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A collection of suggested QoL improvements from a long time player


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I've copied this from my reddit post, was told to put this on official forums to get it noticed. i tried to get the formatting the same here as there. hopefully it looks good.


Okay so let me start off with saying I love this game. I have 600 hours in the game as of this post. and while I'm sure some of you have thousands, 600 is high for any given game for me. it means I've been coming back over and over for years (late 2016 in this case).

I've started making a habit of writing down issues, bugs, minor improvements, etc… to games I play. 7 days was the longest by far so it felt like it warranted a post somewhere for devs or players alike. That's all for context and to say that this isn't some salt post.

Most of these are minor QoL additions to different areas of the game with a few changes that would break up balance or occasionally how parts of the game play which I'll try to separate from the rest down below since I'm sure some people will disagree with me and the point of this post is game health, not changing how the game feels


Small, (and hopefully) easy Quality of Life changes


  • Consistent key bindings for crafting, modifying, and scrapping

    • Some modifying hotkeys are overwritten by wearing the item or when in a modify menu already or if they're in a container. Stuff like that.

  • Crosshair should disappear when aiming down sights with the reflex sight

  • The parkour perk should be hold to jump to full height, a tap being a normal jump, and you stop going up when you stop holding your jump hotkey

    • At the moment you can only keep your maximum height longer if you hold it

      • Also at least an option to disable auto-stopping your full jump height when next to a block

  • Hotkey for either:

    • Vehicle inventory and refueling

      • OR

    • a vehicle interact hotkey that instantly pulls up the radial menu

  • Hotkey for the existing quick stack button in game currently

  • Hotbar feature where if you press 1-0 while hovered over an item it goes to that slot in your hotbar

    • And pressing 1-0 on an empty slot in your inventory puts whatever is in that respective slot in that empty slot

  • Holding shift and left click auto transfers any item your mouse hovers over

    • Meaning you could just hold those down and drag your cursor over many items at once

  • Allow repairing something the player is wearing

  • Get rid of the smoke from the lever action that blocks the whole screen after shooting

    • Also as a side note, there's a bug with the smoke too at the bottom of the post

  • Let me refuel with gas already in a vehicle's storage

    • So I don't have to take the gas out, refuel, and put it back in

  • When scrapping items with mods or dyes equipped, add those to your inventory instead of deleting them

    • Or at least make this an option in the settings

  • Show what day and time each of your saves are on

  • Hitting cook or craft in a workbench that requires fuel should automatically place the minimum amount required to make the items you're trying to craft

    • Probably automatically grabbing wood or coal

    • Perhaps just a prompt, asking what fuel already in your inventory you'd like to use


Bigger features or Quality of life changes


  • Ability to connect natural blocks like dirt to unnatural blocks like frames

    • please add some "smoothing tool" or function for the sake of our bases

  • Lever action reload that actually reloads the amount missing from the tube

  • Aggressive culling for performance gain in big cities

    • If I'm indoors and there are no windows present I'd expect a decent FPS boost. Of course I don't know the engine or what goes into this, I've mainly seen this done in Minecraft and especially with Minecraft mods.

  • First person/floor models for all food and useable items like helmet flashlights

  • Paint options for the storage boxes that symbolize clothing, armor, furniture, raw materials, and miscellaneous

  • Copy rotation option for shapes

  • Leaving in the middle of lockpicking attempt shouldn't break your lockpick

    • Instead it should reset you to where you were when you started using that pick

  • Some official art loading screens to go with some in game loading screens would be very fun


Balance changing features or fixes


  • Fix zombies snapping to a new position and immediately attacking

    • Ex: a zombie is 90% done standing up and then goes to a crawling position in .2 seconds and is midway attacking

    • The animation should probably be smoother and slightly longer so it feels less like neo dodging bullets

  • Some low and mid tier semi-auto rifles to work your way up to the lever action

    • Right now you just have 1 shot till reload rifles and then the lever action

      • Even just if single shot mods turned machine guns into rifles would work

  • An active bedroll in a POI should stop all spawns from happening in that POI

    • Maybe this as a world setting?

  • Lever action should have a tube extender mod like pump shotguns have

  • If would be fun if zombies were able to tumble out of half broken doors

    • Like a % chance they fall through or something

  • Rifles perk magazine #1 should just get extra damage like every other weapon, not requiring a scope

    • Because some of us don't want to use scopes on rifles, especially with the addition of the lever action


Significant breakoffs from the current game state


  • Melee weapons shouldn't be the delayed close range, super accurate, hit-scan thing they are now

    • They should have a whole arc they swing in that matches the animations and an apex of the swing that they do the most damage in

      • Then weapons like axes could have cleave where they don't stop on the first target they hit and they have less reduced damage for hitting enemies before or after their apex

  • ADS without a scope shouldn't cost stamina

    • That's what bullet management is for, melee is limited by stamina and guns should be limited by ammo count and durability

  • All base stats should be unique, do more than headshot and dismemberment bonuses. For example, stuff like:

    • Agility gives 1% speed per rank

    • Strength gives 1 carry capacity per rank

      • and strong back could give the rest and then at 4 and 5 maybe even extra backpack slots

    • Perception adds 1% chance to do 50% extra damage (additive, not multiplicative)

      • Adding up to 10% and 100% respectively

    • Fortitude gives 3% more HP and 1% more stamina per rank

    • Intelligence gives 2% more learned from magazines per rank and 1.5% cheaper crafting recipes per rank

      • (saved as decimals per magazine read, applies only on integer change)

      • maybe just the weapon perks should give dismember and headshot damage


Settings additions and changes


  • FPS cap setting

  • Fps cap in main menu to reduce hardware strain

  • Unfocused FPS cap option

    • Ex: when tabbed out you only run at 10 fps or so

  • Higher maximum FoV on FoV slider

    • Ideally up to 100-110

  • Aim acceleration should NOT be default.

    • No mouse acceleration ever should be imo

  • More audio volume sliders

    • UI sound effects slider

    • in game sound effects

    • ambient sounds slider


Bug fixes


  • Zombie parts, especially the head, often clip into the floor or wall after knocked down

  • Steel spear has no visible 1st person dye (this may just be because a21 is still experimental)

    • Idk if it has a third person one or not

    • Same with ratchet

  • the smoke from a lever action rifle comes out ever time you take the weapon out if you switch to another weapon before it finishes its animation. I don't want the smoke in the first place, but this has almost gotten me killed a few times as i can't see anything upon taking the weapon out

Edited by Slinx
strikethrough on copy rotation as that already exists (see edit history)
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4 minutes ago, RhinoW said:

Good list! Also there's already a copy rotation option on the radial menu.

oh balls, somebody mentioned that on the reddit post and i did strikethrough on it, but it probably got lost when i cleared formatting or transferred it over. thank you!

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