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(V1.0) Server Side Zombies PLUS


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(V1.0) Server Side Zombies PLUS mod can be downloaded here:



(V1.0) Server Side Zombies PLUS mod provides a variety of default zombies and animals with some pretty devastating customized upgrades. These upgrades make them more dangerous and hostile than radiated types. It is heavily influenced by Snufkin Zombies and still retains two of the originals. These hostiles appear in all biomes and during a Blood Moon Horde Night event. Since it is a Server Side Only Mod, only the server or client host is required to have it installed.

Features include:
- A variety of entities carrying ranged and melee weapons (courtesy of Preppocalypse Overhaul)
- Flying zombies with projectile weapons
- A greater chance for boss loot bag drops
- Higher HP and XP


Here are a few images to introduce the crew.













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Hey, I know this was discussed last alpha. But is there a list of the zombies that are JUST melee? I would like to make myself a pack that isn't any ranged zombies. I forgot which they were now, it's been so long. 


zombieSMGArlenePLUS, .1

zombieTARifleSoldierPLUS, .1

zombiePistolBusinessManPLUS, .1
zombieNailgunUtilityWorkerPLUS, .

zombieSniperBoePLUS, .1

zombiePumpShotgunBikerPLUS, .1

zombieM60DemolitionPLUS, .05


Are there any others? Scorcher I can just place way down on the spawn list. 


Think I got it. I'm gonna copy the list you had put down from a21. 





These are the ones I kept (changed spawn rates too)  


animalZombieBunnyPLUS, .05
        animalZombieSnakePLUS, .05
        animalZombieChickenPLUS, .05
        zombieSteelAxeLumberjackPLUS, .05
        zombieChainsawMoePLUS, .05
        zombieBatonFatCopPLUS, .05
        zombieSteelClubFemaleFatPLUS, .05
        zombieSteelSledgehammerFatHawaiianPLUS, .05
        animalZombieLargePlasmaVulturePLUS, .025        
        animalBossZombieGracePLUS, .025
        animalPaindeerPLUS, .025
        zombieWightRadiationShowerPLUS, .025
        zombieBogeymanPLUS, .025
        zombieCrispyPLUS, .025
        zombieScorcherPLUS, .025
        zombieRocketPLUS, 0.0125


Do I need to remove them from  BIOME_ZOMBIES_NIGHT_GROUP -->


or just removing them from BIOME_ALL_ZOMBIES_GROUP --> I should be good? 



EDIT 2: 


SORRY For the edits these are the spawn rates I'm gonna try, and the ones I left in. Thank you for the awesome mod as always! 


animalZombieBunnyPLUS, .025
        animalZombieSnakePLUS, .025
        zombieSteelAxeLumberjackPLUS, .025
        zombieChainsawMoePLUS, .025
        zombieBatonFatCopPLUS, .025
        zombieSteelClubFemaleFatPLUS, .025
        zombieSteelSledgehammerFatHawaiianPLUS, .025
        animalZombieLargePlasmaVulturePLUS, 0.0125        
        animalBossZombieGracePLUS, 0.0125
        animalPaindeerPLUS, 0.0125
        zombieWightRadiationShowerPLUS, 0.0125
        zombieBogeymanPLUS, 0.0125
        zombieCrispyPLUS, 0.0125
        zombieScorcherPLUS, 0.0125
        zombieRocketPLUS, 0.00625    


I want them to be in the game, but not super common and I think I'll try these out. What do you think about these spawn rates? I know they are much lower, but we'll see what happens. 

Edited by MrSamuelAdams (see edit history)
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Yes, a see what happens approach is a good idea, since the environment can change as more regions are opened up in a World. The initial few regions, especially on a smaller World can be quite populated with Server Side Zombies. However, that can really start to thin out as time and World opening continues.


