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Need help with v1.0 custom sleeper volume/group

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In A19 A20 and A21, I had no problem setting up custom sleepers.

But in v1.0 it has changed and I can't figure out what I'm missing. No matter what I do, I always get some sort of vanilla default sleeper spawn group. Can someone tell me how to get my spawns to work correctly?

Gamestages xml

<group name="S_-Group_Residence_Zombie" emptyChance="0" decoyChance="0" decoy1hpChance="0">
        <spawner name="SleeperResidenceList" count="9"/>

<spawner name="SleeperResidenceList">
        <gamestage stage="1">
            <spawn group="ResidenceZombies" num="1" maxAlive="1" duration="1"/>

entitygroups xml

<entitygroup name="ResidenceZombies">

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Gamestages of vanilla - 

<group name="2GroupBikerBar" spawner="ZombieBikerBarHorde"/>

    <spawner name="ZombieBikerBarHorde">
        <gamestage stage="1">
            <spawn group="ZombieBikerBarGroupGS1" num="1" maxAlive="1" duration="1"/>
        <gamestage stage="50">
            <spawn group="ZombieBikerBarGroupGS50" num="1" maxAlive="1" duration="1"/>
        <gamestage stage="100">
            <spawn group="ZombieBikerBarGroupGS100" num="1" maxAlive="1" duration="1"/>
        <gamestage stage="200">
            <spawn group="ZombieBikerBarGroupGS200" num="1" maxAlive="1" duration="1"/>
        <gamestage stage="400">
            <spawn group="ZombieBikerBarGroupGS400" num="1" maxAlive="1" duration="1"/>
        <gamestage stage="800">
            <spawn group="ZombieBikerBarGroupGS800" num="1" maxAlive="1" duration="1"/>

    <entitygroup name="ZombieBikerBarGroup">
        zombieBiker, 3
        zombiePartyGirl, 4
        zombieUtilityWorker, .4
        zombieJanitor, .6
    <entitygroup name="ZombieBikerBarGroupGS1">
        zombieBikerFeral, 0
        zombieBikerRadiated, 0
        zombiePartyGirlFeral, 0
        zombieUtilityWorkerFeral, 0
        zombieJanitorFeral, 0
        zombieSkateboarderFeral, 0
        zombieSkateboarderRadiated, 0
        zombieBoeFeral, 0
        zombieBoeRadiated, 0
        zombieMoeFeral, 0
        zombieMoeRadiated, 0
    <entitygroup name="ZombieBikerBarGroupGS50">
        zombieBiker, .85
        zombieBikerFeral, .1
        zombieBikerRadiated, 0
        zombiePartyGirl, .85
        zombiePartyGirlFeral, .1
        zombieUtilityWorker, .37
        zombieUtilityWorkerFeral, .04
        zombieJanitor, .48
        zombieJanitorFeral, .06
        zombieSkateboarder, .85
        zombieSkateboarderFeral, .1
        zombieSkateboarderRadiated, 0
        zombieBoe, .85
        zombieBoeFeral, .1
        zombieBoeRadiated, 0
        zombieMoe, .85
        zombieMoeFeral, .1
        zombieMoeRadiated, 0
    <entitygroup name="ZombieBikerBarGroupGS100">
        zombieBiker, .7
        zombieBikerFeral, .2
        zombieBikerRadiated, 0
        zombiePartyGirl, .7
        zombiePartyGirlFeral, .2
        zombieUtilityWorker, .3
        zombieUtilityWorkerFeral, .08
        zombieJanitor, .4
        zombieJanitorFeral, .12
        zombieSkateboarder, .7
        zombieSkateboarderFeral, .2
        zombieSkateboarderRadiated, 0
        zombieBoe, .7
        zombieBoeFeral, .2
        zombieBoeRadiated, 0
        zombieMoe, .7
        zombieMoeFeral, .2
        zombieMoeRadiated, 0
    <entitygroup name="ZombieBikerBarGroupGS200">
        zombieBiker, .55
        zombieBikerFeral, .3
        zombieBikerRadiated, .15
        zombiePartyGirl, .55
        zombiePartyGirlFeral, .3
        zombieUtilityWorker, .25
        zombieUtilityWorkerFeral, .13
        zombieJanitor, .2
        zombieJanitorFeral, .17
        zombieSkateboarder, .55
        zombieSkateboarderFeral, .3
        zombieSkateboarderRadiated, .15
        zombieBoe, .55
        zombieBoeFeral, .3
        zombieBoeRadiated, .15
        zombieMoe, .55
        zombieMoeFeral, .3
        zombieMoeRadiated, .15
    <entitygroup name="ZombieBikerBarGroupGS400">
        zombieBiker, .4
        zombieBikerFeral, .4
        zombieBikerRadiated, .3
        zombiePartyGirl, .4
        zombiePartyGirlFeral, .4
        zombieUtilityWorker, .17
        zombieUtilityWorkerFeral, .17
        zombieJanitor, .23
        zombieJanitorFeral, .23
        zombieSkateboarder, .4
        zombieSkateboarderFeral, .4
        zombieSkateboarderRadiated, .3
        zombieBoe, .4
        zombieBoeFeral, .4
        zombieBoeRadiated, .3
        zombieMoe, .4
        zombieMoeFeral, .4
        zombieMoeRadiated, .3
    <entitygroup name="ZombieBikerBarGroupGS800">
        zombieBiker, .25
        zombieBikerFeral, .5
        zombieBikerRadiated, .45
        zombiePartyGirl, .25
        zombiePartyGirlFeral, .5
        zombieUtilityWorker, .2
        zombieUtilityWorkerFeral, .2
        zombieJanitor, .25
        zombieJanitorFeral, .3
        zombieSkateboarder, .25
        zombieSkateboarderFeral, .5
        zombieSkateboarderRadiated, .45
        zombieBoe, .25
        zombieBoeFeral, .5
        zombieBoeRadiated, .45
        zombieMoe, .25
        zombieMoeFeral, .5
        zombieMoeRadiated, .45

this is a vanilla one of the biker group just change what you need to your naming and zs called. 

31 minutes ago, FranticDan said:

Well, that did something. Now there's nothing spawning

whats your volume look like

how many min and max and total placed

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7 minutes ago, stallionsden said:


whats your volume look like

how many min and max and total placed

Yeah I've cross referenced the vanilla code. Some of my sleeper blocks are custom and those still work just fine.

Before they stopped spawning, I noticed the sleeper bug from A21 was still happening where not all counts were spawning in the volume.
I'm going through multiple volumes with this group type and none are spawning throughout the POI






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4 minutes ago, stallionsden said:

V1 has a chance not all total zs will spawn it may have 1 less etc .



most of my volumes have 3-4 zombies. None of them spawn

I'm going to assume this 1 less zombie is hard coded

Maybe @Laz Man knows why this is happening?

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