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A Clockwork Project

Clockwork Orange

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Is it possible to adjust the nutrition system based off the level up fullness the food has? Unless its working ok. Seems i still get full off trying to eat balanced. But maybe im impatient? Do i need to wait several days before I get out of the neutral nutrition level?


Nutrition will naturally fall by 1 stage every 3 days if you do not have any positive effects on you ever which will never happen cause you always have to eat something


Nutrition level will go up very slowly if you only have a bifecta buff applied and will go up fairly quickly if you have a Trifecta buff applied, vitamins will also increase nutrition level slowly over the course of 24 hour period and will increase nutrition by 1/3 of a nutritional level per vitamin


It should take roughly 20 days if you only have bifecta buffs and it should take roughly 3 days if you have trifecta buff applied but you have to keep those buffs up for at least half the day which should not be an issue now


A single food buff with hold off the natural reduction in nutrition and maybe even increase it a tiny bit depending on how long you have it applied.


Just wait till you are about 50% hungry and then eat whatever foods you have to get your buffs applied and it should last till you are back to 50% food again


Nutrition is meant to be a slow natural gradient and not a fast acting thing but with the combination of vitamins and Trifecta buff you can get you nutrition up pretty damn fast

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I can still make adjustments to how fast bifecta buffs move nutrition depending on how easy / hard it is to maintain them but with my playthough I have had 0 issue maintaining a bifecta buff and it is always up when I want it to be simply be eating grain directly and meat when needed since grain is everywhere like cotton its fairly easy to go out and get 10 of them for the day and once farms are going it will be 0 issue.


Come to think of it bifecta buffs might only take about 10 days now to move nutrition because I had doubled there potency due to down time but I have not played that long to know for sure I just know it is balanced to around 10 to 20 days depending on uptime

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The thing with the nutrition system is it promotes not dying since it takes a fairly long time to build it up to great or even amazing levels unless you get lucky and get lots of vitamins for each day (Can only take 1 vitamin per day otherwise its a waste) and can easily maintain a trifecta but once you are above good nutrition it will be nearly impossible for it to fall back to neutral or worse unless you die or eat really poorly.

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The thing with the nutrition system is it promotes not dying since it takes a fairly long time to build it up to great or even amazing levels unless you get lucky and get lots of vitamins for each day (Can only take 1 vitamin per day otherwise its a waste) and can easily maintain a trifecta but once you are above good nutrition it will be nearly impossible for it to fall back to neutral or worse unless you die or eat really poorly.


Agree, i hate dying, especially now the new Nutrition system

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Agree, i hate dying, especially now the new Nutrition system


Lol I shoudl say that I did manage to get to a good nutrition from neutral by day 5 when i started my play through but I manged to find one vitamin and collect berries and wheat and had meat so I managed to get a trifecta going for about a day as well the rest of the time I was on bifecta or single buffs mostly bifecta. But the vitamin and getting that tiny bit of trifecta really is what did the trick. :)

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Just got full peak Trifecta, we have a great farm going....lets see what happens :)


Lol nice, it should take about 2 or 3 in game days to get your nutrition up from neutral to good but it depends on how much up time you had the bifectas going for prior as well so it could take less than that.


Once you get into a postive nutrition wellness will constantly start rolling in and you wont have to pay too much attention to your nutritional buffs, I intended the system to be a background system where its not monitored all the time and moves slowly and if you happen to get a good trifecta going for a lot of the time then that is great and it will move quickly.


But like I said its more of a background system and not really much to pay attention to so long as you dont get negative buffs from overeating one food group you will always have some form of positive buff and it will always be going up just very slowly.


And Vitamins are amazing for bringing it up too so if you find some horde those bastards :)

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Update (8/20/17)


Updated both mod versions and Trifecta Nutrition System


I found a bug in game where repair times were not being calculated properly based off of repair ingredients and basically what is happening is the repair time does not fully complete before the repairing actually completes so for eg if you repair a stone axe it will show 10 sec repair time for eg but it will only take 5 of those seconds to complete and it will still show 5 seconds remaining on repair time when it completes,


So I had to compensate for that with the progression file and repair times for small rocks as well as repair kits.


I intend repair time to be 10 full seconds on a lvl 1 crafting skill for weapons and tools if the weapon and tool took 12 seconds to craft and it will go down to 50% or 5 seconds total repair time at max level. So do not pay attention to the actual time that is shown in the crafting window when repairing you actually have to watch the time when the item completes and how much craft time it showed to begin with.



