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Expanded Weapons and Tools


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I had one last issue with Progression not properly affecting the bullets that is now figured out. You have to copy the following line (not sure if you can remove) from the weapon to the new bullet (required once we move the entity and block damage values):


<property name="ActionSkillGroup" value="Pistols"/>

(or value="XXXXX" for the proper group in Progression.xml)


If you don't move that line along with the damage attributes, then the applicable skills and perks will not take affect on the new bullets. Once moved, my new bullets are fully changeable, work with the skills & perks properly, show the correct entity and block damage values in the interface, and do the correct damage to the zeds. Gun quality also correctly affects the damage values as it should.


So, as an example (this isn't everything as you have to update Loot, Progression, and other files - just showing Items.xml):


I changed the original gunPistol item to the following:


<item id="40" name="gunPistol">
<property name="Meshfile" value="Items/Weapons/Ranged/Pistol/PistolPrefab" />
<property name="Material" value="metal" />
<property name="RepairTools" value="repairKit" />
<property name="HoldType" value="1" />
	<property name="DegradationBreaksAfter" value="false" />
<property name="SoundJammed" value="Weapons/weapon_jam" />
<property name="Attachments" value="flashlight02" />
<property class="Parts">
	<property name="Stock" value="partsPistol_grip" />
	<property name="Receiver" value="partsPistol_receiver" />
	<property name="Pump" value="partsPistol_parts" />
	<property name="Barrel" value="partsPistol_barrel" />
<property class="Action0"> <!-- AttackAction -->
	<property name="Class" value="Ranged" />
	<property name="Delay" value="0.3" />
	<property name="Magazine_size" value="15" />
	[color="#FF8C00"]<!-- BEGIN Yatz Remastered Guns & Ammo Pack -->
	<!-- <property name="Magazine_items" value="9mmBullet" /> -->
	<property name="Magazine_items" value="9mmBullet, 9mmLuger_FMJ, 9mmLuger_JHP, 9mmLuger_INC" />
	<property name="Magazine_item_ray_counts" value="1, 1, 1, 1" />
	<property name="Magazine_item_ray_spreads" value="0, 0, 0, 0" />
	<!-- END Yatz Remastered Guns & Ammo Pack -->[/color]
	<property name="Reload_time" value="2" />
	<property name="Bullet_icon" value="pistol" />
	<property name="Sound_start" value="Weapons/Ranged/Pistol/pistol_fire" />
	<property name="Sound_repeat" value="" />
	<property name="Sound_end" value="" />
	<property name="Sound_empty" value="Weapons/weapon_empty" />
	<property name="Sound_reload" value="Weapons/Ranged/Pistol/pistol_reload" />
	<property name="Particles_muzzle_fire" value="nozzleflash" />
	<property name="Particles_muzzle_smoke" value="nozzlesmoke" />
	<property name="DamageBonus.head" value="6" />
	<property name="DamageBonus.wood" value="3" />
	<property name="DamageBonus.earth" value=".4" />
	<property name="DamageBonus.glass" value="25" />
<property class="Action1"> <!-- UseAction -->
	<property name="Class" value="Zoom" />
	<property name="Zoom_max_out" value="35" />
	<property name="Zoom_max_in" value="35" />
<property name="LightSource" value="lightSource" /> <!-- Start: Needed for the attachment flashlight -->
<property name="ActivateObject" value="Attachments/flashlight/lightSource" />
<property name="AttachmentFlashlight" value="flashlight02" /> <!-- End: Needed for the attachment flashlight -->
<property name="Group" value="Ammo/Weapons" />
<property name="ActionSkillGroup" value="Pistols"/>
<property name="CraftingSkillGroup" value="Gun Smithing"/>
<property name="RepairExpMultiplier" value="10.8"/>
<property name="PickupJournalEntry" value="gunAssemblyTip,augmentGunsTip" />


Notice I don't have the following block in the entry above, which is usually required when trying to combine gun + bullet damage:


<property class="Attributes">
<property name="BlockDamage" value="1,1" />


Turns out this addition is no longer necessary once you move Entity and Block damage completely to the bullet.


