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What mods you think should be in vanilla?

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4 hours ago, theFlu said:

I don't hate any of that, but they don't really touch what I meant. Well implemented block sounds would be nice :)


Say, quests where building something is part of the "proper path". Starting with an introductory Tier one quest with a broken ladder you need to fix to get to a loot cache, and some kind of an instruction for it; then increasing in difficulty from there. With or without an actual optimal solution, preferably without actual "place a ladder here" -placeholders. Just POI/puzzle design, with placement and removal of blocks in mind. Currently the trend seems away from this, while you're given some POIs with several routes around the place, the "proper paths" seem more and more hardened; and world permanence is being eroded for "surprise" attacks.


Another easyish option would be quests to fortify a position.. an NPC wants you to build him a fort / fortify his house. He's satisfied once an invisible pathing check shows a "strong enough" path to him from the outside, and afterwards you may or may not have to help him defend the position. This obviously requires friendly NPCs in the world, so it's a bit of a pipe dream at least for now. But it seems like a type of quest they would've tested by now (with traders or just random empty POIs), and on that front there seems to be an underutilization going on ... :)

ahhh, i see. Yes these would be cool as well and i would categorize them as "open building challenges" or something. Hmmm... just thinking aloud...


The first one could almost be there today but yeah they dont seem to ever make you place blocks to get around a poi. Even like for a small gap/break in stairs/ledges. I would think the "easiest" and cheapest way to be "sneaky" would be using the rope and maybe a block that could be placed above (like in a hole in the ceiling) to indicate "rope can attach to this block and you can climb up here". But its rather simple and doesn't even exist (craftable rope in vanilla). The "trap blocks" could almost do it too: see loot and walk to ward it, fall down, have to build to access it.  Other than "TFP doesn't want to do it" (and this seems to be the case, judging by all existing pois) the only "gotcha" i know of is if you are trapped and "have to build to escape" that is painful if you don't have blocks or tools to harvest and craft them on you. TFP could probably easily make 2 (smaller)loot rooms and 1 is "on the path" and the other is "have to build to discover/access"


- for the second one: yeah that would be fun, but nothing in game comes even close except maybe "the digging quests kinda counts block removing in an area showing a circle" so why couldn't it count "block adding" and (simple concept) to count to say 100 blocks in an area around a point/npc/trader and then spawn attack waves? Basically: fortify around x and defend. You get to place x blocks. Hacking it would be to place a lot of blocks outside the determined area (and that would be a lot, given area size) so... spawn zeds inside the area at the edge. Something like that.  I could see the traders having a tiny hut at game start (or living in a trailer) and your defense quests keep asking you to build it up, with larger and larger area for more and more waves. You fail, trader is now zed food, you lose your trader! You could base at the trader too, because that that point why not?

Edited by doughphunghus (see edit history)
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9 minutes ago, doughphunghus said:

yeah that would be fun, but nothing in game comes even close except maybe

Aye, but I don't think it would be THAT big of a task to implement; the minimum necessary bits being 1) suitable POIs (yeah, needs design) 2) the regular zed pathfinding applied to an invisible (or even visible) "horde starting point" => if less than 1 cobble / concrete / whatnot HP limit in the pathfinding path, quest isn't complete and the NPC complains about it. Plenty of fun to achieve with "just" the POI design for such quests.


15 minutes ago, doughphunghus said:

I could see the traders having a tiny hut at game start (or living in a trailer) and your defense quests keep asking you to build it up, with larger and larger area for more and more waves. You fail, trader is now zed food, you lose your trader! You could base at the trader too, because that that point why not?

Now you're just making me dream of good times in an infinitely modifiable voxel game...! :D

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