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(UPDATED) Why I don't like "Learning by Reading"

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I took some time to customize the game to my liking. And now I have the experience I would have wanted to have originally. Again I don't understand why you couldn't have a separate menu for customizing everything, I have a complaint about editing XML configurations. But I think it's better, as many things can be crammed into one line without rewriting vanilla parameters as it would obviously conflict. I do expect TFP in UI Overhaul to emphasize this as I don't think it's convenient to write modifications independently to change a couple of values.


I think it is possible to create a script that will scan vanilla .xml files of configurations. So you can quickly convert them into an "xpath" function. I was thinking about doing this so I could torture ChatGPT about it. I absolutely suck at coding though, so hopefully my request will be of interest to someone.


If we take the easiest way in the form of changing parameters in the /config folder itself. When reinstalling/checking the game for integrity these configurations will be erased. By inserting it into the /mods folder, I can copy the backup to my GoogleDrive. So I won't have to do it all over again (unless of course TFP changes some mechanics which means I have to update mods or rewrite some values again). Although they update the game very rarely so that's the least of the problems. During this time you can enjoy the game enough.

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  • Accurate ADS and No Crosshair, Speaks for itself, removes the interfering sight from the gun's front sight
  • Alter_CropPickupBonus, Allows you to pick up plants without having to spend stamina on hand swings.
  • Craft Rebalance, I haven't been able to change the values of craft items yet. I left it for later, I didn't really bother with vanilla craft values, except for the lack of some things.
  • Dewtas-Better-Backback, Since the game doesn't provide enough room for massive sorties. Installed this mod, also makes the interface smaller so it looks nicer on a 1080p monitor.
  • FastCrafting, Removes the timer from crafting, I'm not happy with the craft time which can quietly go up to 2 hours of real time, and higher.
  • fastgrowth, Changes the growing time if I'm going to do a large farm plot. True with farm plot crafting I need to reduce the value of decomposing meat. After all, we can't get it from zombies (unless it's a decoration). And personally I had serious problems with its extraction and crafting.
  • Fov Changer, Banal QoL, I'm the kind of person who plays Minecraft on Quake Pro and has no idea how people can play with a FOV of 90.
  • Less Magazines, Greatly simplifies progression by adding points to those logs that have 50/75/100 divisions. 50/75 add 2 points of progress. 100 adds 3 points of progress.
  • More Zombies, Typical increase in difficulty by quantity. Also makes it much easier to increase experience by (higher threat, higher reward).
  • OcbElectricityWorkarounds, QoL modification fixing some bugs with electronics. Including powering several triggers simultaneously without having to turn on the first trigger on the line.
  • ShowRemainingToClear, QoL modification showing how much is left to kill. Especially useful in Tier 4/5.
  • VehicleSpeedIncrease, A trivial speed boost to all transportation, I play on a maxed out RWG world, and vanilla speed is very much at odds with real transportation. The exception might be a motorbike.
  • WMMShowBloodmoonDayOnCompass, also a banal QoL
  • 0xSteel-QuestsResetOption, Re-rolls missions if you have completed all missions, or have a pool of missions that you really don't want to go through. For example cleanup + fetch or power restoration
  • ALPHA 21 24 7 TRADER, Makes traders open always, in this game either you play with the trader always. Or you cut his spawning to the root
  • Alter_FastTravel, I made it move free (helicopter man requires 1000 dukes as default). Moves from trader to trader. Very convenient feature.
  • cuyd_weather_mod, removes annoying weather conditions that don't give the player close visibility
  • Dewtas-Crafting-QOL, adds craftable consumables like acid, parts for weapons, or dye for equipment. And cloth, oil shale, and mechanical/electrical/polymer parts.
  • Faster Faster Run Speed, is also relevant together with large RWG maps, and greatly diversifies the dynamics of the game together with fast zombies
  • feel-skill_points, Changed the receiving to 2 points, for me it's very critical. And I think that this value is ideal for vanilla game.
  • Less Resources for Upgrading Blocks, for normal block upgrades are reduced to 3 in all material types.
  • NoScreamers, Takes away the annoying Zombie NPC that shows up everywhere when not needed, I really think his mechanics should be overhauled.
  • PickLockedDoors, A thing I've been asking since the beginning. Can't characters open doors with a lockpick if it available in the game?
  • TierIV-V-ClearAFew, Removes the need for a perfect sweep, especially relevant when the situation happens that you can not find the last zombie.
  • WireLength, Increases the length of the wires (I set the maximum number). Since it is not realistic to put relays every 15 blocks in order to create wiring in voluminous rooms. Relays are not designed to simply "improve the spacing" of wires.
  • Less Electric Usage, changes the value of electronic things that significantly affect the load when we have 300W available. Motion Sensor up to 1W. All common triggers like plates, switches, relays have no consumption. All light bulbs have a consumption of 5W


