sure when exactly you re instituted those, we took a small break for a couple of weeks with the conan drop. and we really dont want to leave clockwork, as i said, we all loved it, but since we came back the gore blocks are back, some weird nutritional system is in place, and it appears something has changed with crafting floor as our mortar and pestle doesnt do the job anymore. i truly am not trying to be insulting, im just really sad that you put gore blocks back in. we were doing fine and loving the mod before that happened. when the pimps instituted the system originally.. my whole crew bailed and went off to other games until they removed it. damn near killed the game for us, and apparently alot of folks as well because the pimps pulled that idea. im begging you boss, for the love of god, dont leave the gore block system in place.

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we had not seen the gore blocks until just recently, when they built up on top of our spikes (unknown to us) and a herd just climbed up the blocks and over our wall down into our base. so not sure when exactly you re instituted those, we took a small break for a couple of weeks with the conan drop. and we really dont want to leave clockwork, as i said, we all loved it, but since we came back the gore blocks are back, some weird nutritional system is in place, and it appears something has changed with crafting floor as our mortar and pestle doesnt do the job anymore. i truly am not trying to be insulting, im just really sad that you put gore blocks back in. we were doing fine and loving the mod before that happened. when the pimps instituted the system originally.. my whole crew bailed and went off to other games until they removed it. damn near killed the game for us, and apparently alot of folks as well because the pimps pulled that idea. im begging you boss, for the love of god, dont leave the gore block system in place.


I want gore blocks to be able to allow zombies to climb, that is their whole purpose.


Gore block still exist in the vanilla game as well so they are not going anywhere sorry.


I already removed the Nutrition system cause I myself was not really liking it.


My mod as gotten a far bit harder recently too since I added dogs and snakes to the enemy animal spawn group and snakes are a lot more deadly due to their speed and venomous bite.


Sorry if its not what you wanted to hear.

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Update (9/5/17)



-Fixed water tower 03 is no longer in detail filler group

-Reworked entire building spawn counts and probabilities (Towns will generate fuller now with more variance and without repeat buildings (except houses and other buildings that can repeat) like the water towers and old west groceries shop)

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I have to admit, I was not a fan of the nutrition system. I get the point behind it, but the complexity of it was just game killing for me. I am not going to say all of the "well in a survival situation" bs because its a game. Keep up the good work. If you want to adjust food as a means of survival my thoughts:


*Make animals harder to kill "you want that deer meat, better be ready to run your ass off and work for it"

*Lower the probability of food loot (decrease wellness/fullness of can foods, increase drop rate slightly to balance the lower probability of other food loot) "Why would I possibly find a pie in a fridge with no power that is still good"

*Make farming take longer

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I want gore blocks to be able to allow zombies to climb, that is their whole purpose.


Gore block still exist in the vanilla game as well so they are not going anywhere sorry.


I already removed the Nutrition system cause I myself was not really liking it.


My mod as gotten a far bit harder recently too since I added dogs and snakes to the enemy animal spawn group and snakes are a lot more deadly due to their speed and venomous bite.


Sorry if its not what you wanted to hear.


i appreciate all the hardwork you do and have done, i appreciate that its your mod and you will make it the way you want. but i am confused. you say gore blocks still exist in vanilla but they dont appear in my vanilla game, just 3 stage of decaying corpse then gone, on your mod they turn into actual climbable blocks that you have to physically destroy. dont get me wrong, my group loves a challenge but fully believe a climbable gore block is a game killer. so if you are keeping them i will just say this, we loved your mod and thank you for all you did, but we must bid a fond farewell and wish you luck with your continuing project. peace bud and thank you for being a wonderful modder.

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I have to admit, I was not a fan of the nutrition system. I get the point behind it, but the complexity of it was just game killing for me. I am not going to say all of the "well in a survival situation" bs because its a game. Keep up the good work. If you want to adjust food as a means of survival my thoughts:


*Make animals harder to kill "you want that deer meat, better be ready to run your ass off and work for it"

*Lower the probability of food loot (decrease wellness/fullness of can foods, increase drop rate slightly to balance the lower probability of other food loot) "Why would I possibly find a pie in a fridge with no power that is still good"

*Make farming take longer


Yeah it was just a bit too complex and made the game a bit tedious, plus it was not accomplishing what I wanted fully.


I will take your suggestions under advisement as I progress through, personally I hardly ever see foods in fridges but when they do show up it is nice so I am thinking that loot probability is ok but not 100% sure.


Same with canned foods I rarely see then and think the loot chance is ok and with the added slight wellness loss I think its a decent trade off if yo do happen to find some.


I personally think that hunting deer is hard enough since I have increased the deer movement speed and it makes hunting them down harder, I dont want to make them harder to kill with a bow by increasing HP since I think they are fairly difficult enough to kill and they dont spawn very often either.


Now that farming is supposedly fixed I might make it take longer than it currently is but I am unsure about how it feels currently since I have yet to get to the farming stage without restarting my world.


In any case let me know if you think foods are showing up too frequently in loot and if I might be wrong about the hunting in any way and need to re adjust things in regards to hunting but for now I think that finding food is fairly well balanced at this point especially with my latest biome changes to plant spawn chance but I could be wrong since I have not had a chance to fully do an extended play through.


- - - Updated - - -


i appreciate all the hardwork you do and have done, i appreciate that its your mod and you will make it the way you want. but i am confused. you say gore blocks still exist in vanilla but they dont appear in my vanilla game, just 3 stage of decaying corpse then gone, on your mod they turn into actual climbable blocks that you have to physically destroy. dont get me wrong, my group loves a challenge but fully believe a climbable gore block is a game killer. so if you are keeping them i will just say this, we loved your mod and thank you for all you did, but we must bid a fond farewell and wish you luck with your continuing project. peace bud and thank you for being a wonderful modder.


The corpses in vanilla are the same thing as my gore blocks I only changed the shape and texture if that is enough to make you consider leaving my mod despite all the rest that I have added and changed that is sad to say the least but I respect your decision and thank you for you feedback and wish you the best in the future.

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Update (9/5/17)


-Changed body stay time after death to 30 seconds from 60

-Changed gore block on death to original block ID



-Moved my terrain gore block to original gore block ID

-Removed my extra gore block ID (No need to create more bock ID's, nothing has changed with gore blocks other than ID's)

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