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A Clockwork Project

Clockwork Orange

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Update (8/26/17)


Updated Both Mod Versions and Compo Pack add on


I highly recommend doing a full wipe and starting fresh for this update!



-Updated Town / City generation to use the new A 16.3 B7 Town and City generation which looks ten times better, not all Cities look alike and much more variance in what prefabs you will find in those Towns and Cities just due to the generation itself, I did not change prefab probability.

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Hey man. I just wanted to let you know that we launched last night with your rwgmixer and combo pack along with our custom mods at Dirty Old Bastard Gaming. We had close to 30 on the server st one point and everyone overwhelmingly loved it. I get constant compliments about how great it looks. Kudos. Thought you'd want to know.

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Hey man. I just wanted to let you know that we launched last night with your rwgmixer and combo pack along with our custom mods at Dirty Old Bastard Gaming. We had close to 30 on the server st one point and everyone overwhelmingly loved it. I get constant compliments about how great it looks. Kudos. Thought you'd want to know.


That is great to hear, glad you guys are enjoying it! :)

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can harvest lotus, but there is no receipt for it. Lotusextract is out of snowberry?


You probably need to update manually or something, the recipe is there. Extract is made with a beaker using 1 lotus plant and grain alcohol. Same for blueberry extract takes 1 grain alcohol and 1 snowberry and requires a beaker as a tool.

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I just download "ACP Main Mod for A 16.2 Stable:" and the receips are:


<recipe name="lotusExtract" count="1" craft_time = "4" craft_exp_gain="14" craft_area="chemistryStation" craft_tool="beaker" >

<ingredient name="snowberryPlant" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="grainAlcohol" count="1"/>


just check it, it is the same in 16.3

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I just download "ACP Main Mod for A 16.2 Stable:" and the receips are:




just check it, it is the same in 16.3


I did check it but I just woke up and I am blind lol. Sorry its fixed now. Thought you meant the recipe was just non existent and I only checked it to see if it was there I did not look at the ingredients. :)

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as a feedback for nutrition system. I started a new game and I have now 106 health at day 10 with a great nutrions lvl. So it seems to work now.


- I can't find wheat so good. In the same time I found 40 blueberries in a maple wood biom, I just found 4 wheat. May I'm just blind, but it feels if you exchange the probability for wheat with blueberry.


- to combine iron working with iron arrowheads it's too hard and something for the late game. In my opinion iron arrowhead could coming a bit earlier in game.

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as a feedback for nutrition system. I started a new game and I have now 106 health at day 10 with a great nutrions lvl. So it seems to work now.


- I can't find wheat so good. In the same time I found 40 blueberries in a maple wood biom, I just found 4 wheat. May I'm just blind, but it feels if you exchange the probability for wheat with blueberry.


- to combine iron working with iron arrowheads it's too hard and something for the late game. In my opinion iron arrowhead could coming a bit earlier in game.


- the food lost if you have an infection is still to big. Now I can eat a lot and had my first full trifecta, but I lost also my first health-point, while I'm at great nutrition and without penalty.


Good to hear the nutrition system is better now, I did not change the wheat probabilities at all i just changed the texture of wheat so it is harder to find. This is intentional since blueberries are easier to find, I dont want people to be able to easily get trifecta going right off the start with wheat blueberries and meat. It is still possible but you have to have a good eye for the wheat now.


I will think about the arrow heads and see how I want to handle it.


Infection causes you to lose wellness directly at a rate of 0.1 every 100t which is every in game hour and nutrition system is set to give wellness at 0.16 every in game hour if you have an amazing nutrition and 0.08 every in game hour if you have incredible nutrition so once you are at an amazing nutrition you will no longer lose wellness during an infection but any stage below amazing nutrition will still cause you to lose wellness during an infection but the nutritional wellness gain will counter the infection wellness loss more and more with a better nutrition level. I feel it is perfectly balanced. Food loss is something I can look at but I think that it is fine since food is a lot more abundant now.

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This Mod is GREAT! well done! Clockwork Orange it really changes the game and progression the way i like. Few things that i have noticed are same as "narimbur" stated i also can't find any wheat :) all berries, minor infection is a killer especially in early game days without antibiotics you are condemned to die or waste your food to try to sustain yourself and hope you can find some way to cure, after all its a "minor" infection health loss could be lower :). I found some books and question is can you read the same book twice ? as after reading one of the type it says already known. Anyway man! thank you for the great work and constant updates.. I would love to see this mod growing even bigger with more items to loot and zombies to kill :)

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Infection causes you to lose wellness directly at a rate of 0.1 every 100t which is every in game hour and nutrition system is set to give wellness at 0.16 every in game hour if you have an amazing nutrition and 0.08 every in game hour if you have incredible nutrition so once you are at an amazing nutrition you will no longer lose wellness during an infection but any stage below amazing nutrition will still cause you to lose wellness during an infection but the nutritional wellness gain will counter the infection wellness loss more and more with a better nutrition level. I feel it is perfectly balanced. Food loss is something I can look at but I think that it is fine since food is a lot more abundant now.