As for a zombie list, it can be found in the Localizations.txt.


animalZombieBunnyPLUS,entityclasses,Entity,,,Bad Bunny,,,,,,,,,,,,,
animalZombieSnakePLUS,entityclasses,Entity,,,Slithering Mutant Snake,,,,,,,,,,,,,
animalZombieChickenPLUS,entityclasses,Entity,,,Battle Chicken,,,,,,,,,,,,,
animalBossZombieGracePLUS,entityclasses,Entity,,,Gory Grace,,,,,,,,,,,,,
animalZombieLargePlasmaVulturePLUS,entityclasses,Entity,,,Large Zombie Plasma Vulture,,,,,,,,,,,,,
zombieSpiderFeralBomberPLUS,entityclasses,Entity,,,Spider Drone Pipe Bomber,,,,,,,,,,,,,
zombieSpiderFeralGliderPLUS,entityclasses,Entity,,,Spider Glider Fire Starter,,,,,,,,,,,,,
zombieM60DemolitionPLUS,entityclasses,Entity,,,M60 Demolition,,,,,,,,,,,,,
zombieSMGArlenePLUS,entityclasses,Entity,,,SMG Arlene,,,,,,,,,,,,,
zombieTARifleSoldierPLUS,entityclasses,Entity,,,Tactical Assault Rifle Soldier,,,,,,,,,,,,,
zombieBatonHazmatPLUS,entityclasses,Entity,,,Stun Baton Hazmat,,,,,,,,,,,,,
zombieSteelAxeLumberjackPLUS,entityclasses,Entity,,,Steel Axe Lumberjack,,,,,,,,,,,,,
zombieMachetePartyGirlPLUS,entityclasses,Entity,,,Machete Party Girl,,,,,,,,,,,,,
zombiePistolBusinessManPLUS,entityclasses,Entity,,,Pistol Business Man,,,,,,,,,,,,,
zombieNailgunUtilityWorkerPLUS,entityclasses,Entity,,,Nailgun Utility Worker,,,,,,,,,,,,,
zombieSniperBoePLUS,entityclasses,Entity,,,Sniper Boe,,,,,,,,,,,,,
zombieChainsawMoePLUS,entityclasses,Entity,,,Chainsaw Moe,,,,,,,,,,,,,
zombieDesertVultureTomClarkPLUS,entityclasses,Entity,,,Desert Vulture Tom Clark,,,,,,,,,,,,,
zombiePumpShotgunBikerPLUS,entityclasses,Entity,,,Pump Shotgun Biker,,,,,,,,,,,,,
zombieBatonFatCopPLUS,entityclasses,Entity,,,Baton Fat Cop,,,,,,,,,,,,,
zombieSteelClubFemaleFatPLUS,entityclasses,Entity,,,Steel Club Momma,,,,,,,,,,,,,
zombieBoltNursePLUS,entityclasses,Entity,,,Bolt Nurse,,,,,,,,,,,,,
zombieSteelSledgehammerFatHawaiianPLUS,entityclasses,Entity,,,Sledgehammer Tourist,,,,,,,,,,,,,
zombieWightRadiationShowerPLUS,entityclasses,Entity,,,Radiation Shower Wight,,,,,,,,,,,,,
zombieBogeymanPLUS,entityclasses,Entity,,,Radiation Shower Bogeyman,,,,,,,,,,,,,
zombieCrispyPLUS,entityclasses,Entity,,,Wood Stove Walker,,,,,,,,,,,,,
zombieRocketRadiatedPLUS,entityclasses,Entity,,,Boss Fragger,,,,,,,,,,,,,
zombieScorcherRadiatedPLUS,entityclasses,Entity,,,Boss Scorcher,,,,,,,,,,,,,

I see the ones you are going to try also remove some melee types such as Machete Party Girl and Stun Baton Hazmat, but sure thing. This list is a helpful reference point if needed.

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Thank you, yeah. I will probably put those melee ones back. I was trying to remove the flying (nonvulture) one's out too. Basically that and any "GUNS" not all projectile. 


Is there anyway to reduce early spawns and increase as gamestage/biome increases/you're in?

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The biome spawning entities have no hook up into game stage at the moment. It would require a Harmony Patch Mod to override the current default process, unless a well versed modder has another approach. Very unfortunate as it would offer a helpful solution for challenge and progression to slowly feed in more challenging zombies, which could ultimately include the flyers, but at a time they feel appropriate.

