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"Bodily energy" and Food/Drink consumption?


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Been playing for sometime, and I've noticed that 'the work you do' wither it be mining, looting, etc. although to a minute degree does effect how much food and water you need or how often you need to eat and drink.  With Alpha 21 it seems to have been stepped up about 3 fold.  Can anyone verify this?

While mining I need to eat and drink +5 times for an entire day (probably 8 and more water than food).  While doing quests, looting - its about +3 to 5 times I'll need to eat and drink a day; about the same rate as Alpha 19.5 no matter what you did.  I've also noticed that 'water usage' is way, way up.  I have it in my head that this was at least mentioned in the release notes back in Alpha 16, but don't know for sure and have never seen it change much or actually hardly since then.

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Yes, food and water usage increases the more you do.  Sprinting will use more than walking, mining will use more than sorting boxes, and so on.  I think it feels worse in A21 because water is harder to come by.  Food and drink usage may also have been increased, though I haven't really noticed it.


Even driving fast with a vehicle will use more.

Edited by Riamus (see edit history)
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Food useage is largely effected by missing health too. You burn food to heal, its why healing factor is generally a perk you DO NOT WANT because it'll burn thru your food like no tomorrow if you have it to heal yourself up. Food also is used up a tiny bit by stamina but stam regen is mostly a water cost. Its why you notice so much more water use than food when mining because your constantly draining your stamina. I do feel they increased food/water costs across the board though.

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I wouldn't say that you don't want that perk.  Maybe not in the first couple of days but food is so easy that it really isn't a big deal.  Even so, I don't normally take the perk until mid game just because there are better choices.

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