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A Clockwork Project

Clockwork Orange

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My personal issue with bedrolls and how much work it takes to get them isn't the spawn point factor but more about how there is no way to block zeds from spawning in a home you want to keep as a base. I literally (using the extremely weak weapons) worked for 2 in game days removing/killing zeds from around and inside a home that I wanted to keep. After going inside and upstairs to finally take a look at my future base, I dumped most my stuff in a dresser. I then placed my LCB centrally in the upstairs floor then went back downstairs (literally no more than 2 minutes after dumping my stuff). I was summarily killed by fresh set of zed spawn numbering 4 zeds. Pissed doesn't even come close to how mad I was. :)



I would recommend, if the spawn point is going to be something hard that must be worked for that the LCB have the power to block zed spawns like the bedroll does.


BTW, thanks for an awesome mod. Short of the incredible frustration (see above) that it causes occasionally, it's by far the best mod for single player out there. Keep up the great work!


I understand your frustration lol, I have been there and this new sleeper mechanic has made my mod harder because of how they spawn I will look into the LCB and see what I can do.


Thanks for the feedback, i am glad you are enjoying the mod! :)


- - - Updated - - -


Update (8/8/17)



-Changed Rotting Flesh, Animal Fat, and Tallow stack size to 250 to match the femurs

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My personal issue with bedrolls and how much work it takes to get them isn't the spawn point factor but more about how there is no way to block zeds from spawning in a home you want to keep as a base. I literally (using the extremely weak weapons) worked for 2 in game days removing/killing zeds from around and inside a home that I wanted to keep. After going inside and upstairs to finally take a look at my future base, I dumped most my stuff in a dresser. I then placed my LCB centrally in the upstairs floor then went back downstairs (literally no more than 2 minutes after dumping my stuff). I was summarily killed by fresh set of zed spawn numbering 4 zeds. Pissed doesn't even come close to how mad I was. :)



I would recommend, if the spawn point is going to be something hard that must be worked for that the LCB have the power to block zed spawns like the bedroll does.


BTW, thanks for an awesome mod. Short of the incredible frustration (see above) that it causes occasionally, it's by far the best mod for single player out there. Keep up the great work!


I agree with this. And the LCB canceling sleepers a great idea

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One other thing I'd like to point out after taking a look at your Recipes.xml is that is seems that water is being used to much in the processing of wheat products. It would make more sense to me, since all recipes that use Flour also require water (to make dough), that the processing of Wheat not also require water to be made into Flour. Perhaps, if you want to keep it as a resource drain, stone could be used instead to grind the wheat into flour.

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One other thing I'd like to point out after taking a look at your Recipes.xml is that is seems that water is being used to much in the processing of wheat products. It would make more sense to me, since all recipes that use Flour also require water (to make dough), that the processing of Wheat not also require water to be made into Flour. Perhaps, if you want to keep it as a resource drain, stone could be used instead to grind the wheat into flour.


i was already thinking about that as well and have not fully decided how I want to execute it yet.

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A few friends and I have been playing the Clockwork Project mod for a couple of hours and we've hit a bit of a rough patch. Currently, as a player, there are usually eight or so zombies around you anywhere you go (not exaggerating). This makes looting, traveling, and fighting difficult, if not impossible in some instances. Setuping up a base is also difficult due to this. Is there a way to reduce the zombie spawns per player to a more reasonable amount? I'm really enjoying a lot of the mechanics of the mod, but this issue is currently blocking my friends and I from really getting into the mod. Any help would be appreciated.


We also currently are on the mod's new terrain generation and have the compo addon installed. Not sure if these might be causing the issue and not the main mod.

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A few friends and I have been playing the Clockwork Project mod for a couple of hours and we've hit a bit of a rough patch. Currently, as a player, there are usually eight or so zombies around you anywhere you go (not exaggerating). This makes looting, traveling, and fighting difficult, if not impossible in some instances. Setuping up a base is also difficult due to this. Is there a way to reduce the zombie spawns per player to a more reasonable amount? I'm really enjoying a lot of the mechanics of the mod, but this issue is currently blocking my friends and I from really getting into the mod. Any help would be appreciated.


We also currently are on the mod's new terrain generation and have the compo addon installed. Not sure if these might be causing the issue and not the main mod.


Welcome to HELL, I had the same issues and had to run the seed on scavanger. Clockwork made it hard on purpose.

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Welcome to HELL, I had the same issues and had to run the seed on scavanger. Clockwork made it hard on purpose.


Yeah, I don't mind hard. Just wanted to see if there was a way to balance it more around my friends and my tastes. It is just a tad too many zombies constantly spawning around you, especially when you're in the middle of nowhere. :p

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Yeah, I don't mind hard. Just wanted to see if there was a way to balance it more around my friends and my tastes. It is just a tad too many zombies constantly spawning around you, especially when you're in the middle of nowhere. :p


I have been experiencing too few zombies at times, I am set to max spawns as well, gotta keep on your toes, and after you clear an area those zombies wont be back for 7 days i can clear a small area in a forest with just a wood club, yes it take a while but with watching your stamina and keeping it full you will maximize your damage and kill them all fairly easy.


i am working on a solution to canceling zombie spawns early on with either the LCB or Dirty Old Bedroll for now camp out on the roof of houses until you get a spawn point set up. I have not actually increased the number of zombies that spawn at all really I just added them to the animal spawn group and removed invisible animals so they will stay cleared for 7 days after you kill them.


The only real issue I am having and so are others are the sleeper spawns after logging in again they will pop up without a sleeping bag set down. So hopefully I can finish what i am workign on today.

