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Please please PLEASE - can we get a toggle key or option for Sprint/Turbo?


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In the past there have been complaints about the cramps incurred holding down shift for extended periods of time. You can remap the key, but the fundamental issue will always remain.


But in testing over the past little while, I've really noticed that on vehicles the continuous turbo disrupts the input of other keystrokes. Keyboard turning is slowed, intermittent or lags, and functional keys like the headlights cannot be activated (if also mapped to a keyboard key). It's most noticeable on the 4x4.


This is more than just a convenience or ergonomic issue; it's a legitimate input problem. It also seems kind of absurd to not have a simple function which has existed in many First/Third Person games for decades.



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I agree that a toggle would be good.  But I think any issue you have with keys not working is likely on your end.  I can hold shift and drive all over and still turn without issue, toggle headlights, honk, do a wheelie on a 2-wheel vehicle, etc.  This applies even with a 4x4 (minus the wheelie).  If your keyboard is wireless, that might affect it, or it may be a driver problem.

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This is one mod that I add to my "vanilla" game:


Vehicle Cruise Control – 7 Days to Die Mods


It's tiny, it works great, it allows me to play the game properly without pain. Pinky-shift hurts too much. 


It has a 3-position toggle and propels you from a full stop without using the drive button (W) at all. 


It does have a bit of UI overlap where it blocks the XP pop-up, but it's only an issue when killing with the vehicle. I can live with that.


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I have these in a 7d2d AutoHotkey file (7d2d.ahk):


When AutoHotkey is active using this configuration. ALT-R makes AutoHotkey send a "button down" event for the W key, but no corresponding "button up" event. So my avatar will move forward until I press and release the W key. I can hold/release shift for running if I want.


ALT-M on the other hand sends a Left Mouse Button down event with no up event. So it will basically swing my axe, pick, whatever until I press and release the left mouse button. I can start my stone axe on a safe and stand up, stretch, take a break until either the safe breaks or the axe does.


#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

#IfWinActive, 7 Days To Die

; ALT-R is autorun. W to stop.
Send {w up}{w down}

; ALT-M - Hold Down Left Mouse Button
Click, Down


Edited by zztong (see edit history)
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