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Buried supply stashes from quests generate worse and less loot as the tiers progress.


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Summary: Buried supplies generate less and worse loot as the tiers progress in quest difficulty.

Game Version: A21 b324

OS/Version: Windows 10

CPU Model: Intel i9 10850k

System Memory: 32GB

GPU Model and VRAM: Radeon RX 6700XT 12GB, not relevant

Screen Resolution: 2560x1440, not relevant

Video Settings: High-ultra, not relevant

Game mode: Singleplayer


Did you wipe old saves? Yes


Did you start a new game? Yes


Did you validate your files? Yes


Are you using any mods? No


EAC on or off? Off


Status: NEW


Bug Description:



Doing a tier 1 buried supply gives BETTER loot than a tier 2 buried supply, and a tier 2 buried supply gives better loot than a tier 3.


Detailed steps to reproduce the bug:

1) Do a tier 1 buried supply and complete it

2) Do a tier 2 buried supply and complete it

3) Do a tier 3 buried supply and complete it

4) Compare the loot from each one.


Actual result: Completing a tier 1 buried supply, ALWAYS gives food of high quality with an item such as: blueberry pie, meat stew, hobo stew, or gumbo stew, along with a stone or pipe weapon). Meanwhile a tier 2, DOESN'T give food, stone weapons, or stone tools. Instead a tier 2 may give a crafting book, and storage pocket modifications. Then comes the tier 3, where you don't get food, or schematics, or modifications, just pipe weapons. My latest tier 1 gave me a can of peas, blueberry pie, can of pasta, sledgehammer crafting book, and a Q2 pipe rifle, The tier 2 gave me a crafting book for sledges, double storage pocket mod, and a Q2 stone axe. Finally, the tier 3 gave me a Q2 stone sledgehammer and a Q2 pipe rifle. So I can only assume a tier 4 would only give 1 or 2 pipe and stone weapons.




Expected result: Tier 1 buried supplies to contain less and worse loot than tier 2 buried supplies, tier 2 buried supplies containing what tier 1s do, with extras, and tier 3 buried supplies containing what tier 1s and 2s would contain with extras, etc. As it progresses in tiers.

Edited by Darklegend222 (see edit history)
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