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Saving POI before updating?


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I built a massive house in-game several months ago and I haven't exported it as a POI yet.  I'd like to install the new alpha, but I want to save my base first... I notice Steam updated something, so I want to make sure it's safe.  Before I risk anything, when I launch the game, will it still be A20?  I'm sure this is an elementary question, but I want to be very sure.  Thanks!

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By default, you _should_ still be in an A20 stable build. The A21 is still experimental, which is opt-in.


Unless you've gone and selected the beta branch latest_experimental. My steam on linux is showing [latest_experimental] (meaning A21) in the game name, if that's not there, you should be good.

Edited by theFlu (see edit history)
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5 hours ago, Prydonian said:

I built a massive house in-game several months ago and I haven't exported it as a POI yet.


Backup your A20 saved game. That gives you lots of options.


Right now, A20 is the default. A21 is only for those who opt-in to the experimental release. That will change in a bit, but I don't know when. When it does change, you can always revert back to A20 and pull your POI out of the saved game. Or, you could just export it now. Once you do, it will require some conversion to get it into A21, but that's not terrible.

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