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7 hours ago, Unamelable said:

I think it is possible to create a script that will scan vanilla .xml files of configurations. So you can quickly convert them into an "xpath" function. I was thinking about doing this so I could torture ChatGPT about it. I absolutely suck at coding though, so hopefully my request will be of interest to someone.


Isn't this "Mod Gen" by Pseudo Posse? I recall watching a video about it, but I haven't used it.




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9 hours ago, Unamelable said:
  • Accurate ADS and No Crosshair, Speaks for itself, removes the interfering sight from the gun's front sightLove the front sight
  • Alter_CropPickupBonus, Allows you to pick up plants without having to spend stamina on hand swings.  Too unrealistic, Hand swings are the way
  • Dewtas-Better-Backback, Since the game doesn't provide enough room for massive sorties. Installed this mod, also makes the interface smaller so it looks nicer on a 1080p monitor.  Inventory management is so fun and a big part of what to carry.
  • FastCrafting, Removes the timer from crafting, I'm not happy with the craft time which can quietly go up to 2 hours of real time, and higher.  Might as well as just spawn the stuff in at this point.
  • Fov Changer, Banal QoL, I'm the kind of person who plays Minecraft on Quake Pro and has no idea how people can play with a FOV of 90.  Field of view 90 FTW
  • Less Magazines, Greatly simplifies progression by adding points to those logs that have 50/75/100 divisions. 50/75 add 2 points of progress. 100 adds 3 points of progress.  Now how will I fill my bookshelf?
  • ShowRemainingToClear, QoL modification showing how much is left to kill. Especially useful in Tier 4/5.  I like to hunt zombies though. Need to remove those red dots from the compass-They are easy mode
  • 0xSteel-QuestsResetOption, Re-rolls missions if you have completed all missions, or have a pool of missions that you really don't want to go through. For example cleanup + fetch or power restoration  Might as well just make it so you can pick the quest and POI at that point
  • ALPHA 21 24 7 TRADER, Makes traders open always, in this game either you play with the trader always. Or you cut his spawning to the root. Cause there is no room for anything in the middle.
  • cuyd_weather_mod, removes annoying weather conditions that don't give the player close visibility. There goes that Eerie feeling. No more zombies sneaking up on you. Sounds Fun /S
  • Faster Faster Run Speed, is also relevant together with large RWG maps, and greatly diversifies the dynamics of the game together with fast zombies  Damn you mega crush!!!
  • feel-skill_points, Changed the receiving to 2 points, for me it's very critical. And I think that this value is ideal for vanilla game. Speed Run for all
  • Less Resources for Upgrading Blocks, for normal block upgrades are reduced to 3 in all material types.  All future block upgrades are done with sand, Plentiful and irritating
  • NoScreamers, Takes away the annoying Zombie NPC that shows up everywhere when not needed, I really think his mechanics should be overhauled.  Can't have a sexy screamer party with out them
  • PickLockedDoors, A thing I've been asking since the beginning. Can't characters open doors with a lockpick if it available in the game?  Sliding deadbolt on the other side-Pick that
  • TierIV-V-ClearAFew, Removes the need for a perfect sweep, especially relevant when the situation happens that you can not find the last zombie. Can we get a button that just kills all zombies when you start a quest?  Manually doing it was so 2013
  • Less Electric Usage, changes the value of electronic things that significantly affect the load when we have 300W available. Motion Sensor up to 1W. All common triggers like plates, switches, relays have no consumption. All light bulbs have a consumption of 5W  Bet this guy has a neighbor that has a higher then normal electric bill from poaching




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