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Huh, we'll have to test that out then. So zombies are not supposed to respawn in an area once it's cleared (for seven days)? That definitely seems more reasonable. :)


And that LCB and dirty old bedroll idea sounds awesome. :)


They wont respawn for 7 days out in the biomes, but in the buildings the sleepers will respawn more often. For now make sure to set up shop on a roof where sleepers cant get you and once you clear the zombies from the forests and streets a lot less of them will respawn for 7 days.


All i did was add in zombies and removed invisible animals from the animal spawning group and animals only spawn every 7 days so most of those zombies are actually considered animals because they are spawning from the animal spawn group. Hope that makes sense.


I dont want to get anyone's hopes up with the blocking zombie spawns but I am very slowly learning how to edit the assembly adn basically what I am doing is trying to copy the sleeping bag class and make a new class and the only difference from the new class will be that it will not set a respawn point when placed down otherwise it should function the exact same. But this is all theoretical because i have no experience with coding in C# or IL but I have manged to make a new class in the Assembly and have started copying the sleeping bag code line by line I have hit a few road blocks but I am hoping I can do it.

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Once you get a bit better, the constant zombie thread is managable. Sure you have to keep your eyes open and become a bit paranoid when you haven't turned around for some seconds. But if you see a Zed, you can kill them without much effort. We're quite happy right now. Only problem is the highspeed climbing HEAT. Although only the forge runs 24/7, the Heat is almost always 80+.

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Null reference..... block planted wheat harvest not found.


any idea about this? it happens when connecting to server before initializing world. i can play a single player fine but when i try to join friends server everyone gets this error and game hangs on initializing world. any advice appreciated.

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Null reference..... block planted wheat harvest not found.


any idea about this? it happens when connecting to server before initializing world. i can play a single player fine but when i try to join friends server everyone gets this error and game hangs on initializing world. any advice appreciated.


Probably need to install the mod again maybe a file got overwritten I dont know, the server might need to install the mod again. Everything works as long everything is installed properly.

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is it just the dedicated server files you need on the server side or are we missing something? weve reinstalled the dedicated 3 times, single player on client side works fine. we are at a loss and ive got 6 players circling us like vultures lol.

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is it just the dedicated server files you need on the server side or are we missing something? weve reinstalled the dedicated 3 times, single player on client side works fine. we are at a loss and ive got 6 players circling us like vultures lol.


we seem to have fixed it by copying all the other files over with the dedicated server files. thanks for your help

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is it just the dedicated server files you need on the server side or are we missing something? weve reinstalled the dedicated 3 times, single player on client side works fine. we are at a loss and ive got 6 players circling us like vultures lol.


You need to install the whole mod on the dedicated server plus the Assembly that is for the dedicated server. Hope you get it working. :)

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Maybe we should bug the Fun Pimps to put the spawn blocking mechanic in the LCB instead of Class: Bedroll. Makes more sense to me anyhow since LCB's are typically so much more expensive to make than beds/bedrolls. :)


The problem is you dont want to make it so that you can place multiple blocks that block zombies, one block is enough. And the sleeping bag mechanic is the best way to do it.


You can already prevent zombies from spawning on player made blocks though unless that has changed since they added sleepers.


I was fairly far along with making a new class that was exactly like the sleeping bag only without respawn points but I had to scrap everything I worked on because I dont know what I am doing lol


I was very close though almost had it complete but I dont even know if just adding the class itself would have been enough either there might have had to been other things to do as well that I am completely unaware of. Its too much work to try that and keep it updated with each alpha anyways.

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under the quest craft a bedroll. it wants a dirty old bedroll crafted. I cant find that to craft. only thing i can make is a bedroll. i found a dirty old bed roll and that works for placing it. but does not finish out the quest unless i can make it. any ideas.

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under the quest craft a bedroll. it wants a dirty old bedroll crafted. I cant find that to craft. only thing i can make is a bedroll. i found a dirty old bed roll and that works for placing it. but does not finish out the quest unless i can make it. any ideas.


Ah yes forgot about that one thanks


- - - Updated - - -


Update (8/10/17)


-Fixed craft a bedroll qust

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Is there a craftable furniture which doesnt count as spawnpoint but lets one rest? need that for my mines.



Just hit 50 mining tools. 69er lvl 3. Suddenly, my mining tool skill goes up waaay faster. (ok, got coffee now). But I feel it levels far faster since I hit 50 although I would expect it to slow down instead.

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Is there a craftable furniture which doesnt count as spawnpoint but lets one rest? need that for my mines.



Just hit 50 mining tools. 69er lvl 3. Suddenly, my mining tool skill goes up waaay faster. (ok, got coffee now). But I feel it levels far faster since I hit 50 although I would expect it to slow down instead.


Skills level at the same speed for each level its linear progression. The only reason why it feels like its leveling faster is because you are swigging tools more often.


And currently no I dont have any other resting areas to craft atm I will think of something later though, maybe I will add the ability to rest on chairs and couches and all that but it will only reduce your fatigue slower than beds or something.


Right now I am working on the nutrition system, I would like to know on average how many times you eat in a day, and how much of each food per meal.


So if you eat only cooked meats how many times do you have to go back for food per day and how many meats you eat during each meal.

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Update (8/10/17)



-Added a new buff for resting on chairs, it reduces your fatigue at half the rate of bedrolls and beds but does not give recovery bonus to infection when taking antibiotics



-Added new buff for resting on chairs (This includes The little wood chair you can pick up, the little wood chair that you cant pick up and the office chair)

-Added the sleeping bag buff to all couches and the sofa chair and they will allow you to recover from infection while taking antibiotics at the same rate as a sleeping bag (This includes the sectional couch pieces for both plaid and leather, the double wide couch sofa and the single sofa chair)

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