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A Clockwork Project

Clockwork Orange

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It is not the same dll, dedi servers require the dll to be edited with your changes.


Well idk how I would do that since I do not use a server and I would need the dll file that servers use so I could try fix it. Ill be honest I dont know much about dll modding and I had to have someone walk me through how to fix it step by step but If I can get the dll file for servers I will try fix it.


But I think that even if all the clients have my dll installed the server dll wont matter...?


EDIT: I dont think that there is any separate Assembly-CSharp file specifically for servers I think its the same file it just goes into the different server file location "7DaysToDieServer_Data/Managed"

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Assembly-CSharp.dll crc value is F3970BE5

Assembly-CSharp.dll server crc value is 1F631C7E


They are different files, your mod may work without changing the server dll but one person had problems and I was just pointing out the files are different.


Steam\Library\Tools\7Days dedi server and wala you have your dll if you want it.

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Assembly-CSharp.dll crc value is F3970BE5

Assembly-CSharp.dll server crc value is 1F631C7E


They are different files, your mod may work without changing the server dll but one person had problems and I was just pointing out the files are different.


Steam\Library\Tools\7Days dedi server and wala you have your dll if you want it.


Ok Thanks I do not know much about servers, I still dont know how to get the server file I cant locate it on my machine, i even booted up a multiplayer server for testing to see if it would generate that file location but I still can not find it.


Server and client dlls code is different in certain places. So realistically you should patch both. Process for both is identical.


Ok thanks DnaJur as soon as I locate how to get that server Assembly I will try make the proper modifications. Thanks again for your help with fixing the previous one!

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Update (8/5/17)


-Fixed stone axe damage to earth and damage values (Will no longer be just as good as the iron shovel)

-Fixed iron shovel and steel shovel base damage to blocks will no longer be as powerful



-Increased HP of dirt / clay / gravel to 250 from 200



-Removed bedroll from sporting goods loot group

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Ok Thanks I do not know much about servers, I still dont know how to get the server file I cant locate it on my machine, i even booted up a multiplayer server for testing to see if it would generate that file location but I still can not find it.




Ok thanks DnaJur as soon as I locate how to get that server Assembly I will try make the proper modifications. Thanks again for your help with fixing the previous one!


On steam go to tools and install 7dtd dedicated server.

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Sorry guys for whoever is on dedicated servers I can not figure out how to properly edit the Assembly-CSharp file using IL method for those of you on servers I apologize for if your clients do not use my Assembly-CSharp resources will not be balanced and exploits will be unavoidable from almost every craftable block in game.


I will not give up entirely but its like trying to teach yourself how to speak an entirely new language literally.


If you come across any major exploit issues post it here and I can see what I can do as a workaround.

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Hey again, reporting back. The experience gain looks ok. Grindy yes, but doing powerleveling during night and crafting some stackable stuff on the day does the job steadily.

We finally reached the iron tier =) Killing some Zombies isn't a full day job anymore. Feeling stronger :)

...But we're very dissapointed about durability and or mining speed. We can mine only 1,5 iron blocks with one full pickaxe. Which means ~ a third of the iron goes back into the tools. Meaning the already low iron ore gain is even smaller. Have you changed the iron block hp? It's 3k and I remembered it being 1k.

As I am our toolsmith, he cant repair his tools. Which isn't a problem normally. But having to have 90% of his inventory full of pickaxes to go mining some hours. Then smelting this iron very long time, smelt bars, repair/craft pickaxes to just get back the investment feels very unrewarding. It's netting far too few iron to use for something else.

Harvesting wood with the fireaxe feels a bit strange too. The wood-per-time-reward is ok, as we need a lot of wood alone for fueling forge/camp etc, but considering the iron cost - 4 trees per fireaxe feels a little bit cheesy too. Considering the time one needs to get the iron to repair/rebuild the fireaxe, I think it might even be more clever to stick to stone axes - which cant be right ;) Better tools should give more profit. But they dont when repair material acquiring is taken into the calculation.


Another imbalance.. maybe: repairing is too expensive. Repairing my broken pickaxe takes 14 (!) forged iron bars.. wasn't it 1 or 2?. Scrapping it (+30 ore = 150 iron = 15 bars) gives 15 bars. So for 5 additional bars, i get a brand new one and a lot more exp.