Next up, the partsPistol_barrel item was modified as follows:


<item id="213" name="partsPistol_barrel">
<property name="Extends" value="partsMaster" />
<property name="DescriptionKey" value="partsPistolGroupDesc"/>
<property name="PartType" value="Barrel" />
<property name="Weight" value="10" />
<property class="Attributes">
	[color="#FF8C00"]<!-- BEGIN Yatz Remastered Guns & Ammo Pack -->
	<!-- <property name="EntityDamage" value="11.4, 19" /> -->
	<!-- <property name="BlockDamage" value="5,13" /> -->
	<!-- END Yatz Remastered Guns & Ammo Pack -->[/color]
	<property name="DegradationMax" value="700,4000" />
<property name="EconomicValue" value="412" />


I simply commented out the lines for proper coding and easy future comparison/troubleshooting. Also, I discovered that even though you MUST move BOTH EntityDamage and BlockDamage, you do NOT have to move Degradation values.


I changed the original 9mmBullet to the following:


<item id="150" name="9mmBullet">
<property name="Meshfile" value="Items/Weapons/Ranged/Pistol/9mm_bulletPrefab" />
<property name="Material" value="brass" />
<property name="HoldType" value="21" />
<property name="Stacknumber" value="500" /> <!-- STK ammo -->
<property name="CraftingSkillGroup" value="Gun Smithing"/>
<property name="EconomicValue" value="14" />
<property name="Group" value="Ammo/Weapons" />
[color="#FF8C00"]<!-- BEGIN Yatz Remastered Guns & Ammo Pack -->
<property class="Attributes">
		<property name="GetQualityFromWeapon" value="true" />
		<property name="EntityDamage" value="11.4,19" />
		<property name="BlockDamage" value="5,13" />
<property name="ActionSkillGroup" value="Pistols"/>
<!-- END Yatz Remastered Guns & Ammo Pack -->[/color]


This allows existing saves to continue using the original 9mmBullet, but I then prevent creating or finding new "original" 9mm bullets by properly editing the Loot.xml and Recipe.xml files.


And, last but not least, I created the new bullets:


<!-- Custom Pistol Rounds -->

<item id="1648" name="9mmLuger_FMJ">
	<property name="Extends" value="9mmBullet" />
	<property name="DescriptionKey" value="9mmLugerFMJDesc"/>
	<property class="Attributes">
		<property name="GetQualityFromWeapon" value="true" />
		<property name="EntityDamage" value="11.4,19" />
		<property name="BlockDamage" value="5,13" />
<property name="ActionSkillGroup" value="Pistols"/>
<property name="CraftingSkillGroup" value="Gun Smithing"/>

<item id="1649" name="9mmLuger_JHP">
	<property name="Extends" value="9mmBullet" />
	<property name="DescriptionKey" value="9mmLugerJHPDesc"/>
	<property class="Attributes">
		<property name="GetQualityFromWeapon" value="true" />
		<property name="EntityDamage" value="13.4,22" />
		<property name="BlockDamage" value="8,16" />
		<property name="ApplyBuff" value="0.7,0.7" param1="stunned" />
<property name="ActionSkillGroup" value="Pistols"/>
<property name="CraftingSkillGroup" value="Gun Smithing"/>

<item id="1650" name="9mmLuger_INC">
	<property name="Extends" value="9mmBullet" />
	<property name="DescriptionKey" value="9mmLugerINCDesc"/>
	<property class="Attributes">
		<property name="GetQualityFromWeapon" value="true" />
		<property name="EntityDamage" value="11.4,19" />
		<property name="BlockDamage" value="5,13" />
		<property name="ApplyBuff" value="1,1" param1="burningSmall" />
<property name="ActionSkillGroup" value="Pistols"/>
<property name="CraftingSkillGroup" value="Gun Smithing"/>


This is actually working out much better than I anticipated and I've satisfied my OCD at the same time - LOL!


I was hoping I could do some stuff with the Magazine attribute (for example, when I use an extended mag in real life), but I couldn't get it to work, no matter where I made the change. I also wanted to apply some other attributes such as Head damage (so it could be different for different rounds), but as others have noted, that doesn't seem to work and so far that is confirmed in my testing. But I can do without that.


