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Current life value

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To put it simply, I need to know how to change ,,current life value'' ( located in player stats below ,,longest life''}. I died and I already managed to fix days alive and gamestage issues  but this I can't handle... Can you find it in save file maby? And if so what should I search for? Pls help me guys. I have hex editor and note pad++ just in case someone would ask. Btw sry for possible grammar errors :D

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This is by no means a guaranteed way of finding the value you want, but I have found other values like this in the past.


If you open the .ttp file in a hex editor and search for the value you want to change converted to minutes, using an integer number search and not a default hex search (HxD has a tab for this, I assume other hex editors will also), you should find the value as a 16 bit int.


There are no headers or anything, so depending on the number it can be a lot of trial and error. I just had a look at my latest game and found one value that looked like it could be my current life, but could not find one to match my longest life, so ye, very hit and miss, but hopefully gives you some idea where to look at least.

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6 minutes ago, warmer said:

Because it could potential be useful for my own game, or as the above stated, there could be an easier way to achieve this than using a hex editor. hence the reason I asked.


Apologies, I mistook your question as hostile. Good luck!

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