Ok, I see. Now I have the situation, I just have meat and fruit for eating. I'm at full peak of both but I have only a food lvl of 30%. So while you have a (minor)-infection, in the time you can't eat so much you need, because of the food-lost.

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Ok, I see. Now I have the situation, I just have meat and fruit for eating. I'm at full peak of both but I have only a food lvl of 30%. So while you have a (minor)-infection, in the time you can't eat so much you need, because of the food-lost.


I will look into the food loss for the infection today but it will require me to recalculate the food nutrition metabolic rates again as well since I have buffs that make you metabolize food groups at a compensated rate for infection etc. I will have to test it thoroughly I think.


I also see an issue with the progression and how weapons and tools and and steel itself is unlocked. I need to make a new steel plating to be unlocked with steel smithing and need to figure out a better way to unlock forged steel and change the recipes for crafting steel blocks to use the new steel plating etc. This is is going to take a bit of time for me to rework.

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Update (8/27/17)



-Increased metabolic rates of food groups while infected (Still need to fully test the metabolic rates while infected but this should help for now at least, keep in mind that changes to buffs do not dynamically update and you will have to cure your infection or regress to a lower stage or progress to a worse state of infection in order for these changes to take effect.)

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This Mod is GREAT! well done! Clockwork Orange it really changes the game and progression the way i like. Few things that i have noticed are same as "narimbur" stated i also can't find any wheat :) all berries, minor infection is a killer especially in early game days without antibiotics you are condemned to die or waste your food to try to sustain yourself and hope you can find some way to cure, after all its a "minor" infection health loss could be lower :). I found some books and question is can you read the same book twice ? as after reading one of the type it says already known. Anyway man! thank you for the great work and constant updates.. I would love to see this mod growing even bigger with more items to loot and zombies to kill :)


You have to read the books out of your tool-belt.

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This Mod is GREAT! well done! Clockwork Orange it really changes the game and progression the way i like. Few things that i have noticed are same as "narimbur" stated i also can't find any wheat :) all berries, minor infection is a killer especially in early game days without antibiotics you are condemned to die or waste your food to try to sustain yourself and hope you can find some way to cure, after all its a "minor" infection health loss could be lower :). I found some books and question is can you read the same book twice ? as after reading one of the type it says already known. Anyway man! thank you for the great work and constant updates.. I would love to see this mod growing even bigger with more items to loot and zombies to kill :)


Hey sorry I missed your post thanks for the feedback, glad you are enjoying the mod. It is hard to balance for both late game and early game. Once you have antibiotics late game I guess infection is not really a concern so that is why the first stage does have a fairly harsh penalty. I did try to make honey poultice more accessible early game by increasing loot chance of honey but I think aloe is what is the issue at this point.


I want to keep the penalties harsh even for minor infection since it will be more balanced towards late game if you dont have antibiotics.


I might reduce the food loss a tiny bit maybe idk yet. health loss will probably remain as it is. I will however compromise and increase the availability of aloe I just dont know exactly how I am going to handle it yet.


EDIT: as Narimbur pointed out you need to read skill books manually from the toolbelt, and the wheat plants are out there the same as blueberries they are just hard to spot.

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Update (8/27/17)



-Reduced minor infection food loss to 1 every 60 seconds form 1 every 30 seconds

-Changed food group nutritional metabolic rate compensation for minor infection to match



-Added farm crops loot group to cupboards

-Changed coffee beans to farm crops loot group in sinks loot group (with these two changes aloe will become slightly more accessible, keep in mind that killing fat white lady zombies and the farmer zombies also have a chance to drop aloe plants as well.)