Now, the images... ugh... if anyone (Valmar did a good job with his) has any suggestions. I have all the new images I want to use, but I have to change the white background to alpha. Unfortunately, there is no easy way to do it because the color values match colors on the bullet image itself. I'm using Paint.NET because I can't affort Adobe's stuff right now. And the magic wand and lasso tools just aren't cutting it. Having to literally paint the alpha carefully around the edges. Very tedious :)


EDIT: Nvm on the images. In Paint.NET, changing the Tolerance to 25% and changing the blend mode to Overwrite was what I needed. Takes about 2 seconds now LOL!


well done...i figured out that Actionskillgroup bug earlier myself when i was applying this new technique.

very strange how they coded the guns


im trying to crack the shotgun today.

i took all the dmage off the shotgun and put it all on the bullet (which it was already)

and the shotgun still reads it has entity damage....My guess it might be hardcoded (so far)


I use Gimp2 for all my Photoshop needs...its free




But so everybody knows..you dont have to move the Actionskillgroup unless you want the bullet to be connected to a certain actionskill group...like my 7.622 are for rifles and AK so i have 2 different classes ....full auto and Rifle...they both share same ammo on certain guns.......so i can leave them as there are on the guns...if that makes since...you dont HAVE to move them.


but in your case you made fdifferent ammo for all the guns...so yes you would want them to be specific

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I have only ever seen them on the Action0 myself as far as headshots/body etc


<property name="DamageBonus.head" value="5" />

<property name="DamageBonus.body" value=".01" />

<property name="DamageBonus.glass" value="25" />

<property name="DamageBonus.wood" value="2" />

<property name="DamageBonus.earth" value=".2" />

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Haven't even tried to touch the shotguns yet, so let me know what you end up with. Will be very interesting.


Good points above. I also found a bug with the AK-47 and SMG when I move the damage. Well, not a bug in operation - it's more an interface visual bug only, similar to how damage values don't show correctly if you don't move everything to the bullet. So, if you fire the AK-47 and SMG in short bursts with an incendiary bullet (with the burning applied), no problem. But as soon as you shoot full auto with incendiary, if you then open the inventory and look at the description for the gun, any blank space is spammed with BURNING - 100% :) Just can't win :) This does not happen with the original code from Valmar (which I assume is the same or similar to yours on that one). And it only happens with that effect. Not the case with the HP and the stun effect. Weird.


EDIT: You mention the damage "hard coded" for the shotgun. I'm a little confused. I see this with all the weapons. I thought (but could be wrong) that it was because each gun assumes the first projectile in the list as its default. No matter what I pull, even from the creative menu, will always have the default damage of the first projectile I have in my list, even if that projectile is not in my inventory and the gun is fully unloaded. Could this be what you're seeing with the shotgun?

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Haven't even tried to touch the shotguns yet, so let me know what you end up with. Will be very interesting.


Good points above. I also found a bug with the AK-47 and SMG when I move the damage. Well, not a bug in operation - it's more an interface visual bug only, similar to how damage values don't show correctly if you don't move everything to the bullet. So, if you fire the AK-47 and SMG in short bursts with an incendiary bullet (with the burning applied), no problem. But as soon as you shoot full auto with incendiary, if you then open the inventory and look at the description for the gun, any blank space is spammed with BURNING - 100% :) Just can't win :) This does not happen with the original code from Valmar (which I assume is the same or similar to yours on that one). And it only happens with that effect. Not the case with the HP and the stun effect. Weird.


EDIT: You mention the damage "hard coded" for the shotgun. I'm a little confused. I see this with all the weapons. I thought (but could be wrong) that it was because each gun assumes the first projectile in the list as its default. No matter what I pull, even from the creative menu, will always have the default damage of the first projectile I have in my list, even if that projectile is not in my inventory and the gun is fully unloaded. Could this be what you're seeing with the shotgun?


yeah i was wrong..it was a Visual bug after i altered it..i just picked it up and got anew one and unloaded the gun.


it was 0.00 damage..when i loaded base bullet it had base damage like the rest.(so im good on that)

But..check this out...the base range is 10M...and that's really far TBH..so this what i have for Rays/Spreads..seems to work out good.


