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Items in the inventory cannot be moved, dropped, or viewed.


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We have rented a server at: https://7d2d.net/
After installing the mod and starting the server. There are a number of red error lines appearing. We still enter the game normally. However, items once looted and in the backpack cannot be moved, viewed, or thrown away. I went to the server and copied the logs. Hope to help.
(I tried playing in 1-player mode, the game works normally)

Log file: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KvIIVw5pPxw2CpDiRsxaQPswxLHmXxa8uKdrZFw1Cdc/edit?usp=sharing

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Yeah your mods are not loading correctly.. Since they are dll files, these mods have changes to the source code.  Since they are not being applied correctly, your game won't work correctly with the mods added.


2023-09-22T00:06:40 2.780 INF [MODS] Found ModAPI in RandomMainmenuBackground.dll, creating instance

2023-09-22T00:06:40 2.782 ERR [MODS] Failed initializing ModAPI instance on mod 'RandomMainmenuBackground' from DLL 'RandomMainmenuBackground.dll'



2023-09-22T00:06:41 3.609 INF [MODS] Initialized code in mod 'The_Wasteland' from DLL 'Wasteland.dll'

2023-09-22T00:06:41 3.609 INF [MODS] Found ModAPI in Wasteland.dll, creating instance

2023-09-22T00:06:41 3.609 ERR [MODS] Failed initializing ModAPI instance on mod 'The_Wasteland' from DLL 'Wasteland.dll'



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