-Increased repair time of small rocks

-Increased repair time of repair kits



-Changed repair time modifiers to compensate for a bug in the vanilla game where repair times are not properly calculated (Repair times are now a true 100% to 50% from lvl 1 to lvl 100 in any crafting skill)

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Possible to make food that combines food groups? like a chicken salad, or beef stew. Im getting my quickest full peak in a single group by eating low fullness items, like corn, yucca, and bread.


Yeah you can eat soups or anyhting the amount of ingredients in the recipes are calculated exactly so for eg if a cheese gives you 4 food it gives 4 dairy


A Chicken stew or Venison Stew gives 4 meat and 10 veg so you can eat only 1 venison or chicken stew and it will max your veg but you can eat 2 more cooked venison to finish off the meat all food groups are at 1:1 ratio with food it gives to food group nutrition it gives except for meat, meat is at a 10:4 ratio so if it gives 10 food it gives 4 meat nutrition, pork for eg gives 8 food so it will give 3.2 meat nutrition 10 food group nutrition is peak


you can go over peak just dont go over 15 that is the best way to maximize up time of buffs is to push the peak limit to just under 15 without going over


honey ham I think could be tweaked a bit I made the recipe cost 1 honey and 1 pork so it only gives 1 fruit and 3.2 meat


If you just want to not have to eat single items you can eat bread which gives 6 food so it gives 6 grain nutrition, so 2 bread puts you at 12 which is still in peak range.


You have to make sure your food buffs completely wear off before you eat things that maximize your nutrition in one eat like stew, if it gives 10 veg and gives you peak with one stew you cant eat it any time you want you have to make sure you metabolize the veg all the way down.


If you happen to go over into negative 15 dont worry too much it will metabolize and you will eventually fall within peak range and will get the positive buff

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Update (8/20/17)


Updated Both Mod Versions and Trifecta nutrition System



-Added Noodles (Both Mod Versions)



-Added Ichiban Noodles (Nutrition System)

-Changed Chicken Noodle Soup now gives 7 food instead of 6 (Nutrition System)

-Added drop mesh for silencer so it will show a sack on the ground when dropped (Both Mod Versions and Nutrition System)



-Added Noodles (Nutrition System)

-Changed Chicken Noodle Soup now requires 1 noodles and 1 chicken instead of 2 chicken (Nutrition System)

-Changed Stone Spear recipe now costs 5 wood instead of 4 (Both Mod Versions)



-Added Missing Silenced Pistol (Nutrition System)

-Added Missing Silencer to various loot groups (Nutrition System)

-Added Noodles with drop amount of 1,3 (Nutrition System)

-Changed Seeds will now drop with an amount of 1,3 so you should see more seeds when they do pop up (Both mod versions and Nutrition System)

-Changed Crackers will now drop with an amount of 1,3 so you should see more Crackers when they do pop up (Nutrition System)

-Added missing weaponsCommonParts loot group to sporting goods to match base mod (Nutrition System)

-Fixed player dropped backpack on death to original loot container size (Nutrition System)



-Added missing Silencer (Nutrition System)

-Added missing Silenced Pistol (Nutrition System)

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I could be totally missing something, but I am not finding "partsPistol_barrelSilenced" in the loot.xml file.


That is not a lootable item only the silencer is, you have to take apart a pistol grab the barrel and craft the silenced barrel with a silencer or loot a pistol barrel and and loot a silencer and craft them together

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I discovered another issue for some reason trifecta buffs are not working as intended again even after I had tested them and they were working fine must have had something to do with the buffs not updating fully until state changes so Nutrition System is back to a WIP I am hoping to solve this issue once and for all today!

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That is not a lootable item only the silencer is, you have to take apart a pistol grab the barrel and craft the silenced barrel with a silencer or loot a pistol barrel and and loot a silencer and craft them together


Thank you for the clarification.

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Thank you for the clarification.


Yeah that was one of the things I thought was a bit janky I was thinking that maybe I should just make the silencer itself the barrel for the silenced pistol and not even bother with a silenced barrel but that did not make as much sense considering a silencer is actually not a barrel but for game sake purposes it would have made it less janky.

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Not sure if this is intended or not you tell me:


Go into the Shotgun Store POI, bust all the crates and they go down to Shamway boxes. Seems every crate I break turns into a Shamway box


Hmm well I did not change anything with POI's nor have I changed block ID's, sounds to me like a prefab issue, is it the compo pack?


If you get a chance to go into a shamway store see if it breaks into shotgun messiah boxes.

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