pump shotgun


<property name="Magazine_item_ray_counts" value="9, 9, 9" /> <<<< number of Pellets in the Bullet (shotguns have 9 pellets in buckshot)

<property name="Magazine_item_ray_spreads" value="0.40, 0.40, 0.40" /> <<<<cone of damage


So lets say you apply a Choke

it would look like this then


<property name="Magazine_item_ray_counts" value="9, 9, 9" />

<property name="Magazine_item_ray_spreads" value="0.20, 0.20, 0.20" />


Let's say you are shooting a Slug

then one of the rays (in order) would


<property name="Magazine_items" value="shotgunSlug,shotgunShell, shotgunShellINC, lokiShell, Unload" />

<property name="Magazine_item_ray_counts" value="1, 9, 9, 9" />

<property name="Magazine_item_ray_spreads" value="1, 0.40, 0.40, 0.40" />




<property name="Magazine_items" value="shotgunSlug,shotgunShell, shotgunShellINC, chemShell, Unload" />

<property name="Magazine_item_ray_counts" value="1, 9, 9, 9" />

<property name="Magazine_item_ray_spreads" value="1, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20" />


building guns with attachments gets tricky.


so this one of my shotguns with a Choke (i learn this from Valmar)


<item id="1513" name="gunPumpShotgunChoked">

<property name="Extends" value="gunPumpShotgun" />

<property class="Parts">

<property name="Barrel" value="gunChoke" />


<property class="Action0">

<property name="Magazine_items" value="shotgunShell, shotgunSlug, shotgunShellINC, chemShell, Unload" />

<property name="Magazine_item_ray_counts" value="9, 1, 9, 9" />

<property name="Magazine_item_ray_spreads" value="0.20, 1, 0.20, 0.20" />




I'm still working the Sawed off


that would be same setup but shorter range..which i'm still figuring out


i want to reduce it to 5m (that's the plan)


i'm going to test hitting multiple targets with one Shell in a minute on some Windows that are side by side at different ranges

if this works like i think it will..then i just cracked another thing i been trying to figure out for a long time now.



this the first time i have ever shared any of my work..........

but then again im sure people have figured alot of this out already..i only been doing this for about a Month

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I have only ever seen them on the Action0 myself as far as headshots/body etc


<property name="DamageBonus.head" value="5" />

<property name="DamageBonus.body" value=".01" />

<property name="DamageBonus.glass" value="25" />

<property name="DamageBonus.wood" value="2" />

<property name="DamageBonus.earth" value=".2" />


you can apply these to Attributes so you know

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Ahhh... I was curious how those aspects worked. Never had a chance to dive into Valmar's attachments in depth to understand. Thanks for the summaries - good stuff.


Looks nice. I've always just used the long barrel, but would like to try a refined sawed off.


People often figure out different pieces, sometimes fully understanding it, sometimes partially understanding it, sometimes not understanding at all what they got to work by trial and error - they just know it works. So, I think it's good to go back and forth with ideas like this and flesh stuff out and figure out the mechanics and bugs, or at least confirm what others have figured out. At least that's how I am - always enjoy seeing other's perspectives on this stuff.


- - - Updated - - -


Got it. Good to know on that last bit.

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Ahhh... I was curious how those aspects worked. Never had a chance to dive into Valmar's attachments in depth to understand. Thanks for the summaries - good stuff.


Looks nice. I've always just used the long barrel, but would like to try a refined sawed off.


People often figure out different pieces, sometimes fully understanding it, sometimes partially understanding it, sometimes not understanding at all what they got to work by trial and error - they just know it works. So, I think it's good to go back and forth with ideas like this and flesh stuff out and figure out the mechanics and bugs, or at least confirm what others have figured out. At least that's how I am - always enjoy seeing other's perspectives on this stuff.


