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Wyr3d's Mods - A21 Compatible


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Not Just the Standard Pace. i cant say if its affecting all terrain, but i did notice that i cannot sprint in Desert biome. burnt forest and wasteland seemed okay. i did notice the stutter mentioned above when in the Snow biome.
what i can say is i personally have not noticed any difference in movement speed nor do i see the property name "MovementFactor" in the vanilla code in A21.2. 

Edited by ALo (see edit history)
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question... im new to modding and such, but is there a way to change the amount of skill levels from 5 to 2 on my end?? id like to level skills faster but not THAT fast. o.O or would that require a whole new mod?

idk so i figured id ask 

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Posted (edited)

Added a new special modlet for reasons. Don't ask me why it is pending..



Not Just the Stand Pace..[chat about function etc]

- various

I have not really been playing 7 Days to Die as much lately, so I do not know for certain, but I would assume they did not change the game code for minor patches like these, so the drop in movement should be working as intended.

Speed: The difference in movement speed is not huge for the most part, so it's more a cumulative effect. The quickest way to test this would be to find a starting marker (a tree, sign post whatever) and run along a road until your stamina bar depletes, then do the same again along the grass verge. The distance should be shorter for the latter.

IRL there isn't a whole lot of difference between walking on the road, or walking on grass - the exception being if say there are patches of damp soil, or tall grass, or low scrub. The same pretty much applies in game. A lot of the terrains would not really hinder the character that much, so the difference is small - but it is there. This is why you notice it most on sand, and snow, where the ground is noticeably hard to walk in IRL.

Stuttering: Have you tested this with only NJTSP mod? Coz it may be some other mod you have running that is at fault here. I just can not fathom how the mod could cause this, but I would have to check to be sure.  I have checked, running just the mod, and have not noticed any stuttering. What you might actually be seeing is the stagger caused by changes in elevation (hills etc)  that is part of the vanilla game, it is possible this is more evident with the mod enabled, because you are moving slower. On a flat snow surface, there is no sign of any stutter, just slowed pace.

Or perhaps more likely it is down to some other mod you are using, your game settings, or your PC specs - iunno.



On 11/28/2023 at 5:12 PM, ALo said:

nor do i see the property name "MovementFactor" in the vanilla code

Iunno what to say, look harder? The mod works just fine, so it must be there somewhere right? (it is, by the way) lol 


On 1/6/2024 at 10:12 PM, SelvrinReturne said:

is there a way to change the amount of skill levels from 5 to 2 on my end?

Which mod are you referring to here? It's been a while.. I'm guessing you are referring to NJASL - since this changes book requires. So, um yeah, it should be possible to change the numberical value in the mod easily enough, if you know what you are doing. I don't use the mod myself (I'm fine with vanilla books) but it will involve swapping out a ton of 5 for 2 in your case. Have fun with that. :D

Edited by wyr3d
Less clutter this way :P (see edit history)
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been awhile since i looked at that. i never did get Standard Pace working for me.

im personally using not just imbalanced perks (works fine) and not just a cosmetic. the latter i made some significant changes to, if you are interested i can post them on dropbox. I basically added more stuff to the UI info, and made the cigar give a buying bonus and the facial piercings a selling bonus (since the vanilla method left them both doing the same thing). looks good and makes more sense now i think.

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5 minutes ago, ALo said:

been awhile since i looked at that. i never did get Standard Pace working for me.

im personally using not just imbalanced perks (works fine) and not just a cosmetic. the latter i made some significant changes to, if you are interested i can post them on dropbox. I basically added more stuff to the UI info, and made the cigar give a buying bonus and the facial piercings a selling bonus (since the vanilla method left them both doing the same thing). looks good and makes more sense now i think.

Like I said, NJTSP works fine so iunno if your issue was another mod or whatever I mentioned previously. Regarding NJAC, sure I can take a look at it. I knocked that mod up just coz I kept getting the damned things and they didn't do squat. I'm not sure if they have ripped them out again since or not (since I haven't been playing 7 Days to Die lately) but if it looks the part, I can update the mod to include your changes

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