-Changed nurses will no longer drop junk or old cash and will only drop from the medicine loot group (This should slightly increase the chance of getting honey poultice and antibiotics etc)

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Update (8/27/17)



-Changed all Reinforced scrap iron blocks now upgrade into steel blocks with Steel Plating instead of Forged Steel

-Changed all Steel Blocks now upgrade into stainless steel blocks with Steel Plating instead of Stainless Steel Plating

-Changed mailboxes now require scrap iron to repair (Blocks that now only require scarp iron to craft)

-Changed safes now require scrap iron to repair (Blocks that are now require scrap iron plating instead of forged iron for gating purposes)

-Changed Steel Blade Trap no longer downgrades and will be destroyed

-Changed various harvesting events fro blocks to match half their recipe costs



-Removed Steel Polish

-Removed Steel Polish from allowed upgrade items of all upgrade tools

-Changed allowed upgrade items for upgrade tools to now use Steel Plating instead of Stainless Steel Plating


-Removed Steel Polish

-Changed various recipes to now require scrap iron plating instead of forged iron for gating purposes

-Changed various recipes to now require Steel Plating instead of Forged steel for gating purposes

-Changed Stainless Steel Plating to Steel Plating and now only requires Forged Steel

-Changed mailboxes, Trash Cans and Trash Bins to now only require scrap iron instead of Forged Iron

-Added missing mailbox recipe



-Changed Bow Crafting lvl 1 now unlocks the Iron Arrow along with the compound bow

-Changed Bow Crafting lvl 2 now unlocks the iron crossbow bolt along with the crossbow

-Added lvl 4 to Bow Crafting now unlocks Steel Arrows and Steel Crossbow Bolts

-Changed Mining Tool Crafting lvl 1 now requires lvl 10 Mining Tools to unlock iron tools

-Changed Mining Tool Crafting lvl 3 now only requires lvl 60 skills instead of lvl 80

-Changed Engine Crafting lvl 4 now only requires lvl 70 skills instead of lvl 80 and 100

-Changed Chemical Crafting lvl 2 now requires lvl 30 skills instead of 20

-Changed Chemical Crafting lvl 3 now requires lvl 50 skills instead of 30 and now unlocks snowberry extract and lotus extract instead of steel polish

-Added Chemical Crafting lvl 4 now requires lvl 70 skills and now unlocks Omnigel

-Changed Chemistry Station perk no longer unlocks omnigel

-Changed Concrete Mixing now only requires lvl 20 in all required skills

-Changed Iron Working now requires lvl 40 in all required skills and no longer unlocks iron arrow

-Changed Steel Working now requires lvl 60 in all required skills

-Changed ranged traps lvl 1 now unlocks the steel dart along with the dart trap



-Removed Steel Polish



-Removed Steel Polish



-Changed Stainless Steel Plating to Steel Plating

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LOL did you chance something with spawn?

Yesterday short before the day 14 night horde I hade a huge random hord.

Day after I had on in the wilderness with about 100 zed.

Now day 18 in the morning suddenly dog's feral and about 30 soldiers.

I'm just lvl 16 now and still a child :)


BTW it would be cool if the corps stay some sec. before they turn into a cadaver and many of them get destroyed through that.


PS:BTW: didn't see any chicken yet

also didn't see grassland biom since a long time. Is it still in game?

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LOL did you chance something with spawn?

Yesterday short before the day 14 night horde I hade a huge random hord.

Day after I had on in the wilderness with about 100 zed.

Now day 18 in the morning suddenly dog's feral and about 30 soldiers.

I'm just lvl 16 now and still a child :)


BTW it would be cool if the corps stay some sec. before they turn into a cadaver and many of them get destroyed through that.


PS:BTW: didn't see any chicken yet

also didn't see grassland biom since a long time. Is it still in game?


Yesterday after we started a new map I also had a very large horde complete with 2 screamers, rough estimate was 75.

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LOL did you chance something with spawn?

Yesterday short before the day 14 night horde I hade a huge random hord.

Day after I had on in the wilderness with about 100 zed.

Now day 18 in the morning suddenly dog's feral and about 30 soldiers.

I'm just lvl 16 now and still a child :)


BTW it would be cool if the corps stay some sec. before they turn into a cadaver and many of them get destroyed through that.


PS:BTW: didn't see any chicken yet

also didn't see grassland biom since a long time. Is it still in game?


I didnt increase any chance for hordes or anything to spawn, I only increased number of zombies that spawn in roaming hordes and regular hordes as gamestage increases, so roaming hordes will get up to 100+ eventually, I didnt change gamestage increase rate or anything that is why I recommend nomad.


Dog hordes remain unchanged and will spawn like regular, soldiers idk where they are spawning from could be sleeper horde, scout horde, or maybe roaming horde.


I only changed the corpse stay time to 3 seconds because apparently that greatly helps with performance on servers so I dont know if I should increase that or not. I prefer they stick around longer too I actually prefer they stay for 1 or 2 minutes and then the corpse block is unlootable but this way helps with servers.


Chickens are out there they have less chance to spawn since zombies now occupy the animal spawn group to thin out animal spawns. Idk how to handle the chicken spawning maybe I can increase there chance to spawn but I have seen chickens and rabbits. Its hard to balance the animal spawns when thinning them out.


Grassland is still there with equal chance to spawn as the rest of the biomes and I have seen them.

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