- - - Updated - - -


Got it. Good to know on that last bit.


i apply


<property name="DamageBonus.body" value=".01" />

<property name="DamageBonus.head" value="5" />


to all my weapons


its fun to make Zombie doormats.


you blow off all their limbs and they just lay there making noises (pretty funny)


but ig you get close they attack you..this could be very effective in Pvp


Could make a Pit of Zeds leave them with something like this on top


<block id="1130" name="trapFall">

<property name="Extends" value="dirt" />

<property name="Material" value="MbarbedWire" />

<property name="Texture" value="396,2,2,2,2,2" />

<property name="MaxDamage" value="1" />

<property name="Class" value="Mine" />

<property name="CraftingSkillGroup" value="Traps"/>



(valmar trap)



they would fall in and get eaten alive

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Unfortunately, that changes the block damage displayed and "shouldn't" (in questionable quotes) be needed once both damages are moved to the projectile. However, I'll test and see if the actual damage is still correct, but if that fixes the burning sensation... :) I'll then have to decide if I want to see burning spam or incorrect values.


Too funny about the zombies flailing on the ground...

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First, you were right - that fixed it. But of course the interface values were messed up again (and my OCD did cartwheels). However, I did some testing. It turns out ALL of the following examples work in addition to what you said (and what is supposed to be in Valmar's original mod expansion/overhaul):


<property class="Attributes">

<property name="BlockDamage" value="0.001,0.001" />



<property class="Attributes">

<property name="EntityDamage" value="0.001,0.001" />



Now, that makes it so the interface values are no longer messed up AND stops the burning spam. So, I decided to try and step further and it turns out you don't seem to need a sub-property at all. So the following works just fine also (which is what I'm using now):


<property class="Attributes">



Odd, but it works. I'm curious (but not in the mood to test at the moment) whether that is all Valmar's packs really need also.


Second, as to the DamageBonus values: Under arrows (projectile class), they are under Action1. In other places Action0. I think I saw someone else mention that you could use them under the Attributes property just like you did above. I can't get ANY of those to work on the custom bullets for granularity. Not sure if that's due to the weapon parts (which bows and other weapons don't have) or something else I'm doing wrong. Still testing/researching, but if you have any thoughts...


Lastly, based on an unrelated comment you made above regarding the ActionSkillsGroup for rifles, that popped an idea in my head. I've already created a completely new progression skill/perk system for Valmar's Combat Axe that I really like. Based on that comment you made, I think I'm going to create a new skill/perk combo for Rifles to split them between bolt-action and full-auto (I actually wish we had semi-auto weapons - I never did like full-auto, even in real life; always prefer burst fire). This would make things more difficult because you have to use the desired weapon to increase the skill (so hunting and sniper don't advance at the time same), but I think more rewarding in the end.

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First, you were right - that fixed it. But of course the interface values were messed up again (and my OCD did cartwheels). However, I did some testing. It turns out ALL of the following examples work in addition to what you said (and what is supposed to be in Valmar's original mod expansion/overhaul):


<property class="Attributes">

<property name="BlockDamage" value="0.001,0.001" />



<property class="Attributes">

<property name="EntityDamage" value="0.001,0.001" />



Now, that makes it so the interface values are no longer messed up AND stops the burning spam. So, I decided to try and step further and it turns out you don't seem to need a sub-property at all. So the following works just fine also (which is what I'm using now):


<property class="Attributes">



Good catch on that.I wasn't really looking for another way of doing it (i made the change also)

I was just trying to figure out the (your) glitch :)

I spent a over hour or 2 trying different ideas i could think of.

because i like the idea of the damage being on the bullet (makes since)


Odd, but it works. I'm curious (but not in the mood to test at the moment) whether that is all Valmar's packs really need also.


Not really sure.Thats something you will have to take up with Valmar.I dont really question anything he does.Im sure he does things the way he wants.He's been a good teacher for sure.


Second, as to the DamageBonus values: Under arrows (projectile class), they are under Action1. In other places Action0. I think I saw someone else mention that you could use them under the Attributes property just like you did above. I can't get ANY of those to work on the custom bullets for granularity. Not sure if that's due to the weapon parts (which bows and other weapons don't have) or something else I'm doing wrong. Still testing/researching, but if you have any thoughts...


i think this goes back to

bow (catapult)

crossbow,rocket launcher (launchers)

Guns (range)


if you look in the Default game under "Bow" it says:

<!-- Catapult might not be the best name for it but it can also be used for a slingshot -->

I think this is the issue for alot of the problems with NPC/Bandits not being able to use anything with this tag.


But anything with Range,Launcher,Melee works perfect with them.