Ok, the fixer perk might be a thing, but considering the first perklevel is in reach - the 25% more repair means I still would need 11-12 bars.


Using a new bow after every 3-4 zombies is strange too, but at least they're cheap. The hoe (so probably the whole iron tier) feels to cheap too. Considering the amount of iron I need to build enough Hoes for a garden, the garden should become mineable due to his insane iron concentration he must akkumulate ;)


Small Q to the end:

Do bigger crafts yield more xp?


As I'm pretty unsure about my english skills. Please read all my posts in a kindly and thankful meant way =)

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Sorry guys for whoever is on dedicated servers I can not figure out how to properly edit the Assembly-CSharp file using IL method for those of you on servers I apologize for if your clients do not use my Assembly-CSharp resources will not be balanced and exploits will be unavoidable from almost every craftable block in game.


I will not give up entirely but its like trying to teach yourself how to speak an entirely new language literally.


If you come across any major exploit issues post it here and I can see what I can do as a workaround.




The Dedi DLL is located here




Or where ever your install folder is. the folder names are different: 7DaysToDieServer_Data vs 7DaysToDie_Data client side

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You are right I was using my A 14 spread sheet for damage values and overlooked a lot of things when calculating for A 16 I am making a new spread sheet and should have an update later today to help


So you guys dont think I am a sadist my idea of how tools should work is roughly this:


lvl 1 steel pick should do toughly 4 hits at lvl 1 quality to stone and 1 hit at 600 quality to stone with maxed skills and perks


and for iron which has 3000 HP I want a steel pick to take 6 swings at lvl 1 quality to 1 hit lvl 600 with max skills and perks


for Iron pick axe lvl 1 I want it to take 8 hits for stone at 1000HP and 2 hits to stone at lvl 600 with max skills and perks


That is just a rough idea how I want tools to feel so i am going through and making a new spread sheet and getting this sorted out asap cause you are right I can see your frustration.


- - - Updated - - -


The Dedi DLL is located here




Or where ever your install folder is. the folder names are different: 7DaysToDieServer_Data vs 7DaysToDie_Data client side


No yeah I got the file now I am just too stupid to fix it.

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No yeah I got the file now I am just too stupid to fix it.


Your far from stupid. Create a new thread, ask for help on what it is exactly you want to change, there is plenty of people on here that love to help! :) PM one of the starvation guys, or the SDX mod


Your Tools idea sounds spot on man.

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Your idea of it looks good. To be honest, we wanted harder zombies, more complex stuff, maybe not so rich ruins... short: a more survival feeling. But we're not a fan of harvesting ressources for years. Especially since one needs a lot of ressources just for skilling and furthermore it's harder to harvest anyway since the zeds are a thread now. So your idea is good, I think. But I will test and report as always =)


You will probably think of it and I have only small knowledge of modding 7d2d, but keep in mind that breakin into houses and safes needs to be balanced too with the upcoming changes.


Thanks for your work =)



Low priority idea:

The Scythe would be a nice tool (mechanic and lorewise) to harvest lots of fiber. Right now, it only harvests garden (?).



1. Do the entity dmg buffs from e.g. Archery and Robin Hood stack additive or multiplicative?

2. Does the Solar Bank perk only add the recipe for the bank or also the solar panels which are placed into the bank?

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Update (8/5/17)



-Rebalanced all tools block damage / degradation rate at both low end and at max level and miner 69er

-Stone tools have the same degredation rate, iron tools now degrade half as fast in the early stage and steel tools now degrade 1/4 as fast during the early stage

-I have tested all tools against all materials earth / stone / metal and this is the best balance you can possibly get I cant get it any better

-It was not easy but I manged to balance the tools so that the auger and the chainsaw were still worth using in the late game with max level and skills

-Changed all shovels now swing at the same speed

-Fixed scythe will now harvest grass



-Added Solar Cells requires Glass sheets, Electronic Components, Electrical Parts, Scrap Plastics

-Changed Solar bank to now require mechanical parts instead of scrap plastics



-Solar cells are now unlocked with Solar Bank Perk lvl 1

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Your idea of it looks good. To be honest, we wanted harder zombies, more complex stuff, maybe not so rich ruins... short: a more survival feeling. But we're not a fan of harvesting ressources for years. Especially since one needs a lot of ressources just for skilling and furthermore it's harder to harvest anyway since the zeds are a thread now. So your idea is good, I think. But I will test and report as always =)


You will probably think of it and I have only small knowledge of modding 7d2d, but keep in mind that breakin into houses and safes needs to be balanced too with the upcoming changes.


