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Progression slowing even more, Scrap, armor, books,

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For my daily pimp dreams


Since the game is now starting to draw out progression a little bit more I think why not draw it a bit more out Why not add another tier!!!! Yeaaaaaaah AND MORE ADDED




Scrap weapons are the middle between stone, and iron. 

For more weapons most book tiers will be 100, 25, stone, 25 scrap, 25 iron and 25 steel
tools will be 125: 25, Stone, 25 Scrap, 25 Iron, 25 Steel, 25 Mechanical 


Let's get started! 

The types of books would increase so for Tools for example it would be 125 books needed, 25 for stone, 25 for scrap, 25 for iron, 25 for steel and 25 for mechanical 

Scrap axe: base version takes

  • 150 iron, 20 lead, 2 tape, 10 wood. And over the level the price will increase per level

  This helps you harvest wood better early game and maybe chop heads off!image.jpeg.d271be57e871baa2effe2996eb9ab5e7.jpeg


Scrap pick: a pick made of pipes, something somewhat heavy and Walala!! Made from scrap it helps you get by. A one handed pick 


  • Cost: 235 iron, 10 lead, 5 tape and 20 wood! 

(Model from Snufkin’s Scrap Tools) 



Scrap shovel: A flat peice of metal on a rod too scoop dirt! Need a say more. 


  • Cost: 245 iron, 20 lead, 5 tape and 30 woos. (Cost increases per level) 


Model made by (Snufkin’s Scrap Tools again)



Scrap hammer: take plumbing too the next level by bashing someone's head in with a old salvaged pipe!! A Big pipe!!!

  • Takes 350 iron, 25 lead, 8 tape and 30 wood too make a scrap hammer! Price only increases per level

    Wooden baton: who loves batons? No one?? Well what about beating a zombie with a old chair leg! This is the tier 1 for the baton, pipe baton is 2, shock is 3 and whatever is next is 4


    Takes 20 wood, 5 cloth. Increase in cost per level



    Scrap spear

     a spear made of junk! A long pool with something sharp on it. Maybe a fork? Maybe a scary peice of metal??? WHO knows! 


  • Cost: 250 scrap, 10 lead, 20 wood, 5 tape. Increase per level(Model/icon is from rust)

    Scrap knife: a sharp peice of metal good for cutting meat or into meat (warning might contain lead) 


  • Cost: 125 iron, 10 lead, 10 wood and 5 tape. (INCREASE IN PRICE PER LEVEL AND MODEL MADE BY Snufkin’s Scrap Tools) 7-days-to-die-snufkins-scrap-tools-additional-screenshot-3.jpg

    Weighted boxing gloves: 

    A makeshift set of boxing gloves too protect the hands and bash zombie heads in. Reinforced with metal bracing and lead plates! Theses hit much harder then knuckle wraps! 



  • Cost: 10 leather, 5 tape, 150 iron, 20 lead. (Cost increases per level, model from fallout 76)tETq9gO~2.jpg

Iron reinforced club: Ohhh have we missed you! Like the old club. Its a stick with metal bracings and other parts. Now weighed with lead! Go smashing! 


  • cost: 250 iron, 20 lead, 5 tape, 30 wood. (Cost increases per level) ClubIron.png


Building tiers:
one extra one being added to help slow down your building rate, because it is really cheap to upgrade from stone to concrete really quicky


Scrap iron is the middle for Stone and cement, it makes sense because iron is good for stable buildings, and makes sense for the concrete as sort of the rebar! 

it has 2,500 HP vs the 1,500 Hp the stone has. and concrete will have 5,000


Early game armor:
the new system is good but for early game there is nothing too help you when you invest into armor related perks early
Armor books are now in sections
Clothing weekly: (light armor)
Athletes training gear guide (mid armor)
Powerlifters guide (Heavy armor 



Primitive Hide armor is your early game mid armor, made from wood, Fiber, cloth, Leather. the price only increases per level

It provides more protection, but keeps you warmer, it makes more sound, and uses more stamina. NO Effects on wearing

Primitive Scrap: metal, leather, tape, cloth and fiber is the cost to make this heavy hunk of junk. it provides better protection then both but its equally heavy to the raider armor but gives much less protection, massive stamina uses AND provides no weather protection. but hey your protected and that bucket looks nice!  its the most expensive early game armor and provides no effects




Edited by Adam the Waster (see edit history)
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Although another tier of weapons might be nice, they won't do that before gold (actual gold, not 1.0).  Maybe there will be a DLC offering that later.


