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Some testing with the quest rewards


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So ive been having issues with T4/5/6 Quest Rewards in my main game. Alot of conjecture about what is and isnt causing it. So this was tested, new character, new map, and god mode rushing pois just to accumulate rewards. As you can see things are normal up until T4 then they regress into worse than T2 rewards. Its not mods, its not old save data, its forseeably nothing other than B317.



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I have the opposite issue to op.

Day 12

Tier 5 steel shovel (No points in strength/tools)
Tier 3 steel axe (No points in strength/tools)
Tier 5 lever action rifle (THis makes sense as Im specced into rifles I guess)
Tier 6 pistol (No points in agility at the time I got this)

What I am though is fully specced into perception with 4/5 lucky looter.

These were ALL rewards from the trader.

Was playing with my friend who IS specced into Daring advenurer 4/5 (or is it 3/4) and the best she has is a tier 2 double barrel shotgun and a tier 2 bow.

She is SPACIFICALLY specced into strength/bats as well and is struggling to find enough books for bats to outpace the other books she finds. Also with enough points in Daring adventuer (And subsequently intelect itself) she has found a whopping 1 baton book....1.

Pretty sure lucky loter isn't supposed to be better than daring adventuer when it comes to getting rewards off traders.

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