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Bad hitching/stuttering

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On 7/31/2024 at 12:40 PM, fullbanner said:

You clearly did not read the whole discussion. When the game pauses for 1 or 2 seconds, how many FPS do you think we have ?

On PC the game is running fine, like I have around 130 FPS and the game is very smooth. On Xbox Series X the game is clearly not optimized.

You're right, I didn't because I replied to only his message before it was merged into this thread.

Edited by Crater Creator
A1 Flaming (see edit history)
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I get a fair amount of lag and stuttering.  Sometimes I'm in the wooded area and not much going on and the lag begins for no reason.   Sometimes building and laying diem blocks.   Sometimes in a fight with zombies.   Seems like some widespread optimization is needed.  

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Yes,very frustrating,series X the game runs like crap,stuttering,frame rate drops,I like the game but it's hard to play when it's like that,funny it was ok before the last update,I wanna play a video game not a stop motion slideshow

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I've noticed when I'm trying to clear a tier 5 POI like dishong or the county jail that when I get into the poi my games struggles. And if I wake up zombies it's even worse. Like trying to clear a teir 5 poi is damn near impossible. It's like playing at 15 frames per second. So I really hope they can figure out some way to fix it. 

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Hey so when playing alone I have no issues what do ever but as soon as I try to play with friends I always have desync and so do they it did it a little the other day but then it kinda just went away but today it's been crazy to the point where it's unplayable with friends and that's one of the things that makes this game so fun. Is anyone else having this issue and is it being looked at by the devs?

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Yep, early on its fine because the game stage and pois are low so there are less zombies but as soon as we hit tier 3 poi and got electric traps in our base with bigger hordes it got rough REAL fast. Doesn't matter in mulitplayer or single player the game has a stutter issue and frame rate issues and i am questioning crossplay coming sooner than we think with the preformance being like this. I can see any more than 4 players causing frequent crashing on xbox.


Overall it isn't a bad starting point considering the game has only crashed 2 times in over 25 hours of 4 player multiplayer but the optimization is still far from being perfect/acceptable when it comes to fps and stuttering 

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53 minutes ago, fakeDABOMB101 said:

There is an in game setting pertaining to networking that might help lessen this issue for your group, I haven't messed with it myself however

We have tried that there was no help it's mostly happens when all 4 of us are on when it's just 3 of us it's not as bad but it still happens 

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Hi DEVs, The Console V1.00 Port Is Fantastic Other Then The Constant Freezing / Stuttering that happens on the PS5 Version. When I am moving about or collecting resources from boxes etc and enter POIs the Game Stutters and Lags Suddenly which is really immersion breaking. 

I Love 7 Days To Die DEVs and u are a Fantastic Team that has produced a game that Is Triple A Standard if not more so.

and that’s saying something LOL 


Please Please FIX These Issues and When Is The Next Update Please?

On 7/26/2024 at 4:26 AM, Laz Man said:

Can any of you link a clip of the behavior?  That may help us narrow down the issue faster.

This is Happening on PS5 Also Please Fix

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They've been optimizing this game for consoles for so long, I believe after all the reports and videos that players have been posting, it will take them a while for a proper fix.


For me, I couldn't play for more than a couple of hours on console before giving up. It is not healthy to play like this.

They've been in silent about this matter, I really hope we get an answer soon.


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Still enjoying the game but yes, I have seen some issues, sucks when the game freezes then comes back and I'm stairing at the roof while a zed who was across the room is now eating my face. Bigger Pois more zeds around horde nights tend to be the worst. I hope it gets improved soon, or at least if I can't move they should get stuck also

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I can also confirm on the xbox series x performance is not good at all. I can still enjoy the game but highly frustrating. Like most people say, it seems to have that stutter right before the save icon appears.  Going into a city is a nightmare.  Fighting zombies with framerate drops and stuttering is difficult resulting in getting infected all the time. How about giving us a graphic option with 1080p locked 60fps? I would take framerate over resolution. 

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Playing by myself I have occasional lag spikes but definitely playable. It gets worse the more zombies that are around. Tier 5&6 missions are sometimes a complete stutter fest. None the less the game is still fun and playable. 

When 2 of us are doing a tier 6 mission it gets much worse. Add in a 3rd player into our party and the game hard freezes for 3-5 seconds at a time. Alpha 15 did not lag this bad. 

is this just an Xbox issue or is PS having similar issues? And are there things in the works to address this issue?


I’ve also had a game crash while lagging in a large hub while riding my minibike. When I logged back in my mini bike was gone. It gave me PTSD from the old alpha days hahaha. 

P.S. SylenThunder stop being a douche bag when replying to peoples posts. It’s not needed or necessary. Don’t alienate the supporters of this game that have waited years to support you once again. Thanks. 

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I think I saw this suggestion in a reddit post, someone recommended enabling motion blur under video options if you disabled it. I tried it and it doesn't completely fix the issue but does make it happen less often.

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 Hey so first issue is high ping both our connections are amazing and never had issues in other games but the ping for my friend goes crazy high then goes back to normal can happen just a few times or alot .  Also when doing quest for infested we seem to have frame rate drop  if there are alot of zombies to the point  we get kinda screwed over anything that can be dome for either of those things?

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  • SylenThunder changed the title to Bad hitching/stuttering

I've been playing for a handful of days now, after having played on Xbox One some years back, and I also suffer this stuttering issue.  Knock on wood, it hasn't been so awful to discourage me from playing it yet, but it's a real downer.  I am really hoping to see some kind of fix or workaround or something.  I'm following this topic just in case.

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Yeah I am with you on that. If I didn't have the PC version, I would definitely be playing it on console. The performance sucks, but the game is good enough to suffer through it if that's all I had. But man, the PC version will spoil you rotten. Such a great experience.

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