I think I would rather have a higher tier rather than a low tier, though.  Yeah, scrap could look great but that is really all it has going for it.

Edited by Riamus (see edit history)
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7 minutes ago, Riamus said:

Although another tier of weapons might be nice, they won't do that before gold (actual gold, not 1.0).  Maybe there will be a DLC offering that later.


I think I would rather have a higher tier rather than a low tier, though.  Yeah, scrap could look great but that is really all it has going for it.

I'll just say reuse the assets from 7 Days blood moons that's where I got the three pictures from I know there's a picture of a scrap spear somewhere but I don't know where it is it's probably on Twitter but I don't want to dig around for it

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  • Adam the Waster changed the title to Progression slowing even more, Scrap, armor, books,
On 6/21/2024 at 7:09 PM, Adam the Waster said:

Early game armor:
the new system is good but for early game there is nothing too help you when you invest into armor related perks early
Armor books are now in sections
Clothing weekly: (light armor)
Athletes training gear guide (mid armor)
Powerlifters guide (Heavy armor)



FYI, the perks don't improve your chance to find armor crafting magazines.  Increasing attributes increase the probability of armor crafting magazines.  The armor perks just increase chance of finding armor pieces.  So as you progress further down the attribute trees, your chances of finding crafting magazines is going to increase significantly (it's set at 1 increase per level - up to 10.  Not sure if you can go above a 10 increase in loot probability (i.e. max out multiple attributes).  This should speed up finding armor crafting magazines in game (based on my previous experiences).


The only other thing that armor perks affect (AFAIK at this moment) is reduction in degradation over time.  My bad, I didn't read the entire tool tip.  It also reduces stamina and noise if you perk into the armor perks.

Edited by BFT2020
Read the entire tool tip next time! (see edit history)
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3 hours ago, BFT2020 said:


FYI, the perks don't improve your chance to find armor crafting magazines.  Increasing attributes increase the probability of armor crafting magazines.  The armor perks just increase chance of finding armor pieces.  So as you progress further down the attribute trees, your chances of finding crafting magazines is going to increase significantly (it's set at 1 increase per level - up to 10.  Not sure if you can go above a 10 increase in loot probability (i.e. max out multiple attributes).  This should speed up finding armor crafting magazines in game (based on my previous experiences).


The only other thing that armor perks affect (AFAIK at this moment) is reduction in degradation over time.  My bad, I didn't read the entire tool tip.  It also reduces stamina and noise if you perk into the armor perks.

Thanks for letting me know.  How do you progress your level of armor

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I'm finding a ton of armor magazines.  I think I have more of those than cooking magazines, which is kind of crazy.  But I'm still just into day 3 and haven't found enough magazines to make a workbench so that I could actually craft armor.  To be fair, I don't out points into perks to increase my chances of getting those magazines.

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3 minutes ago, Riamus said:

I'm finding a ton of armor magazines.  I think I have more of those than cooking magazines, which is kind of crazy.  But I'm still just into day 3 and haven't found enough magazines to make a workbench so that I could actually craft armor.  To be fair, I don't out points into perks to increase my chances of getting those magazines.

You really should it helps greatly get the lock picking also helps

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Just now, Adam the Waster said:

You really should it helps greatly get the lock picking also helps

I'm not in a rush.  There are other magazines I want more and don't want to dilute them by perking into all that early game.  The downside of the magazine system.

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On 6/25/2024 at 5:53 PM, Riamus said:

I'm not in a rush.  There are other magazines I want more and don't want to dilute them by perking into all that early game.  The downside of the magazine system.


FYI, while true, that is just one way to approach it.


I noticed this post earlier, but didn't have the time to nerd out until today and run the numbers to confirm my bias  🤓


While perking into only a few of the crafting trees will increase the chances of those magazines popping up, adding more points overall increases the chances of you getting a magazine you want rather than one you don't want.  It's not a huge difference, but it is there.  Using my current playthrough, I looked at the weapon perks I went into along with the advanced engineering perks / cooking (and perking into lockpicking) - My chance of getting a handgun magazine goes down from 14.29% to 13.21% (so basically a 1% less chance), but for all of these magazines I am working on, it goes up from 75.51% chance of getting what I am looking for to 77.36%  😉


But I don't let magazine chances drive my perks.  I choose the combat ones for the boost in combat efficiency and the advanced engineering / cooking / lockpicking for the time reductions / resource reductions.

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