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If it's not a Chinese assault rifle, I'm not interested


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So I started a new game and for some reason I'm picking up the assault rifle magazine. Forget the name. Must have looted 10 or 15 of them.


Odd how this sort of thing happens. There's always something in unusual abundance with each new game.  I also have two 9mm pistols on day two. How often does that happen?


I will never forget the epic journey I took from Megaton to Washington DC with my Chinese assault rifle. I will accept nothing less.

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My last play through I didn't find a single toilet pistol by day 14. My current one I found two toilet pistols in a row on day 1. I 100% agree. Seems like every survival game I play has 1 item per wipe that is either near impossible to find or way too much of.

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7 days to die has some special coding thet only permits an item to drop after you ahve already obtained one through a difficult means... a quest, or near death experience in the wasteland. then once you have that beaker or what ever. you can get a box full.

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