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(V1.0) Oakraven Collection


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The War Pig makes a pleasant engine squeal and is supposed to have noise when driving.

It was updated a few weeks ago to address an issue where it shared the same sound name as another vehicle mod.

Since the other vehicle mod has been around for a long time, the sound name for the War Pig was given a very unique name related to its title.


Please download it again, and I think that will resolve the issue. I just tested it from the same download and could confirm it is working appropriately.


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3 hours ago, arramus said:

The War Pig makes a pleasant engine squeal and is supposed to have noise when driving.

It was updated a few weeks ago to address an issue where it shared the same sound name as another vehicle mod.

Since the other vehicle mod has been around for a long time, the sound name for the War Pig was given a very unique name related to its title.


Please download it again, and I think that will resolve the issue. I just tested it from the same download and could confirm it is working appropriately.


Had an old version, thank you!

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On 7/31/2024 at 9:44 PM, arramus said:

The forges were superb and offered a lot of variety with the classic type which was the original, along with the industrial types. I shall ask Oakraven about his intention for the forges.

Thank you I just got home from vacation and saw this but thats good to hear


Edited by sureshot1500 (see edit history)
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I love your mods, but i wanted to suggest adding a recipe for the caught chick.

    <recipe name="foodRawMeat" count="1" craft_area="campfire" craft_tool="toolCookingGrill">
        <ingredient name="CaughtChick" count="2"/>


i made the adjustment for my game, but i also locked the Chicken coop behind Living off the Land, so most people may not really need this... but i am also trying to put together a modpack using a bunch of mods that i use and would also like to go ahead ask for permission to use your mod in that pack - with my adjustments added.. mostly to balance it with the other mods i made and use.

thanks for your contribution to the modding community.

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Thank you for the suggestion. Preppocalypse, Outback Roadies, and the Wild West Mod all have a recipe for Chick Sticks. They use a recipe similar to:


    <recipe name="foodChickSticks" count="1" craft_time="18" craft_area="campfire" craft_tool="toolCookingGrill" tags="perkMasterChef">
    <ingredient name="CaughtChick" count="3"/>
    <ingredient name="foodAcornFlour" count="1"/>
    <ingredient name="foodEgg" count="1"/>
    <ingredient name="resourceWood" count="1"/>


Overhauls that are integrating things like the Chicken Coops are doing all manner of things with them. The base mod will remain as it currently is based on past feedback. Adding them to a Blender smoothie recipe didn't quite do it for players in A20.


Here are Oakraven's requirements:


- Adding Oakraven content to a Mod Pack is not permitted.

- Adding a post loading Mod to modify Oakraven Mods is permitted and encouraged.

- Adding Oakraven content to an overhaul that fully integrates it is permitted and is seen in AOO, Wild West, Preppo, Outback Roadies, and a few others here and there.


Overhauls that requested to integrate something like Chicken Coops Mod were all given permission since there will be no conflicts with naming.

For Mod Packs, it is requested to add a post loading mod so the base remains true to the original and downloaded separately. There have been issues in the past where errors were posted here for Mod Packs that were making changes directly to the base, and repackaging/re-releasing it. Permission for that is not given as it causes issues down the line.


Oakraven moved content over to Nexus for a few reasons:

- The Ammo Press was redistributed on Nexus in A21 without permission. Putting in a claim took time as it required investigation. Having a presence takes less than 24 hours to resolve things.

- It offers a Mod Pack building feature where a base Mod with post loading changes can be shared, with dependencies being downloaded directly from their source.


The above may seem a bit draconian, but Oakraven, and others in the Guppy's Modding Discord have seen a flurry of Mod Pack issues over the past year and the fallout tends to come right back to their channels and threads for things they know nothing about. One example being well known streamers who bundle things into Mod Packs with multiple changes that are then shared very publicly. It can take months to clean up issues that the Modder had no hand in creating.

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Really like these 3 mods beehives/chickencoops/fishfarm, but I feel like they can be made better, so I polish them a little for my own use hehe.
The 'Preppocalypse' seems to have them polish but I was thinking if you guys have any plan to merge only these 3 mods?
I can help with the desc/recipe/balancing parts if that's okay. 😄
Also may I ask.. was it possible for chickencoops mods to work without changing birdnest? (just like the honeycomb tree logs to be coexist with vanilla birdnest)

Edit: Is there any discord for your mods for convenient chat? your mods on nexus doesn't allow posts.

Edited by lvdjj
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There is no current plan to merge these 3 mods because some overhauls and end users do not always include the Fish Farm mod as part of their play through. Keeping them separate avoids requests to share them as stand alone features. While these mods are shared to the community in their original format, Preppocalypse, the Wild West Mod, Outback Roadies, and other overhauls integrate them and add/remove certain features. That can also include removing the custom bird nest feature and restoring the current loot and break version from A21 onwards. That bird nest feature was added at a time when it was the normal way to do things and simply remained.


The Oakraven Collection combines all posts into this one thread to avoid multiple individual chat threads, as that can become a bit too much to maintain.

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Here is an update for the Oakraven Bee Hives Mod:


- Hold Type Change:

In A21, and before, the Queen Bee was held using a flat hand Hold Type. However, after placing a Queen Bee in a Hive in V1.0 the player instantly follows through with a power melee attack if the toolbar slot is empty. This is unwanted. This update changes the Hold Type to one which does not follow through with a melee attack.


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Here is an update for the Chicken Coops:


- Hold Type Change:

As with the above for the Bee Hives, the Caught Chick was also given a different Hold Type to remove the auto melee feature once a hand became empty after placement.

As the image shows, the Caught Chick is being held safely and securely. This Hold Type sees two action movements which matches the context of placing two Caught Chicks. Thank you for being patient while this issue was resolved and your Hives and Coops were receiving melee damage under those specific circumstances.


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Based on the challenges of giving long term support for mods and overhauls, assistance can be offered for setting up a post loading mod, but not for long term management. This is because things change, and sometimes subtle changes are not announced. It is not possible to constantly monitor supported mods and overhauls. As such, that responsibility is kept within the community requiring the support. We can link to supporting mods, but not manage them.

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Here is a small update for the Oakraven Collection:


Oakraven Cooking Stations

The Ovens and Stoves have received a model updated for V1.0, now that things are settling down. There are no major changes beyond a few cosmetic updates here and there. @Scomar's Localization for German has also been added at the same time.





Edited by arramus (see edit history)
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That's correct. They are separate mods and the recipe would have to be manually added to the recipes.xml for the Cooking Stations mod in the same format as the existing entries, at this time. In overhauls, such as The Wild West Mod, these mods are integrated and all possible recipes are added directly to all cooking stations.


In V1.0 they could be added as a conditional that would load them to the recipes only if the Cooking Stations mod was installed, but V1.0 is constantly updating and tweaking things during this transition period. V1.0 stable should soon be V1.1 stable. Once things are fully settled, it will be something worth exploring to integrate these mod features if they are loading together, even as individual mods.

Edited by arramus (see edit history)
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