Lastly, based on an unrelated comment you made above regarding the ActionSkillsGroup for rifles, that popped an idea in my head. I've already created a completely new progression skill/perk system for Valmar's Combat Axe that I really like. Based on that comment you made, I think I'm going to create a new skill/perk combo for Rifles to split them between bolt-action and full-auto (I actually wish we had semi-auto weapons - I never did like full-auto, even in real life; always prefer burst fire). This would make things more difficult because you have to use the desired weapon to increase the skill (so hunting and sniper don't advance at the time same), but I think more rewarding in the end.


if you would like (which i did same thing)

you can remove this tag

<property name="Auto_fire" value="true" />

and change the value on this tag

<property name="Delay" value="0.150" />


and increase the rate of fire (as fast as your finger can click)


I did my Assault shotgun the same way


Because to me my finger is basically controlling the trigger like a REAL gun

In the military i called it my "Burst Finger"


Now the MP5 you should leave Auto.

AK-s are full Auto but most of the time they are used in a Semi-Auto way (3 shot burst)

I would LOVE to figure out a 3 shot burst fire setting for each gun

Not sure if that's possible with XML (i could be wrong)


Everything i do is XML driven.I dont get into all that SNazzy SDX stuff..it's to complicated and most people can't even figure it out without help.

Forums is proof.


..but if that fixes the burning sensation...


I loled so hard

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if you would like (which i did same thing)

you can remove this tag

<property name="Auto_fire" value="true" />

and change the value on this tag

<property name="Delay" value="0.150" />


Nice! Can't wait to try this out! I knew what the Auto_fire did, but didn't know how to properly compensate. Great stuff.


Same here with burst fire. And I'm used to the 3 shot burst as well. Much more comfortable with that. Also only edit the XMLs, so if I figure out anything with that in my own testing, I'll be sure to let you know. At first glance I'm not sure how that would work just purely with the XML capabilities, but I hadn't figured out the Delay either (obvious now), so... there you go... :)


Spent several hours last night re-doing the loot table. I use Valmar's supply crate mod, but I tweak it just a hair so you still get more "Surprise! Holy crap that's nice", but without that happening too often. So on top of those tweaks, I had to introduce all the new ammo, but didn't want a mess. So created all new loot groups for the ammo to fit in the various vanilla and Valmar loot groups and containers. Now it's nice and clean with one large block of my code, then a single line of code inserted in each applicable spot that's clear and concise. Then spent the rest of the time balancing that out. Must have spawned a hundred supply crates last night for testing :)

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hi velmond i see some multiplayer server that use this mod for new weapons and some stuff like diamond axe... but i didnt install your mod.


now my question how i can some new weapon add to my multiplayer server like they did. if i say to my teammates install this they go away from servr need help for some new stuff on my server.


i know how to connect with filezilla on the server but how i can fix this image problem some items are hide

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hi velmond i see some multiplayer server that use this mod for new weapons and some stuff like diamond axe... but i didnt install your mod.


now my question how i can some new weapon add to my multiplayer server like they did. if i say to my teammates install this they go away from servr need help for some new stuff on my server.


i know how to connect with filezilla on the server but how i can fix this image problem some items are hide


If anything in the mod uses custom, unique icons then the player needs the Mods folder installed locally. Otherwise they won't see t he icons. That is because the icons do no push from the server to client.


You could get around this by giving all the items vanilla icons with different tints. Wouldn't look as pretty but it would work.




<item id="108" name="fireaxeSteel">

<property name="Extends" value="fireaxeIron" />

<property name="CustomIcon" value="fireaxeIron" />

<property name="CustomIconTint" value="a0a0ff" />

<property name="Meshfile" value="Items/Weapons/Melee/Axe/fireaxePrefab" />

<property name="RepairTools" value="forgedSteel" />

<property name="EconomicValue" value="760" />

<property class="Action0">


<property class="Attributes">

<property name="EntityDamage" value="9,22" />

<property name="BlockDamage" value="30,72" />

<property name="DegradationMax" value="500,1400" />




In this vanilla code example the steel fireaxe is made to use the fireaxeIron icon and it applies a color tint to it to make the icon look a little different. Same principle can be applied to any item.

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