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I definitely have less money now that's not a bad thing.


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By the time I'm halfway doing the tier four quests I generally have a stack of dukes. Now think I'm half there. 


I can't make money the way I used to by putting the mods I pick up that I don't want into the stuff that I look that I don't want and selling it to the trader. It's all junk that's better off scrapping but now I have a box full of mods I don't want.


The stuff that I sell are mostly books and magazines that don't bring in much money.


I'm accumulating dukes now because there's nothing worth buying. 


By now in A20 I would find motorcycle parts for sale or a whole motorcycle, a chemistry station, night vision goggles, and pistols and bows I would buy to scrap for parts.


This is a good thing on the whole because people shouldn't have so many dukes that they're melting them down for brass. 



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Interesting.  I find that I am still stacking dukes the same as in A20.  I've never been short on money in this game except near the beginning and I usually am not looking to buy anything then so it doesn't matter.  The closest to being out of money in this game is when I don't bring it with me and end up wanting it.  :)

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I've bought q5 Steel Knuckles, q5 M60, q5 Sniper, 18 water filters, and I still have ~45k dukes, and a bunch of stuff I haven't bothered to sell.  So, yeah, I'm not exactly having money problems, though I've certainly had more (when I was looking to buy solar...solar cells are freaking expensive.  I've seen one q3 in A21 so far, and it was 36k.)

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