Thanks for your work =)



Low priority idea:

The Scythe would be a nice tool (mechanic and lorewise) to harvest lots of fiber. Right now, it only harvests garden (?).



1. Do the entity dmg buffs from e.g. Archery and Robin Hood stack additive or multiplicative?

2. Does the Solar Bank perk only add the recipe for the bank or also the solar panels which are placed into the bank?


Archery and Robin Hood are multiplicative I notice now that I have some more progression skills to fix.

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Update (8/5/17)



-Removed Breaking and Entering Perk (It was just a trap to spend skill points into blunt weapon block damage, you are far better off going for Miner 69er)

-Changed Knife guy now only has 4 levels (less skill points to have to spend and it now matches the rest of the skills)

-Changed Robin hood now only has 4 levels (less skill points to have to spend and it now matches the rest of the skills)

-Changed Boom Stick now does double damage at max rank like the rest of the skills

-Changed Better Lead Than Dead now does double damage at max rank like the rest of the skills

-Changed Pummel Pete now only has 4 levels (less skill points to have to spend and it now matches the rest of the skills)

-Changed Miner 69er now only has 4 levels (less skill points to have to spend and it now matches the rest of the skills)


Tools are going to feel slow to use in the early game its not as I had described earlier, but the late game with max skills and miner 69er is as I have described earlier it will take very few hits (2-3) to break a block designed to be broken by that tool. This makes the auger and chainsaw still relevant in the late game sine it too will take 1-2 hits on a block but it hits the block very fast.


It might still feel less rewarding in the very early game but that is what the perks are for, The Fixer reducing amount of resources to repair, miner 69er getting the damage online, getting the skills leveled too will act multiplicatively with miner 69er. It has to feel like a slog in the early game in order to end up at a max rank and not be completely overpowered which makes the auger and chainsaw useless since skills will double your damage and perks will double your damage.


So what takes 10-15 hits in the early game will only take 2-3 in the end game for eg. If it were to take less than 2 hits for any tool to do its job in the late game the Auger and Chainsaw become obsolete and that is pretty much the only time you will actually be able to use them since they are difficult to get.


Stamina is a big factor in eliminating that slog in the early game so get the coffee brewing!

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Wow, I start feeling like I have my personal modder :-)

Thank you for fixing it so fast. Now I cant wait to test it out and start building our base tomorrow.

Will report my progress and how it felt.


Lol thanks for the feedback, like I posted I cant increase the early game any more than I have in regards to damage and so I opted to decreased degradation rate of iron and steel tools which actually makes more sense anyways since I had all the tools set to the same degradation rate previously.


I even had to decrease the shovel damage early game due to late game the iron shovel was one hitting earth blocks dirt / gravel and that made not only the steel shovel obsolete but the auger too.


Now in the very early game the stone shovel will take about 8 hits to break a dirt block and the iron shovel will take 7 and the steel will take 6 and the iron tools degrade slower than stone tools and the steel tools degrade slower than iron tools so that will compliment their need. Hopefully enough to justify their resource cost for crafting them.


So it is actually all balanced now and it has all been tested, once you get coffee going and get some skills online that early game slog will fade away.

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I believe its the same dll file for servers its just located in a different file location "7DaysToDieServer_Data/Managed" so just make sure you put the Assembly-CSharp file into that location for servers and hopefully it will push to clients from there idk, I have no experience with servers.


If this is even what you are requesting. :)


The server file .dll is significantly different to the client one. I don't know what changes you have for the client one but you will need to dig out the server one and have the same modifications made.

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I believe its the same dll file for servers its just located in a different file location "7DaysToDieServer_Data/Managed" so just make sure you put the Assembly-CSharp file into that location for servers and hopefully it will push to clients from there idk, I have no experience with servers.


If this is even what you are requesting. :)


The server file .dll is significantly different to the client one. I don't know what changes you have for the client one but you will need to dig out the server one and have the same modifications made.


This is correct. I tried to toss in the client DLL on my dedi, server wont boot with it.

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