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Trader duplicates...


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Maps generate with multiple of each trader. I find this kind of silly, and a bit immersion breaking (just my opinion). For instance, within 1K of each other in the RWG world we are using we have two Rekt and two Hugh. The duplicates share the progression of each other, but not the inventory.


This lets us double dip on supplies we can buy from each of these really easily. It makes buying what each one sells much easier (food, water, crafting books, ammo, weapons), to the point where we are never short on any of these things rather early in progression. Some may like that, and more power to you if you do. We do not.


Is there a setting or a change to files I can make to enforce only one of each trader spawning in a random world?



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I used to think the same way, but the fact that they share progression (but not inventory) leads me to conclude that they are not duplicate traders (i.e. twins/triplets/etc.), just multiple locations. It's theoretically the same person, just at a different location.


Now, this thought process does not really answer your question. There is no game setting to avoid duplicate traders and not aware of any mod that can change it. It is possible to go into the world gen files and remove any lines for duplicated traders in the POI list or replace it with a trader that didn't get generated. Pretty sure every trader compound has the same footprint, so it shouldn't cause any issues.

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With only 5 different traders, they need to allow duplicates in order to have enough traders for the map.  But you can always remove duplicates if you want from the prefabs.xml file before starting a new game on your map.  More control over RWG settings would be great and this could certainly be something added there.

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14 hours ago, Riamus said:

With only 5 different traders, they need to allow duplicates in order to have enough traders for the map.  But you can always remove duplicates if you want from the prefabs.xml file before starting a new game on your map.  More control over RWG settings would be great and this could certainly be something added there.

I can appreciate that. As a counter point: if there are one of each trader spawned around the map, and only one of each, and they are distributed around the whole map, then moving between traders, setting up bases as midway points, and other aspects become a bit more epic. Plus, literally having four trade posts within one kilometer of each other, but those four only being two types of traders (two Hugh and two Rekt) seems a bit silly to me. May just be me, but it feels kind of wrong for them to be teleporting between bases like that.

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2 hours ago, Gideon said:

I can appreciate that. As a counter point: if there are one of each trader spawned around the map, and only one of each, and they are distributed around the whole map, then moving between traders, setting up bases as midway points, and other aspects become a bit more epic. Plus, literally having four trade posts within one kilometer of each other, but those four only being two types of traders (two Hugh and two Rekt) seems a bit silly to me. May just be me, but it feels kind of wrong for them to be teleporting between bases like that.

Don't forget that maps don't have to be small.  A 16k map with only 5 traders would not be enjoyable to most players.  Like I said, a setting in RWG would be useful for those who want to control traders.

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