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5 minutes ago, arramus said:

The biome spawning entities have no hook up into game stage at the moment. It would require a Harmony Patch Mod to override the current default process, unless a well versed modder has another approach. Very unfortunate as it would offer a helpful solution for challenge and progression to slowly feed in more challenging zombies, which could ultimately include the flyers, but at a time they feel appropriate.

1000% !!! 


This is what I ended with currently, I hope the spawn rate isn't TOO TOO low. Have to find out


        animalZombieBunnyPLUS, .025
        animalZombieSnakePLUS, .025
        zombieSteelAxeLumberjackPLUS, .025
        zombieChainsawMoePLUS, .025
        zombieBatonFatCopPLUS, .025
        zombieBatonHazmatPLUS, .025
        zombieMachetePartyGirlPLUS, .025
        zombieSteelClubFemaleFatPLUS, .025
        zombieSteelSledgehammerFatHawaiianPLUS, .025
        animalZombieLargePlasmaVulturePLUS, 0.0125        
        animalBossZombieGracePLUS, 0.0125
        animalPaindeerPLUS, 0.0125
        zombieWightRadiationShowerPLUS, 0.0125
        zombieBogeymanPLUS, 0.0125
        zombieCrispyPLUS, 0.0125
        zombieScorcherPLUS, 0.0125
        zombieScorcherRadiatedPLUS, 0.0125
        zombieRocketRadiatedPLUS, 0.0125
        zombieRocketPLUS, 0.0125

Edited by MrSamuelAdams (see edit history)
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These are similar values used in an earlier 'light' version which was option in A19 and A20 and bundled into the mod. Feedback on these values was positive. With this post being in the forum thread, it will allows others who prefer to regulate spawning a little more to use this as a template. Some players would use a 'light' version first, and then switch back to the default version as their level and weaponry improved. It offered a progression feature when they felt it was appropriate.

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20 minutes ago, arramus said:

These are similar values used in an earlier 'light' version which was option in A19 and A20 and bundled into the mod. Feedback on these values was positive. With this post being in the forum thread, it will allows others who prefer to regulate spawning a little more to use this as a template. Some players would use a 'light' version first, and then switch back to the default version as their level and weaponry improved. It offered a progression feature when they felt it was appropriate.

Thank you and if I notice it's too low I'll just times each value by 2 and reassess 

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It was reported that the ranged zombies were no longer shooting with the update to V1.0 b312/3. The Server Side Zombies PLUS received an update to allow the ranged zombies to be compliant with a change for V1.0 b312/3 and the possible removal of some older legacy/remnant code. They have received an update to reflect the current format and are shooting like there's no tomorrow.

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I am getting this, not sure if it's something I did when I removed the ranged zombies. 

Not able to get it off, I tried redoing it a few times too . 😕 


2024-07-06T14:36:14 56.045 ERR XML loader: Loading XML patch file 'entitygroups.xml' from mod 'V1_ServerSideZombiesPLUS' failed:
2024-07-06T14:36:14 56.048 EXC The 'csv' start tag on line 222 position 3 does not match the end tag of 'configs'. Line 10246, position 3.

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On 7/6/2024 at 3:40 PM, MrSamuelAdams said:

I am getting this, not sure if it's something I did when I removed the ranged zombies. 

Not able to get it off, I tried redoing it a few times too . 😕 


2024-07-06T14:36:14 56.045 ERR XML loader: Loading XML patch file 'entitygroups.xml' from mod 'V1_ServerSideZombiesPLUS' failed:
2024-07-06T14:36:14 56.048 EXC The 'csv' start tag on line 222 position 3 does not match the end tag of 'configs'. Line 10246, position 3.


When you get this message, it typically means you didn't close out a node properly.


So if you have something like this:


<append xpath="/items">

<code for new item>



In the above example, I didn't properly close the append statement so the first time it sees the close command is when I close all the new commands in my file.


Doing this, this would execute the code properly:


<append xpath="/items">

<code for new item>




So based on the line number that arramus pointed out, look at that portion of the code and look for when it closes out.  You probably erased the portion of the code that closed out that statement.

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